Specify, which Version in a common Range should be choosen (.e.g.: oldest, 
newest, ...).

                 Key: MNG-3248
                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3248
             Project: Maven 2
          Issue Type: New Feature
          Components: Dependencies
    Affects Versions: 2.0.7
            Reporter: Christian Weber
            Priority: Minor

I want to propose Feature according the Policy of Choosing a specific Version 
in a common Range.

Assuming a Scenario as follows:

 |- LibA
     | - LibC [,]
 |- LibB
     | - LibC [,]

The common Range of the Version of LibC, that match both Requirements is 
With the standard Policy, the newest common Version is choosen, as far as i 
understand. So in the Scenario, LibC- is choosen.
It would be also useful to be able to instruct Maven to always choose the 
oldest common Version, so that in the Scenario, LibC- would be choosen 

This Way it is much more suitable for testing, because i can reproduce a 
specific Build, no matter how many new Version were released in the Meantime.
Let me explain, why i need this with Szenario 2:

 |- LibA
     | - LibC [,)
 |- LibB
     | - LibC [,)

Let's say, that i've tested my Programm AppA with LibC 2 Days ago and 
the Build was successfull.
One Day ago a new Version of LibC was released, Version
If i now start the same Build Process, it will most problably fail.
If Maven would would have always choosen the oldest common Version, the Build 
would have succeeded, assuming that i didn't change AppA.
This would be the Scenario of Testing a specific Build and deploying it some 
Days later.

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