
Cameron Jones updated MRELEASE-286:

    Attachment: sandbox-release-console.log

> Classpath errors during release:perform
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-286
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-286
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-6
>            Reporter: Cameron Jones
>            Priority: Blocker
>         Attachments: sandbox-release-console.log, 
> sandbox-release-perform.log, sandbox-release-prepare.log, sandbox.zip
> I have a standard web app project which consists of a core module, a web app 
> and some web services. In the project build i have some automated tasks setup 
> to create the client stub classes by starting a jetty web container, 
> deploying the web app, and then hitting the web service to access the 
> generated wsdl so it can create a stub library. This process works during a 
> standard 'install' goal and when running the 'release:prepare' goal, however 
> when running 'release:perform' i encounter some library conflicts which i can 
> only guess are as a result of a polluted class path.
> The specific error i get is that there is more than 1 commons-logging library 
> on the classpath. I know this is a common error but i have it sucessfully 
> working in the other goals and i've spent a lot of time making sure it's not 
> an actual commons-logging issue. Also, i've also seen 
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet errors as a 
> result of running the same config.
> Is there anything special about the way that the release:perform task manages 
> it's classpath? I notice that the perform task actually executes several 
> iterations of build during this phase, is it possible that the previous 
> iterations classpath is not isolated?
> To illustrate the issue i've created a test project which mimics the 
> functionality in my app and illustrates the issue. I've attached the project 
> to this jira and also the logs files from running release:prepare and 
> release:perform. Unfortunately the error in jetty is output to the console so 
> i've got that as a separate file.
> The test project has the following modules:
> pom.xml - Parent POM
> core/pom.xml - Core POM using commons-logging with no concrete loggers 
> packaged or as transitive dependencies
> web/pom.xml - Web App using commons loggins also with no concrete log 
> implementation (log4j is added explicity just for unit tests)
> test/pom.xml - Client stub generation module (sorry should have renamed to 
> something better).
> The client stub module starts jetty using cargo during the initialize phase 
> and deploy the web app. In the real app it would generate the stub classes 
> but in this example it just needs to depoy the app for the error to occur. 
> During the compile phase it shuts down jetty.
> To test i'm afraid you'll have to create a subversion repo for the app but 
> that should be pretty much it. You might need to reconfigue where the site is 
> deploy to as well. The only external property config should be the scm 
> connection details.

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