
Tamas Cservenak edited comment on MRESOLVER-634 at 2/1/25 7:50 PM:

I am removing this issue from Resolver 2.0.x, as I just realized that it is 
"not applicable" to it. Resolver 1.x has one update policy for remote 
repositories, while Resolver 2.x did _split the update policies_ and supports 
separate policy for artifacts and separate policy for metadata. See 

was (Author: cstamas):
I am removing this issue from Resolver 2.0.x, as I just realized that it is 
"not applicable" to it. Resolver 1.x has one policy remote repositories, while 
Resolver 2.x did _split the policies_ and support separate policy for artifacts 
and separate policy for metadata. See MRESOLVER-377

> updatePolicy is ignored for version-range metadata requests
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOLVER-634
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-634
>             Project: Maven Resolver
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Resolver
>    Affects Versions: 1.9.22
>         Environment: Maven 3.9.9, Fedora & MacOS
>            Reporter: Bas van Erp
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 1.9.23
> maven-metadata.xml is refetched for every dependency which uses 
> version-ranges if the {{resolver-status.properties}} file's "lastUpdated" 
> property is _before_ last midnight (local time, for some reason).
> It ignores all updatePolicy configs in settings.xml
> I have tried diving into the code, but as I'm not a programmer, I couldn't 
> really wrap my head around it.
> h2. Setup
>  * Have a {{settings.xml}} with {{<updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy>}} for 
> everything.
>  * Have a {{pom.xml}} with a dependency which uses a version-range.
>  * Run {{mvn validate}} to trigger the resolver and make sure all metadata 
> and dependencies are downloaded and the Maven cache is warmed up.
> h2. Correct
>  * Use [https://www.epochconverter.com/] to create a millisecond timestamp 
> for *today* (local-time): 00:00:01
>  * Replace the {{xxx.xml.lastUpdated=###}} timestamp in the 
> {{resolver-status.properties}} file of the dependency which is referenced in 
> the pom.xml
>  * Run {{mvn validate -X}} to trigger the resolver. It should return 
> something like: "Skipped remote request for x:y/maven-metadata.xml, locally 
> cached metadata up-to-date"
>  * Good
> h2. Wrong
>  * Use [https://www.epochconverter.com/] to create a millisecond timestamp 
> for *yesterday* (local-time): 23:59:59
>  * Replace the {{xxx.xml.lastUpdated=###}} timestamp in the 
> {{resolver-status.properties}} file of the dependency which is referenced in 
> the pom.xml
>  * Run {{mvn validate}} to trigger the resolver.
>  * The resolver will download the maven-metadata.xml again. Every day.
> h2. Impact
> We have some dependencies which use version ranges for a lot of transitive 
> dependencies, and I hate it for multiple reasons. But to add insult to 
> injury, every night the first build will refetch all these metadata files in 
> order to see if version resolution needs to change. ;)
> I have found no way to block this, since version-ranges seem to bypass 
> repository updatePolicy settings.

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