
Benjamin Marwell updated MDEP-972:
h2. Use case

Sometimes, the user might wish to keep the signatures for later validation, eg 
when creating a distribution.
h2. Compatibility

This feature can be enabled by system property. The default is off (for 

h2. Implementation details

Create a new option, Boolean. Default value is false.

Good name would be something like "copySignatures" or something with 
signatures. Make some suggestions.

Don't forget to add the system property name to the annotation, which could 
have the prefix "mdep.".

h2. Use case

Sometimes, the user might wish to keep the signatures for later validation, eg 
when creating a distribution.
h2. Compatibility

This feature can be enabled by system property. The default is off (for 



> copy-dependencies could copy signatures
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEP-972
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEP-972
>             Project: Maven Dependency Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: copy-dependencies
>            Reporter: Benjamin Marwell
>            Priority: Minor
> h2. Use case
> Sometimes, the user might wish to keep the signatures for later validation, 
> eg when creating a distribution.
> h2. Compatibility
> This feature can be enabled by system property. The default is off (for 
> compatibility).
> h2. Implementation details
> Create a new option, Boolean. Default value is false.
> Good name would be something like "copySignatures" or something with 
> signatures. Make some suggestions.
> Don't forget to add the system property name to the annotation, which could 
> have the prefix "mdep.".

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