olamy commented on code in PR #337:

@@ -221,14 +221,17 @@ protected static List<String> getExcludedPackages(
      * @return quoted option-argument
     protected static String quotedArgument(String value) {
+        if (value == null) {
+            return null;
+        }
         String arg = value;
+        List<String> list = 
+        arg = String.join("", list);

Review Comment:
   > try to avoid reusing variables as it's bug prone
   yup please look at the context of the code (the full code) yes it's not idea 
but it;s how the rest of the code is and I don't want to change everything this 
could be part of another PR if you like.
   > Also, this is combining lines with no space in between one line and the 
next. Is that what you want?

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