[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MCLEAN-117 ]

    Peter De Maeyer deleted comment on MCLEAN-117:

was (Author: peterdm):
I think there is another limitation. Looking at the code {{Cleaner.delete}}, 
{{fast}} mode together with {{includes/excludes}} has a performance impact. As 
soon as a file is excluded from a directory, it will cause the 
{{parentDir.delete}} to fail because the dir is obviously not empty, which will 
result in a {{System.gc()}} on Windows + 3 retries with back-off delays of 50 + 
250 + 750 milliseconds, only to fail 3 times over again for the same reason. 
Depending on {{failOnError}} this will actually fail the build or not, but in 
any case it will cause an unnecessary delay. This could be fixed, by rewriting 
the {{Cleaner}} to leverage {{Files.walkFileTree(Path, FileVisitor)}} + being 
smarter about when to (not) delete a directory. MCLEAN-126 won't fix it, but is 
a prerequisite first step towards improving this.

> Threading issue with fast=true on multi-module project.
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCLEAN-117
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MCLEAN-117
>             Project: Maven Clean Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.3.2
>            Reporter: Dan Mclaughlin
>            Priority: Major
> We recently moved to new Macbooks with the M3 Max and have started seeing 
> random failures where builds will fail trying to access files in target.  Our 
> project is a multi-module project with multiple sub-modules, with 50+ modules 
> in total. For example...
> pom.xml (parent)
> module1 (parent is root)
>    pom.xml
>    sub-module1 (parent is module1
>      pom.xml
>      sub-sub-module (parent is sub-module1)
>    sub-module2 (parent is module1)
>      pom.xml
> module2 (parent is root)
>    pom.xml
>    sub-module1 (parent is module1
>      pom.xml
>      sub-sub-module (parent is sub-module2)
>    sub-module2 (parent is module2)
>      pom.xml
> module3, 4, 5, etc...
> We build using -TC1, so on the M3 Max there are 16 threads used during the 
> build. 
> We didn't see this problem often running on our older laptops; we rarely saw 
> it on our Windows laptops because they only had 8 cores, but we would 
> occasionally see it on our Macbook Pro 2019 models with i9 8 core (16 with 
> hyperthreading).  Now that we are using the new M3 Max we can't get a build 
> to finish without failures.
> We see that things fail randomly when trying to access files in the target. 
> For example... 
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.1:analyze-only (analyze) 
> on project authservice-webapp: Cannot analyze dependencies: 
> /Users/username/workspace/trunk/common-resources/target/common-resources-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>  -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.1:copy-dependencies 
> (copy-dependencies) on project spatialdata-loader: Error copying artifact 
> from 
> /Users/username/workspace/trunk/spatialdata/ant-spring-runner/target/ant-spring-runner-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>  to 
> /Users/username/workspace//trunk/spatialdata/spatialdata-loader/target/lib/ant-spring-runner-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:
>  File 
> /Users/username/workspace/trunk/spatialdata/ant-spring-runner/target/ant-spring-runner-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>  does not exist -> 
> [Help 1]
> To debug it down to possibly a threading issue related to using fast with 
> maven-clean-plugin a tested the following...
> If I build using "mvn clean install" the build always fails and in random 
> places. 
> If I build with -T1 then the build never fails. It also doesn't fail with up 
> to -T7, but failures start at -T8 or -TC1. 
> If I run mvn clean first, then mvn install, then the build never fails. 
> If I build using "mvn clean install", but I disable fast, then the build 
> never fails. 
> This is our plugin configuration.  All I have to do is set fast to false, and 
> we won't see any of the random failures as I described above.  So it seems 
> like there is some threading issue with fast where files are being deleted.  
> {code:java}
> <plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>   <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
>   <version>${maven-clean-plugin.version}</version>
>   <configuration>
>     <filesets>
>       <fileset>
>         <directory>${project.basedir}</directory>
>         <followSymlinks>true</followSymlinks>
>         <useDefaultExcludes>true</useDefaultExcludes>
>         <includes>
>           <include>*.tgz</include>
>           <include>src/**/generated-sources/**</include>
>           <include>dist/**</include>
>           <include>app/scripts/beans/**</include>
>           <include>src/scripts/beans/**</include>
>           <!--                          <include>.tmp/</include>-->
>         </includes>
>       </fileset>
>     </filesets>
>     <verbose>false</verbose>
>     <failOnError>true</failOnError>
>     <retryOnError>true</retryOnError>
>     <fast>true</fast>
>     <fastDir>${project.build.directory}/.clean</fastDir>
>     <fastMode>background</fastMode>
>   </configuration>
> </plugin>{code}
> One place it will randomly fail is a sub-module like this...
> root
>   pom.xml
>      module A
>        pom.xml
>          sub-module 1
>             pom.xml
>          sub-module 2
>             pom.xml (sub-module 2 has a runtime dependency on module 
> A/sub-module 1)
> If I build module A by itself, then it never fails; it will build module A 
> and all of its sub-modules without failures. But if I build the project's 
> root, sub-module2 will almost always fails (90% of the time) when it tries to 
> copy its runtime dependency from sub-module1 because the jar is missing from 
> the target in sub-module1.  
> This is the related failure...
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.1:copy-dependencies 
> (copy-dependencies) on project sub-module2: Error copying artifact from 
> /Users/username/workspace/trunk/moduleA/sub-module1/target/sub-module1-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>  to 
> /Users/username/workspace/trunk/moduleA/sub-module2/target/lib/sub-module1-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:
>  File 
> /Users/username/workspace/trunk/moduleA/sub-module1/target/sub-module1-28.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>  does not exist
> It could very likely be a bug in the reactor, but given that simply changing 
> fast to false makes the problem go away, it seems to point the finger at the 
> maven-clean-plugin. 

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