
Tamas Cservenak commented on MNG-8184:


Check out RRF 
[https://maven.apache.org/resolver/remote-repository-filtering.html] and demo 

Also check out cli command itr MNG-7980

> GroupId pinning (supply chain security)
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-8184
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-8184
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Artifacts and Repositories
>            Reporter: Lars Bruun-Hansen
>            Priority: Major
> h2. The problem
> At the moment, adding an additional repository to a project's POM has 
> implications few Maven users realize.
> Maven adds the repository _prior_ in the lookup order to say Maven Central.
> This means:
>  * The new repository can now effectively "impersonate" anything in Maven 
> Central. This is obviously a huge security risk.
>  * Builds will now take longer time because Maven needs to check the newly 
> added repository too. And this is for every of your project's dependencies. 
> You better hope that the added repository responds quickly.
> In many, many projects it happens that an additional repository must be 
> added, either because the organization has an internal Maven Repository 
> Server or because the project need artifacts from some third-party Maven 
> Repository Server on the internet, like {{maven.oracle.com}} or whatever.
> h2. Proposed solution
> What I propose is somewhat inspired by a mechanism in NuGet known as [Package 
> Source 
> Mapping|https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/package-source-mapping].
> Specifically, I propose to add a groupId matching mechanism to the 
> {{<repository>}} element. Like this:
> {code:xml}
> <repository>
>     <name>Dubious Third Party</name>
>     <id>rogue</id>
>     <url>https://maven.wild-rover-rogue.com</url>
>     <groupIdMatchers>
>        <groupIdMatcher>com.wild-rover-rogue.*</groupIdMatcher>
>     </groupIdMatcher>
> </repository>
> {code}
> As the name suggest, it means the repository will only be considered in the 
> artifact discovery process if the {{groupId}} matches any of the configured 
> filters. The absence of any {{<groupIdMatcher>}} would mean the repository 
> will be considered for any groupId, as today.
> The proposal is a simple, yet effective way to massively strengthen the 
> supply chain security of a Maven build. Indeed, in the future the 
> recommendation should be to _always_ add {{<groupIdMatcher>}} when you add a 
> {{{}<repository>{}}}. It is difficult for me come up with a scenario where 
> you wouldn't be able to come up with good fitting filter values. Even for 
> your internal corporate Maven Repository Server you can most likely say 
> without hesitation what the filter value should be. It could look something 
> like this:
> {code:xml}
> <repository>
>     <!-- The organization's internal Maven Repo Server -->
>     <name>Internal Nexus</name>
>     <id>nexus</id>
>     <url>https://maven.carlsberg.internal/repository/releases</url>
>     <groupIdMatchers>
>        <groupIdMatcher>com.carlsberg.*</groupIdMatcher>
>        <groupIdMatcher>dk.jacobsen.*</groupIdMatcher>
>     </groupIdMatchers>
> </repository>
> {code}
> Imagine: IDE's can do checks for this and flag if you are missing to specify 
> {{{}<groupIdMatchers>{}}}. If you want the IDE to stop obsessing, you can add:
> {code:xml}
>     <groupIdMatchers>
>        <groupIdMatcher>*</groupIdMatcher>
>     </groupIdMatchers>
> {code}
> ... which gives the same effect as not specifying any {{<groupIdMatchers>}} 
> but which means you've actively given it consideration.
> As an added bonus, the proposal will also make builds go faster.
> Finally the proposal is backwards compatible. Unlike other suggestions that 
> has existed over time, such as changing the [default lookup 
> order|https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html#repository-order].
>  Prior proposals has suggested new features/switches that would prioritize 
> Maven Central, this proposal does the opposite: it instead effectively 
> de-prioritizes other repositories, making Maven Central the one that is 
> likely to be poked first.
> h2. The details
> The proposal applies to both {{<repository>}} and {{<pluginRepository>}} and 
> to the POM as well as the {{{}settings.xml{}}}, in short anywhere 
> repositories for artifact discovery are configured.
> The actual syntax of the filter value would have to be worked out. I propose 
> something very, simple, not a regexp, but a watered down glob where the only 
> supported wildcard is the '*' and only as a suffix. But that's because I'm 
> thinking it needs to be quick to evaluate. Perhaps not a concern?
> h2. Existing workarounds
> A known workaround is to re-state Maven Central in your POM _before_ your 
> third-party repos, like this:
> {code:xml}
> <repository>
>      <id>central</id>
>      <name>Central Repository</name>
>      <url>https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2</url>
>      ...
> </repository>
> <repository>
>     <name>Dubious Third Party</name>
>     <id>rogue</id>
>     <url>https://maven.wild-rover-rogue.com</url>
>     ...
> </repository>
> {code}
> This changes the lookup order, so that lookup is performed in {{central}} 
> before {{rogue}}.
> Obviously, this is less than ideal. Developers forget that they really (IMO) 
> always should be doing this. And they tend to get the exact definition of 
> what Maven Central should look like wrong.

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