
Piotr Zygielo edited comment on MNG-7194 at 6/9/24 8:49 PM:

Just wonder if this could be related to my unmet expectation I have with 
surefire and {{{}surefire.forkNumber{}}}.

{quote}The system properties and the argLine of the forked processes may 
contain the place holder string \{${surefire.forkNumber}}, which is replaced 
with a fixed number for each of the parallel forks
When I configure {{m-surefire-p}} with
Then {{p1}} system property (available in test) is set to empty string (it's 
not set during interpolation of parameters for plugin and 
{{SurefireHelper.replaceThreadNumberPlaceholders}} finds nothing to work with).
(While {color:#de350b}I expect(ed){color} the value {{N}} there.)

But when I use
(where {{_}} can be anything just to not leave {{{}${}}}-property reference 
Then {{p1}} system property is set to {{\_N\_}} as expected, as it's passed to 
SF as unchanged {{_${surefire.forkNumber}_}} and 
{{SurefireHelper.replaceThreadNumberPlaceholders}} is happy with that.

If those cases are linked - then perhaps if
{quote}It should be just pre?
is implemented, (would it cause {{__}} to be passed for my {{p1}} to SF?) it 
would probably need some changes in SF in such case.
(Or could be handled in SF in first place separately.)
I think.

was (Author: pzygielo):
Just wonder if this could be related to my unmet expectation I have with 
surefire and {{{}surefire.forkNumber{}}}.

{quote}The system properties and the argLine of the forked processes may 
contain the place holder string \{${surefire.forkNumber}}, which is replaced 
with a fixed number for each of the parallel forks
When I configure {{m-surefire-p}} with
Then {{p1}} system property (available in test) is set to empty string (it's 
not set during interpolation of parameters for plugin and 
{{SurefireHelper.replaceThreadNumberPlaceholders}} finds nothing to work with).
(While {color:#de350b}I expect(ed){color} the value {{N}} there.)

But when I use
(where {{_}} can be anything just to not leave {{{}${}}}-property reference 
Then {{p1}} system property is set to {{_N_}} as expected, as it's passed to SF 
as unchanged {{_${surefire.forkNumber}_}} and 
{{SurefireHelper.replaceThreadNumberPlaceholders}} is happy with that.

If those cases are linked - then perhaps if
{quote}It should be just pre?
is implemented, (would it cause {{__}} to be passed for my {{p1}} to SF?) it 
would probably need some changes in SF in such case.
(Or could be handled in SF in first place separately.)
I think.

> PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator incorrectly interpolates unknown 
> subexpression
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7194
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7194
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Inheritance and Interpolation
>            Reporter: Robert Scholte
>            Priority: Minor
> The PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator evaluate(String,Class)-method ends 
> like this:
> {code:java}
>         if ( value instanceof String )
>         {
>             // TODO: without #, this could just be an evaluate call...
>             String val = (String) value;
>             int exprStartDelimiter = val.indexOf( "${" );
>             if ( exprStartDelimiter >= 0 )
>             {
>                 if ( exprStartDelimiter > 0 )
>                 {
>                     value = val.substring( 0, exprStartDelimiter ) + 
> evaluate( val.substring( exprStartDelimiter ) );
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                     value = evaluate( val.substring( exprStartDelimiter ) );
>                 }
>             }
>         }
> {code}
> Assume that pre${unknown} needs to be evaluated and {{unknown}} does not 
> exist, the result well be "{{prenull}}"
> Just ${unknown} evaluates to null, but because there's no String concat it 
> will be a real null.

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