Michaël created MDEPLOY-318:

             Summary: version 3.1.2 is uploading jar files to pom endpoints
                 Key: MDEPLOY-318
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEPLOY-318
             Project: Maven Deploy Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 3.1.2
         Environment: spring-boot, gitlab / nexus
            Reporter: Michaël

hi, i'm using spring-boot, and upon updating to 3.2.6 i noticed that my parent 
poms were uploaded corrupted.
 * the same parent pom is correct in 3.2.5
 * the parent pom is correct before publishing in the pipeline (manually 
checked the target folder).
 * after publishing i see binary stuff as pom (guess: zipped binary content)
 * setting the maven-deploy-plugin.version in the project to 3.1.1 solves the 

in the spring-boot project i created an issue about this (see external issue 
link) and found another similar issue with a functional workaround.

we think the're an issue with the deployment endpoints in version 3.1.2



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