
Philippe GRANET updated MWRAPPER-142:
The contents of the {{settings.xml}} can be interpolated using the following 
 # {{{}$\{user.home{}}}} and all other system properties _(since Maven 3.0)_
 # {{{}$\{env.HOME{}}}} etc. for environment variables

I try the same with _.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.properties,_ but actually, if 
you put this conf in maven-wrapper.properties :
it generate this error:
wget: Failed to fetch 
{{ARTIFACTORY_URL env variable is not replaced}}

The contents of the {{settings.xml}} can be interpolated using the following 
 # {{{}$\{user.home{}}}} and all other system properties _(since Maven 3.0)_
 # {{{}$\{env.HOME{}}}} etc. for environment variables

I try the same with _.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.properties,_ but actually, if 
you put this conf in maven-wrapper.properties :

it generate this error:}}
wget: Failed to fetch 
{{ARTIFACTORY_URL env variable is not replaced}}


> distributionUrl could be interpolated with env variables
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MWRAPPER-142
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MWRAPPER-142
>             Project: Maven Wrapper
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Philippe GRANET
>            Priority: Major
> The contents of the {{settings.xml}} can be interpolated using the following 
> expressions:
>  # {{{}$\{user.home{}}}} and all other system properties _(since Maven 3.0)_
>  # {{{}$\{env.HOME{}}}} etc. for environment variables
> I try the same with _.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.properties,_ but actually, if 
> you put this conf in maven-wrapper.properties :
> {code:java}
> distributionUrl=https://${ARTIFACTORY_URL}/artifactory/remote-maven-central/org/apache/maven/apache-maven/3.9.7/apache-maven-3.9.7-bin.zip
>  {code}
> it generate this error:
> {code:java}
> wget: Failed to fetch 
> https://${ARTIFACTORY_URL}/artifactory/remote-maven-central/org/apache/maven/apache-maven/3.9.7/apache-maven-3.9.7-bin.zip{code}
> {{ARTIFACTORY_URL env variable is not replaced}}

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