
Alexander Kriegisch edited comment on MPLUGIN-513 at 3/18/24 4:24 PM:

More information: This is what gets rendered for the Maven site:


Please note how the closing {{code}} tag is inserted where the inner closing 
curly brace is in the source text, i.e. the latter is interpreted falsely as 
the end of the "{@code ...}" block.

In the javadocs, it looks like this instead:


I.e., in the javadocs the nesting of HTML tags is correct.

was (Author: kriegaex):
More information: This is what gets rendered for the Maven site:


Please note how the closing {{code}} tag is inserted where the inner closing 
curly brace is in the source text, i.e. the latter is interpreted falsely as 
the end of the {{{@code ...}}} block.

In the javadocs, it looks like this instead:


I.e., in the javadocs the nesting of HTML tags is correct.

> Closing curly brace in code block rendered incorrectly
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPLUGIN-513
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPLUGIN-513
>             Project: Maven Plugin Tools
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.11.0
>            Reporter: Alexander Kriegisch
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: image-2024-03-18-17-00-11-575.png, 
> image-2024-03-18-17-17-37-673.png, image-2024-03-18-17-20-31-473.png, 
> screenshot-1.png
> In my plugin parameter javadoc, I use something like this:
> {code:java}
>    * <pre>{@code
>    * <javaAgents>
>    *   <agent>
>    *     <groupId>dummy</groupId>
>    *     <artifactId>dummy</artifactId>
>    *     <agentPath>${project.basedir}/lib/agent.jar</agentClass>
>    *   </agent>
>    * </javaAgents>
>    * }</pre>
> {code}
> This "<pre>" and "\{@code ...}" combination is used, if we want to avoid 
> having to escape XML tags and preserve line breaks at the same time. This 
> works fine when generating javadocs, ...
> !screenshot-1.png!
> but in a Maven plugin goal description, the result looks like this:
> !image-2024-03-18-17-00-11-575.png!
> I.e., some text after the nested closing curly brace is suppressed and some 
> emty lines rendered instead. It looks correct on the Maven site, if instead 
> of "${project.basedir}" I write "${project.basedir}", but then javadoc 
> generation fails with an error, because HTML entities are not permitted in 
> that block. I.e., that is not the way to go, because we must not break 
> javadoc generation.
> This ought to be fixed in Maven Site Plugin. It might be subtle and somewhat 
> of an advanced edge case, but the rendered HTML for the plugin description 
> should look correctly, just as it does for javadocs. The nested closing curly 
> brace ought to be parsed correctly.

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