bug found in StarteamUpdateCommand when doing a delete-local when a (view)label 
is used

                 Key: SCM-331
                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-331
             Project: Maven SCM
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: maven-scm-provider-starteam
    Affects Versions: 1.0-beta-3
            Reporter: Jan Edelbroek

After a succesfull update the StarteamUpdateCommand fires a delete-local 
The command string that is created for the stcmd is wrong when a (view)label is 
stcmd delete-local -x -nologo -stop -p "[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:port/Project/View/path" -fp path-to-working-directory -is "-cfgl " 
alpha-1-1 -filter N
As you can see, the -cfgl option is between quotes and there is also an 
additional space character.

The problem is in the StarteamUpdateCommand class file (also in the trunk 
The following line in the createDeleteLocalCommand method
args.add( "-cfgl " );
should be replaced with
args.add( "-cfgl" );
thus leaving out the additional space character.

I can provide a patch when necessary.
See also SCM-309 in which i indicate that i have a patch ready to be able to 
use promotion states instead of view labels

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