[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-258?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#action_102719 ]
Dana Lacoste commented on SCM-258: ---------------------------------- I haven't investigated the code since November 2006, but at that time, Brian, but at that time this would happen : 1 - read filespec line 2 - create new clientspec with filespec line as referenced (over-write, not append) 3 - sync 4 - if not persist, delete clientspec. if persist, keep clientspec. so you always lost your current clientspec, though you could keep it for manual work later. It's just the way the code was written. the persist variable was not investigated at clientspec create, only at clientspec delete. > The perforce provider should be able to accept complex filespecs using a > clientspec rather than the path in the SCM url > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Key: SCM-258 > URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-258 > Project: Maven SCM > Issue Type: Improvement > Components: maven-scm-provider-perforce > Environment: All OS, Maven 2.x using the SCM plugin to talk to > perforce > Reporter: Dana Lacoste > Fix For: future > > > One of the strengths of perforce is the ability to do fairly complex actions > with the clientspec. > For example: > 1 - Checkout two file structures into one location: > //depot1/tree1/... //client/project/tree1 > //depot2/tree2/... //client/project/tree2 > 2 - Rename file structures at checkout time : > //depot/tree/sample-configuration.xml //client/tree/configuration.xml > The SCM URL format doesn't allow this (and implementing it would be difficult) > Currently, the perforce provider doesn't seem to allow a way to use an > existing clientspec (all codepaths seem to create a new clientspec based on > the URL) > If the provider could allow an existing clientspec to define the file > structure, this functionality could be enabled. > Testing: > I don't have any JUnit experience, but I think this could be tested by: > 1 - Create a clientspec that defines some complex content, for example: > //depot/project/src/... //clientspec/project/src/... > //ThirdParty/... //clientspec/project/ThirdParty/... > 2 - run "mvn scm:checkout" and all files should be checked out. > Implementation Ideas: > I can see multiple ways of doing this, depending on the > restrictions/conventions required > A - Use the existing "bootstrap/target/checkout" dynamic directory structure > - Using "p4 client -o" with the given/predefined/assumed clientspec, > alter the p4_root (the line containing "Root:") and do a "p4 sync -f" > (Definition of the clientspec ideas defined separately below) > B - Assume the clientspec has a defined "Root:" and use that for the purposes > of "locating" files (needed for tag/editing/checkin purposes) > - As I'm only checking out, I really don't know how this would affect a > checkin :) > C - Separate from above, how to define which clientspec to use: > - In the SCM URL, perhaps with scm:perforce:[EMAIL > PROTECTED]:port:@clientspec_name > (the second @ being a placeholder for a delimiter) > - As an environment variable (perhaps the existing > maven.scm.perforce.clientspec.name, > enabling this functionality (re-use vs. re-create) with a different > property > - Defined in the settings.xml or in the pom.xml in the SCM configuration > properties > I'm sure more details will be required, this is only what I've identified > within my particular situation. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/Administrators.jspa - For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira