
ASF GitHub Bot commented on MNG-8015:

gnodet commented on PR #1401:
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1401#issuecomment-1932470321

   > By looking at this PR, one thing occurred to me: today resolver-only users 
(those integrating Resolver w/o Maven) are able to fully resolve things as 
Maven would. If any of these become implemented in maven-core (as opposed to 
maven-resolver-provider), this "functional equivalence" is gone: JPMS will 
become handled by Maven, but Resolver integrators will not be able to resolve 
projects that do use these new functionalities. We need to keep eye on this 
   Ideally, we'd come up with a way to use Maven 4 API outside of maven...

> Control the type of path where each dependency can be placed
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-8015
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-8015
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Core
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0-alpha-12
>            Reporter: Martin Desruisseaux
>            Priority: Major
> Make possible to declare where each dependency can be placed: on the 
> module-path, class-path, agent path, doclet path, taglet path, annotation 
> processing path, _etc._ The proposed improvement consists in adding a new 
> {{PATH_TYPES}} property that can be associated to dependencies. The property 
> value is an array of {{PathType}}, a new enumeration-like class with values 
> such as {{CLASSES}}, {{MODULES}}, {{DOCLET}}, _etc._ Contrarily to real Java 
> enumerations, this enumeration-like class is extensible: plugins can add 
> their own enumeration values. This is required at least for the 
> {{--patch-module}} option, where a new {{PathType}} enumeration value need to 
> be created for each module to patch.
> Users can control indirectly the {{PathType}} of a dependency by specifying 
> the dependency type. Note that there is no direct mapping between the 
> dependency type and where the dependency will be placed, but only an indirect 
> mapping caused by the fact that using a dependency type implies implicit 
> values of some properties such as classifier, and (with this proposal) path 
> types:
>  * {{<type>jar</type>}} implies {{PathType.CLASSES}} and {{PathType.MODULES}}.
>  * {{<type>modular-jar</type>}} implies {{PathType.MODULES}} only.
>  * {{<type>classpath-jar</type>}} implies {{PathType.CLASSES}} only.
>  * _etc._
> When a plugin requests the paths of dependencies, the plugin specifies the 
> types of path it is interested in. For example, a Java compiler plugin can 
> specify that it is interested in {{PathType.CLASSES}} and 
> {{PathType.MODULES}}, but not {{PathType.DOCLET}}. If a dependency declared 
> that it can be placed on the class-path or the doclet-path, only the 
> class-path is left after intersection with plugin's request. This is 
> important for the next step.
> If, after all filtering such as above paragraph are applied, a dependency has 
> only one {{PathType}} left, then there is no ambiguity and we are done. 
> Combined with above-cited dependency types like {{modular-jar}} or 
> {{classpath-jar}}, this rule allows users to control where the dependency 
> will be placed. But if there are two or more {{PathType}} left after 
> filtering, then a choice needs to be done. For example if there are both 
> {{PathType.CLASSES}} and {{PathType.MODULES}} (which may happen when 
> {{<type>jar</type>}} is used), then an heuristic rule similar to Maven 3 can 
> be applied: check if a {{module-info.class}} file or an {{Automatic-Name}} 
> manifest attribute is present, and base the decision on that.
> This proposal aims to fix MNG-7855.

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