
Mantale Antonio-Roberto updated MBUILDCACHE-82:
    Description: I was looking through maven documentation and then I noticed a 
typo on the left menu panel on the screen. I detected in which file (site.xml) 
the issue occurs and I identified how to solve the typo. I also noticed a 
commented reference to another html file called faq.html. This comment should 
be removed to maintain the quality of the product.  (was: tbd)

> Fix menu items in site.xml
> --------------------------
>                 Key: MBUILDCACHE-82
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MBUILDCACHE-82
>             Project: Maven Build Cache Extension
>          Issue Type: Wish
>         Environment: Apache Maven 3.8.7
> Maven home: /usr/share/maven
> Java version: 17.0.9, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: 
> /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-17-oracle-x64
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "linux", version: "6.5.0-14-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
>            Reporter: Mantale Antonio-Roberto
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: newbie, pull-request-available
> I was looking through maven documentation and then I noticed a typo on the 
> left menu panel on the screen. I detected in which file (site.xml) the issue 
> occurs and I identified how to solve the typo. I also noticed a commented 
> reference to another html file called faq.html. This comment should be 
> removed to maintain the quality of the product.

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