
Herve Boutemy updated DOXIA-133:

        Component/s: Module - Xhtml
                     Module - Xdoc
                     Module - Fml
                     Module - Docbook Simple
    Patch Submitted: [Yes]

> default XML encoding (UTF-8) or XML encoding set in XML files is ignored: 
> inputEncoding is used instead
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DOXIA-133
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-133
>             Project: doxia
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Core, Module - Docbook Simple, Module - Fml, Module - 
> Xdoc, Module - Xhtml, Site Renderer
>    Affects Versions: 1.0-alpha-8
>            Reporter: Herve Boutemy
>         Attachments: DOXIA-133_doxia-siterenderer.diff, DOXIA-133_doxia.diff
> Encoding can be specified per file, in the XML header: <?xml version="1.0" 
> encoding="xxx"?>, or defaults to UTF-8
> But DefaultSiteRenderer class always read files with inputEncoding: {{reader 
> = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( fullPathDoc ), 
> context.getInputEncoding() );}}
> When the source file is XML (xdoc, xhtml), should use XmlReader from 
> PLXUTILS-11 to detect the XML stream encoding instead.
> Test case included in MSITE-239, site-plugin-test14

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