
Roberto Lo Giacco commented on MAVENUPLOAD-1632:

ok, I'm going to remove both and switch to xdoclet1 as maven2-xdoclet2-plugin 
have still some problems I couldn't manage to solve. I'll upload the new 
bundles in a few hours: I'll post a comment when I've done it. anyway I'm eager 
to know what's the problem specifing pluginRepositories in the release POM.

thank you

> Upload new version of SmartWeb to Central Repository
> ----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MAVENUPLOAD-1632
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-1632
>             Project: maven-upload-requests
>          Issue Type: Task
>            Reporter: Roberto Lo Giacco
> http://smartweb.sourceforge.net/smartweb-1.2.2-bundle.jar
> http://smartweb.sourceforge.net
> http://smartweb.sourceforge.net/team-list.html
> SmartWeb is a rapid web application development framework based on apache 
> struts and hibernate.
> Another bugfixing release has been prepared to solve a problem introduced 
> with yesterdat release: please upload!

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