
Alexander Kriegisch edited comment on MSHARED-1327 at 10/24/23 2:03 AM:

[~michael-o]: Another topic is the Javadoc for {{outputDirectory}} in both 
{{AbstractMavenReport}} and Maven Site: Would you agree that the term *base* 
directory and some additional explanation might be helpful for users? Site's 
javadoc is very terse anyway. It does not even explain where the default 
{{${project.reporting.outputDirectory}}} comes from - I myself have no idea, 
actually - and what default value it has. How about something like this?

public abstract class AbstractMavenReport extends AbstractMojo implements 
MavenMultiPageReport {
     * The output base directory for the report. Note that this parameter is 
only evaluated if the goal is run directly
     * from the command line. If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site 
generation, the output base directory
     * configured in the <a 
     * Maven Site Plugin</a> is used instead.
     * <p>
     * To the respective base directory for each use case (direct mojo call 
vs.site generation), implementing plugins
     * might want to add their specific subdirectories for multi-page reports, 
either using a hard-coded name or,
     * ideally, an additional user-defined mojo parameter with a default value.
    @Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}", readonly = true, 
required = true)
    protected File outputDirectory;

Would you accept such a commit on top of my existing PR?

was (Author: kriegaex):
[~michael-o]: Another topic is the Javadoc for {{outputDirectory}} in both 
{{AbstractMavenReport}} and Maven Site: Would you agree that the term *base* 
directory and some additional explanation might be helpful for users? Site's 
javadoc is very terse anyway. It does not even explain where the default 
{{${project.reporting.outputDirectory}}} comes from - I myself have no idea, 
actually - and what default value it has. How about something like this?

public abstract class AbstractMavenReport extends AbstractMojo implements 
MavenMultiPageReport {
* The output base directory for the report. Note that this parameter is only 
evaluated if the goal is run directly
* from the command line. If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site 
generation, the output base directory
* configured in the <a 
* Maven Site Plugin</a> is used instead.
* <p>
* To the respective base directory for each use case (direct mojo call vs.site 
generation), implementing plugins
* might want to add their specific subdirectories for multi-page reports, 
either using a hard-coded name or,
* ideally, an additional user-defined mojo parameter with a default value.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}", readonly = true, 
required = true)
protected File outputDirectory;

Would you accept such a commit on top of my existing PR?

> Change output directory default in AbstractMavenReport
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSHARED-1327
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED-1327
>             Project: Maven Shared Components
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: maven-reporting-impl
>    Affects Versions: maven-reporting-impl-4.0.0-M11
>            Reporter: Alexander Kriegisch
>            Assignee: Michael Osipov
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: maven-reporting-impl-4.0.0-M12
> The output directory should default to {{${project.build.directory}}} instead 
> of {{${project.reporting.outputDirectory}}}. Quoting my reasoning from 
> https://github.com/apache/maven-jxr/commit/ae81a34ac616bf7e4ea4fa9d4eb09f0979eaccb1#commitcomment-130639906:
> {quote}
> (...) because the latter is simply wrong IMO. For stand-alone mojo execution, 
> a plugin should not mess with Maven Site's default directory. Imagine a 
> situation in which each module should get its own, self-consistent report 
> when called stand-alone, but the site should contain an aggregate with a 
> different structure or maybe no report from that plugin at all. The default 
> would then pollute the site directory. This is why on the ML I asked you 
> ([~michaelo]), if overriding a {{@Parameter}} annotation on a base class 
> field by another {{@Parameter}} annotation on a setter in a subclass it is 
> the right or canonical way to implement such a default override.
> BTW, like I also said before, Maven Javadoc Plugin, even though it does not 
> use the abstract base class, implements the default correctly: build dir for 
> stand-alone, report dir in site generation context.
> {quote}
> The javadoc is, BTW, still correct and does not need to be changed: In a site 
> generation context, the reporting base directory will be set here 
> automatically without any further changes due to:
> {code:java}
>     @Override
>     public void setReportOutputDirectory(File reportOutputDirectory) {
>         this.reportOutputDirectory = reportOutputDirectory;
>         this.outputDirectory = reportOutputDirectory;
>     }
> {code}

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