
ASF GitHub Bot commented on MNG-7811:

cstamas commented on code in PR #461:
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-site/pull/461#discussion_r1350042054

@@ -19,56 +19,65 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.
-Maven since versions 3.9.x and 4.x introduced `Plugin Validation` 
-in order to help Maven users and Maven Plugin developers maintain theirs 
+Maven since versions 3.9.x and 4.x introduced **Plugin Validation**
+in order to help Maven users and Maven Plugin developers discover issues with 
the plugins they
+use or maintain that may break in the future.
-## Internal Plugins Validation issues
+These issues are displayed as WARNING either when plugin goal is executed or 
at the end of the build:
+[WARNING] Plugin validation issues were detected in x plugin(s)
+and split in 2 categories based on what actions should be taken:
+## Internal issues
 Internal Plugins Validation issues (project local) are issues discovered in 
Maven project configuration, like:
- - using deprecated plugins goals
- - using deprecated plugins parameters
- - using read only plugins parameters
+ - project using deprecated plugins goals 
+ - project using deprecated plugins parameters,
+ - project using read only plugins parameters 
-In such cases users can fix their project by fixing configuration by editing 
their POMs.
-Users should consult actual plugin documentation or try to update plugin to 
newer version.
+In such cases, users can fix their project by fixing configuration by editing 
their POMs.
+Users should consult actual plugin documentation (and eventually try to update 
plugin to newer version).
-## External Plugins Validation issues
+## External issues
 External Plugins Validation issues (non-configuration) are issues detected in 
plugin itself, like:
- - using old, deprecated Maven Api by plugin
- - declaring dependencies for Maven Core artifacts in wrong scope in plugin 
+ - plugin using old, deprecated Maven API,
+ - plugin declaring dependencies for Maven Core artifacts in wrong scope 
(should be `provided`).
-External Plugins issues can only be fix by plugin authors.
+External Plugins issues require to be fixed by plugin authors first.
-In such cases users can try to update plugin to newer version. 
-If the newest version of plugin still has an issue users should report problem 
to plugin authors.
+In such cases users can try to update plugin to newer version.
+If the newest version of plugin still has such an issue, users should report 
problem to plugin authors.
 ## Manage Plugin Validation verbosity
-In order to manage Plugin Validation verbosity a property 
`maven.plugin.validation` can be used.
+In order to manage Plugin Validation verbosity, a system property 
`-Dmaven.plugin.validation=...` can be used on command line (or injected: see 

Review Comment:
   it is retrieved from session config properties, that is 
mavenSystemProperties + mavenUserProperties (roughly).
   Where mavenSystemProperties = javaSystemProperties + env (roughly). So yes, 
session contains maven system and user properties.
   On CLI with `-Dfoo=bar` you define Maven User Property:

> Plugins verification - reports are inconsistent
> -----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7811
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7811
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Plugins and Lifecycle
>            Reporter: Slawomir Jaranowski
>            Assignee: Slawomir Jaranowski
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 3.9.3, 4.0.0-alpha-7, 4.0.0
> We have report modes:
> {noformat}
> - NONE, // mute validation completely (validation issue collection still 
> happens, it is just not reported!)
> - INLINE, // inline, each "internal" problem one line next to mojo invocation
> - SUMMARY, // at end, list of plugin GAVs along with "internal" issues
> - BRIEF, // synonym to SUMMARY
> - VERBOSE // at end, list of plugin GAVs along with detailed report of ANY 
> validation issues
> {noformat}
> *NONE*
>  - is ok works as expected, as documented
>  - is ok works as expected, as documented
>  - are the same - *{color:#ff0000}bug{color}*
>  - prints *internal* issues in *VERBOSE* mode - *{color:#ff0000}bug{color}*
>  - is ok works as expected, as documented
> So we don't have possibility to report an external issues in brief mode - as 
> a list at the end, also - *{color:#ff0000}bug{color}*
> h1. Proposition
>  - *SUMMARY* - prints *internal* and *external* issues as list at the end
>  - *BRIEF* - prints *internal* issues in *INLINE* and *external* as list at 
> the end
>  - prepare documentation on Maven site with explanation of common issues and 
> what user can do with it

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