
Maria Odea Ching edited comment on MRM-426 at 6/27/07 12:57 AM:

After further investigation, I found out that the problem was due to the 

1. When the artifact was indexed (in IndexContentConsumer), the artifact 
version is being converted to **-SNAPSHOT whenever a unique snapshot version is 
encountered.. from the example above, 1.1.2-20070427.065136-1, 
1.1.2-20070506.163513-2 and 1.1.2-20070506.163513-3 thus becomes 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT 
when added in the index. This is for the 'version' field in the index. But in 
the 'filename' field of the index, the unique version is retained as is. 

Therefore when you search 'castor-anttasks-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.pom', you'll 
get 1 hit result like this:

Hits: 1 of 1

org / codehaus / castor / castor-anttasks | Version(s): 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT

2. When the artifact was added in the database (in 
ArtifactUpdateDatabaseConsumer), the unique version was retained as is. And 
since the version of the artifact in the results page is 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT, when 
you click it to browse that artifact.. it couldn't be found on the database 
because the version of the artifact that was added was still 
1.1.2-20070427.065136-1 and what's being queried is 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.

I've thought of two ways to approach this.. 
1. do not convert unique snapshots to **-SNAPSHOT and retain all versions as is 
2. convert all unique versions (in the database and in the index -- filename 
field) to **-SNAPSHOT. 

What do you guys think?

After further investigation, I found out that the problem was due to the 

1. When the artifact was indexed (in IndexContentConsumer), the artifact 
version is being converted to **-SNAPSHOT whenever a unique snapshot version is 
encountered.. from the example above, 1.1.2-20070427.065136-1, 
1.1.2-20070506.163513-2 and 1.1.2-20070506.163513-3 thus becomes 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT 
when added in the index. This is for the 'version' field in the index. But in 
the 'filename' field of the index, the unique version is retained as is. 

Therefore when you search 'castor-anttasks-1.1.2-20070427.065136-1.pom', you'll 
get 1 hit result like this:

Hits: 1 of 1

org / codehaus / castor / castor-anttasks | Version(s): 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT

2. When the artifact was added in the database (in 
ArtifactUpdateDatabaseConsumer), the unique version was retained as is. And 
since the version of the artifact in the results page is 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT, when 
you click it to browse that artifact.. it couldn't be found on the database 
because the version of the artifact that was added was still 
1.1.2-20070427.065136-1 and what's being queried is 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.

I've thought of two ways to approach this.. 
1. do not convert unique snapshots to **-SNAPSHOT and retain all versions as is 
2. convert all unique versions (in the database and in the index -- filename 
field) to **-SNAPSHOT. 

Personally, I'd go for #1 because the index and the database would match the 
actual contents of the repository.

What do you guys think?

> Search does not work for snapshots because of different version values in 
> index and database when the snapshot version is unique
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRM-426
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRM-426
>             Project: Archiva
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 1.0-alpha-2
>            Reporter: Maria Odea Ching
> When an artifact with unique snapshots is searched from Archiva, the search 
> result would contain different hits for that artifact which has the same 
> version but when you click the version to browse the artifact.. an 
> ObjectNotFound error is returned. Below is an example of this behavior.
> The artifact to be searched is castor-anttasks. Let's say it has 3 SNAPSHOT 
> versions 1.1.2-20070427.065136-1, 1.1.2-20070506.163513-2 and 
> 1.1.2-20070506.163513-3 in the repository, and the path to this artifact is 
> [REPO]/org/codehaus/castor/castor-anttasks/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.
> The search results would then look like this:
> Hits: 3 of 3
> castor-anttasks
> org / codehaus / castor / castor-anttasks | Version(s): 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
> castor-anttasks
> org / codehaus / castor / castor-anttasks | Version(s): 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
> castor-anttasks
> org / codehaus / castor / castor-anttasks | Version(s): 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
> When you click either of the versions to browse the artifact, what you would 
> get is this error:
> 'Unable to find project model for 
> [org.codehaus.castor:castor-anttasks:1.1.2-SNAPSHOT]'

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