Adrian Herscu created MSCMPUB-60:

             Summary: publishing site to git on windows fails with command too 
                 Key: MSCMPUB-60
             Project: Maven SCM Publish Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 3.2.1
         Environment: Windows
            Reporter: Adrian Herscu

When publishing to git branch from Windows host following happens:

2023-08-31T04:43:44.8053798Z 04:43:44 [INFO] --- scm-publish:3.1.0:publish-scm 
(default-cli) @ qa-automation --- 2023-08-31T04:43:50.8952579Z 04:43:50 
[WARNING] No output encoding, defaulting to UTF-8. 2023-08-31T04:43:50.9048410Z 
04:43:50 [INFO] Checking out the pub tree from 
scm:git:ssh:// into 
2023-08-31T04:43:50.9329396Z 04:43:50 [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git 
clone --branch gh-pages 
scmpublish-checkout" 2023-08-31T04:43:50.9332148Z 04:43:50 [INFO] Working 
directory: D:\a\qa-automation\qa-automation\target 2023-08-31T04:44:01.0144166Z 
04:44:01 [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git ls-remote 
2023-08-31T04:44:01.0146723Z 04:44:01 [INFO] Working directory: 
C:\Users\RUNNER~1\AppData\Local\Temp 2023-08-31T04:44:02.3685365Z 04:44:02 
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git pull 
gh-pages:gh-pages" 2023-08-31T04:44:02.3687871Z 04:44:02 [INFO] Working 
directory: D:\a\qa-automation\qa-automation\target\scmpublish-checkout 
2023-08-31T04:44:03.6973213Z 04:44:03 [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git 
checkout gh-pages" 2023-08-31T04:44:03.6979436Z 04:44:03 [INFO] Working 
directory: D:\a\qa-automation\qa-automation\target\scmpublish-checkout 
2023-08-31T04:44:04.1606742Z 04:44:04 [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git 
ls-files" 2023-08-31T04:44:04.1610452Z 04:44:04 [INFO] Working directory: 
2023-08-31T04:44:04.3082825Z 04:44:04 [INFO] Updating checkout directory with 
actual content in D:\a\qa-automation\qa-automation\target\staging 
2023-08-31T04:44:06.6806440Z 04:44:06 [INFO] Content consists of 168 
directories and 983 files = 21 MB 2023-08-31T04:44:06.6809227Z 04:44:06 [INFO] 
Publishing content to SCM will result in 0 addition(s), 983 update(s), 1752 
delete(s) 2023-08-31T04:44:06.8551690Z 04:44:06 [INFO] Deleting files: 
qa-jgiven-commons\apidocs\constant-values.html, qa-


followed by:


2023-08-31T04:44:07.2098516Z 04:44:07 [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git rm 
-r qa-jgiven-commons/apidocs/overview-tree.html 

long long long command...

failing with:

2023-08-31T04:44:07.3271831Z 04:44:07 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(default-cli) on project qa-automation: Failed to delete removed files to SCM: 
Exception while executing SCM command. Error while executing command. Error 
while executing process. Cannot run program "cmd.exe" (in directory 
"D:\a\qa-automation\qa-automation\target\scmpublish-checkout"): CreateProcess 
error=206, The filename or extension is too long -> [Help 1]

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