Allow the specification of modules with project coordinates
                 Key: MNG-3066
             Project: Maven 2
          Issue Type: New Feature
    Affects Versions: 2.0.6
            Reporter: Steven Cummings

Currently, modules can only be specified by the parent POM as "simple paths", 
i.e., relative to the current project, like "module-a" and "../module-a". This 
explicit filesystem relation between parent project and modules can cause 
issues like CONTINUUM-1163.

It makes sense to allow modules to be specified with project coordinates, like:


This way no explicit filesystem or SCM relation has to exist. The only 
requirement would be that the parent project is able to locate the specified 
artifact in one of its defined repositories (or repositories from 
settings.xml), and the artifact's POM contain an SCM section so that it can 
check out the code.

>From there, maven can decide what temporary space to check out and build the 
>"child" project in, perhaps .m2-workspace or .m2-modules-temp in the 
>user-home. Perhaps this also could be configured in settings.xml just like the 
>local repository location.

The value of this would be:
* Parent projects no longer have to exist "one level above" or relative to all 
of its modules in SCM and the checkout filesystem.
* When SCM is organized such that not all of the module projects are in the 
same folder, project coordinates could be simpler than relative paths.
* When not all of the projects are in the same SCM repos, then the current 
module scheme won't even work.
* It would be nice to have the ability to create ad-hoc parent POMs just for 
the purpose of executing arbitrary group builds. The modules can't specify more 
than one parent, but there may be more than one grouping from the top-down 
** A good example is where a team has several groupIds that all of their 
projects are grouped into. Perhaps they don't want use parent POMs, or each 
group has unique configuration and so each has a different parent POM for its 
projects to inherit. Then, the group wants to run a global dashboard 
(dashboard-maven-plugin) report on all projects in all groups but not really 
use this new parent POM for inheritance or settings, only for the aggregation. 
They'd like this so that there is one place to go to observe the health of the 
team's projects.
* Finally, some operating systems (to remained un-named because this is their 
defect...) have path limits of around 255 characters. Sometimes forcing modules 
to exist under or relative to their parent causes the checkouts for the group 
to surpass this limit. If there are projects already close to this limit, the 
path of the parent project can push paths of package directories and long 
class-names on over that limit.

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