
ASF GitHub Bot commented on MSITE-873:

michael-o opened a new pull request, #149:
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-site-plugin/pull/149

   Both mojos operate on individual modules and do not share any state.
   This closes #149
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> Mark SiteMojo and SiteJarMojo thread-safe
> -----------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-873
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSITE-873
>             Project: Maven Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: PatPatPat123
>            Assignee: Michael Osipov
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 4.0.0-M8
> Hello Maven Site Plugin Team,
> This is my first post here, apologies in advanced if this post is not 
> respecting conventions.
> There is currently an issue with the version 3.9.1 of maven-site-plugin when 
> running in multithread environment.
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>   <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
>   <version>3.9.1</version>
> </plugin>{code}
> The setup is simple and reproducible 100%.
> Nowadays, maven multimode is very popular, especially among micro services 
> pattern.
> For instance, within one maven project, possibility to have many multi module 
> micro service.
> And often it makes sense to run maven commands on them in parallel.
> Unfortunately, the current maven multi module will yield this issue:
>  {noformat}
>  [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom 
> ]---------------------------------
>  [WARNING] *****************************************************************
>  [WARNING] * Your build is requesting parallel execution, but project      *
>  [WARNING] * contains the following plugin(s) that have goals not marked   *
>  [WARNING] * as @threadSafe to support parallel building.                  *
>  [WARNING] * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates    *
>  * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates    *
>  * and/or request plugins be made thread-safe.                   *
>  * If reporting an issue, report it against the plugin in        *
>  * question, not against maven-core                              *
>  *****************************************************************
>  The following plugins are not marked @threadSafe in X:
>  org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.9.1
>  Enable debug to see more precisely which goals are not marked @threadSafe.
>  *****************************************************************
>  {noformat}
> Allowing this plugin to fully be compatible with parallel maven execution 
> would be a great plus of this plugin.
> Also, maybe the fix is as simple as 
> {code:java}@Mojo(name = "generate", requiresProject = true, defaultPhase = 
> LifecyclePhase.INTEGRATION_TEST, requiresDependencyResolution = 
> ResolutionScope.TEST, threadSafe = true){code}
> Nonetheless, wanted to say thanks for this great project, and hopefully to 
> have this issue fixed.
> Good day!

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