
Tomáš Mrázek commented on MBUILDCACHE-45:


You have to for some reason explicitly configure target subfolders. 
</configuration> {code}
Then those subfolders are correctly zipped and stored and restored in cache.

I am on the other hand unable to restore the jar itself to target folder. Maybe 
I just don't get the point of the extension.

Anyways I would expect, that input section would specify files to calculate 
hash and defaults to include -> src, and output section would specify actual 
files to cache and default to include -> target. Include cannot be specified 
for the output tho. And attachedOutputs section is inherently defined for 
target. Again I would expect this section to convey cacheable artefacts outside 
of the target as some special cases. And I would expect, that all outputs would 
be cached/zipped for every phase and then properly restored for the highest 
phase run.

Attached outputs are always restored no matter the phase.


> Compiled classes are not copied/restored to target, causing higher phase 
> builds to fail
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MBUILDCACHE-45
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MBUILDCACHE-45
>             Project: Maven Build Cache Extension
>          Issue Type: Bug
>         Environment: windows
>            Reporter: Miguel Ortega
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: maven-cache.zip
> +*Step to reproduce*+
> 1. Execute a first command
> {code:java}
> mvn test{code}
> Results are cached (contrary to documentation that states that "cache will 
> kick-in automatically on every lifecycle build of phase {{package}} or 
> higher.") This could also be a feature since tests can be skipped if nothing 
> changes.
> 2 . But if I run next: 
> {code:java}
> mvn clean verify
> #OR
> mvn clean install{code}
> Then the build fails
> {code:java}
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.0.2:repackage (repackage) 
> on project demo: Execution repackage of goal 
> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.0.2:repackage failed: 
> Unable to find main class -> [Help 1]
>  {code}
> The root cause seems to be that after "clean", the maven target directory is 
> cleaned and even if the cache is detected, classes are not restored to the 
> target folder anymore
> {code:java}
> [INFO] Attempting to restore project com.example:demo from build cache
> [INFO] Remote cache is incomplete or missing, trying local build for 
> com.example:demo
> [INFO] Local build found by checksum 596f60b3f5056d7d
> [INFO] Found cached build, restoring com.example:demo from cache by checksum 
> 596f60b3f5056d7d
> [INFO] Project com.example:demo restored partially. Highest cached goal: 
> test, requested: install
> [INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:resources
> [INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:compile
> [INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:testResources
> [INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:testCompile
> [INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): surefire:test {code}
> *+Workaround+*
> Manually remove cache data or disable cache via command line argument
> *+Environment+*
> {code:java}
> Apache Maven 3.9.0 (9b58d2bad23a66be161c4664ef21ce219c2c8584)
> Maven home: <REDACTED>
> Java version: 17.0.1, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: <REDACTED>
> Default locale: fr_FR, platform encoding: Cp1252
> OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"{code}

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