
Wendy Smoak updated MNG-2743:

    Affects Version/s: 2.0.6

Also affects 2.0.6 per Grzegorz Kossakowski on #maven.

> Dependency poms not timely merged with parents
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-2743
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2743
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.4, 2.0.6
>            Reporter: Kenney Westerhof
>            Priority: Blocker
> POM's of dependencies are not properly merged with their parents.
> It could be that they're not merged at all, or only partly. Since the code to 
> merge poms is the same
> everywhere, and <repository> tags are merged for local poms, I fear that 
> they're not merged at all.
> With this setup:
> * local workspace:
> ** project A
> *** depends on remote artifact B, residing in 'central'
> * repository central:
> ** artifact B (cocoon-core)
> *** has parent P (cocoon), also here at central
> *** declares a dependency on D, residing in repo R (not a standard repository)
> ** pom P, declares repository R
> * repository R:
> ** artifact D (avalon-framework-impl)
> *** declares dependency on lib L, also here at repository R
> ** artifact L (avalon-framework-api)
> When running mvn install on local project A, observe the following log:
> {noformat}
> ....
> // cocoon-core has been resolved, now it's dependency poms are resolved:
> [DEBUG] Trying repository central
> Downloading: 
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/avalon/framework/avalon-framework-impl/4.3/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.pom
> [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository central 
> (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> [DEBUG] Artifact not found - using stub model: Unable to download the 
> artifact from any repository
>   org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-impl:pom:4.3
> from the specified remote repositories:
>   central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> [DEBUG] Using defaults for missing POM 
> org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-impl:pom:4.3:compile
> // note: above, the parent of cocoon-core (B) (which is cocoon (P)), is not 
> merged, as the repo R is not
> // visible in B to resolve D
> ....
> // now, the artifacts themselves are downloaded 
> [DEBUG] Trying repository central
> Downloading: 
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/avalon/framework/avalon-framework-impl/4.3/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.jar
> [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository central 
> (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> // Here, repo R _is_ used to search, which means that the parent P is merged 
> with B and the repo is available
> [DEBUG] Trying repository apache.snapshot
> Downloading: 
> http://people.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository/org/apache/avalon/framework/avalon-framework-impl/4.3/avalon-framework
> -impl-4.3.jar
> 2/56K^M3/56K^M7/56K^M8/56K^M9/56K^M13/56K^M17/56K^M19/56K^M20/56K^M24/56K^M28/56K^M32/56K^M36/56K^M40/56K^M42/56K^M43/56K^M44/56K^M46/
> 56K^M47/56K^M49/56K^M50/56K^M52/56K^M53/56K^M54/56K^M56/56K^M56K downloaded
> [DEBUG]   Artifact resolved
> {noformat}
> The problem here is that the jar is now available in the local repo, but the 
> pom is not, and the dependencies of D aren't downloaded.
> It seems pom B is only merged with P _after_ all dependency poms for B have 
> been resolved.

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