
Herve Boutemy updated DOXIA-685:
Currently, verbatim text is inconsistently handled in the Sink API and formats 
apt, xhtml5, xdoc, fml and markdown. {{BOXED}} implies that some both should be 
rendered in the output, but it actually indicates that this is source code to 
be likely highlighted. It other works, from the API one does not know this and 
about the look and feel at the end the output format and styling should decide 
rather than the sink. For those reasons the following change is proposed:

* {{BOXED}} as original name will be deprecated and then removed w/o replacement
* {{Sink#verbatim()}} and {{Sink#verbatim(null)}} will print verbatim text w/o 
any implications
* The {{Xhtml5Sink}} will make add to every verbatim block {{<div 
class="verbatim">}} instead of no class
* {{SinkEventAttributes#SOURCE}} to explicitly denotimate verbatim source code, 
{{Xhtml5Sink}} will add {{<div class="verbatim source">}}, the {{Apt}} format 
will turn {{+--...--+}} to verbatim source as well.
* The {{EchoMacro}} and {{SnippetMacro}} won't use {{BOXED}} anymore
* The {{SnippetMacro}} will have a {{source=true}} attribut which denotes 
source code, but IF {{verbatim=true}}

h2. Current situation for non-boxed vs boxed verbatim:

h3. non-boxed
h4. input
* APT: 
verbatim text...
* Doxia Sink API:
* Markdown: TBD
* xdoc: TBD

h4. output
<div><pre>verbatim text...</pre></div>
* HTML + CSS visual
a CSS {{border: 1px ...}} is displayed in Fluido Skin (version?), that should 
not happen in a non-boxed case...
rendered example on 

h3. boxed
h4. input
* APT: 
verbatim text...
* Doxia Sink API:
* Markdown: TBD
* xdoc: TBD

h4. output
<div><pre>verbatim text...</pre></div>
* HTML + CSS visual
<div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">verbatim 
HTML result is not focused on boxing or not boxing, but on source hightlighting 
and linenums
rendered example on 

h2. Future situation:

h3. non-boxed
h4. input
h4. output

h3. source
h4. input
h4. output

Currently, verbatim text is inconsistently handled in the Sink API and formats 
apt, xhtml5, xdoc, fml and markdown. {{BOXED}} implies that some both should be 
rendered in the output, but it actually indicates that this is source code to 
be likely highlighted. It other works, from the API one does not know this and 
about the look and feel at the end the output format and styling should decide 
rather than the sink. For those reasons the following change is proposed:

* {{BOXED}} as original name will be deprecated and then removed w/o replacement
* {{Sink#verbatim()}} and {{Sink#verbatim(null)}} will print verbatim text w/o 
any implications
* The {{Xhtml5Sink}} will make add to every verbatim block {{<div 
class="verbatim">}} instead of no class
* {{SinkEventAttributes#SOURCE}} to explicitly denotimate verbatim source code, 
{{Xhtml5Sink}} will add {{<div class="verbatim source">}}, the {{Apt}} format 
will turn {{+--...--+}} to verbatim source as well.
* The {{EchoMacro}} and {{SnippetMacro}} won't use {{BOXED}} anymore
* The {{SnippetMacro}} will have a {{source=true}} attribut which denotes 
source code, but IF {{verbatim=true}}

h2. Current situation for non-boxed vs boxed verbatim:

h3. non-boxed
h4. input
* APT: 
verbatim text...
* Doxia Sink API:
* Markdown: TBD
* xdoc: TBD

h4. output
<div><pre>verbatim text...</pre></div>
* HTML + CSS visual
rendered example on 
 shows a CSS border that should not happen in a non-boxed case...

h3. boxed
h4. input
h4. output

h2. Future situation:

h3. non-boxed
h4. input
h4. output

h3. source
h4. input
h4. output

> Replace SinkEventAttributes#BOXED and clearly separate between regular 
> verbatim and verbatim source (code)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DOXIA-685
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DOXIA-685
>             Project: Maven Doxia
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Core
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.0-M4
>            Reporter: Michael Osipov
>            Assignee: Michael Osipov
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 2.0.0-M5
>         Attachments: screenshot-1.png, screenshot-2.png, screenshot-3.png, 
> screenshot-4.png
> Currently, verbatim text is inconsistently handled in the Sink API and 
> formats apt, xhtml5, xdoc, fml and markdown. {{BOXED}} implies that some both 
> should be rendered in the output, but it actually indicates that this is 
> source code to be likely highlighted. It other works, from the API one does 
> not know this and about the look and feel at the end the output format and 
> styling should decide rather than the sink. For those reasons the following 
> change is proposed:
> * {{BOXED}} as original name will be deprecated and then removed w/o 
> replacement
> * {{Sink#verbatim()}} and {{Sink#verbatim(null)}} will print verbatim text 
> w/o any implications
> * The {{Xhtml5Sink}} will make add to every verbatim block {{<div 
> class="verbatim">}} instead of no class
> * {{SinkEventAttributes#SOURCE}} to explicitly denotimate verbatim source 
> code, {{Xhtml5Sink}} will add {{<div class="verbatim source">}}, the {{Apt}} 
> format will turn {{+--...--+}} to verbatim source as well.
> * The {{EchoMacro}} and {{SnippetMacro}} won't use {{BOXED}} anymore
> * The {{SnippetMacro}} will have a {{source=true}} attribut which denotes 
> source code, but IF {{verbatim=true}}
> h2. Current situation for non-boxed vs boxed verbatim:
> h3. non-boxed
> h4. input
> * APT: 
> {noformat}
> ----
> verbatim text...
> ----
> {noformat}
> * Doxia Sink API:
> {noformat}
> Sink#verbatim(void);
> Sink#text(String);
> Sink#verbatim_(void);
> {noformat}
> * Markdown: TBD
> * xdoc: TBD
> h4. output
> * HTML
> {noformat}
> <div><pre>verbatim text...</pre></div>
> {noformat}
> * HTML + CSS visual
> a CSS {{border: 1px ...}} is displayed in Fluido Skin (version?), that should 
> not happen in a non-boxed case...
> rendered example on 
> https://github.com/apache/maven-site/blob/master/content/apt/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.apt
>  !screenshot-1.png! 
> h3. boxed
> h4. input
> * APT: 
> {noformat}
> +----+
> verbatim text...
> +----+
> {noformat}
> * Doxia Sink API:
> {noformat}
> Sink#verbatim(SinkEventAttributeSet.BOXED);
> Sink#text(String);
> Sink#verbatim_(void);
> {noformat}
> * Markdown: TBD
> * xdoc: TBD
> h4. output
> * HTML
> {noformat}
> <div><pre>verbatim text...</pre></div>
> {noformat}
> * HTML + CSS visual
> {noformat}
> <div class="source"><pre class="prettyprint linenums">verbatim 
> text...</pre></div>
> {noformat}
> HTML result is not focused on boxing or not boxing, but on source 
> hightlighting and linenums
> rendered example on 
> https://github.com/apache/maven-site/blob/master/content/apt/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.apt
>  !screenshot-2.png! 
> h2. Future situation:
> h3. non-boxed
> h4. input
> {noformat}
> Sink#verbatim(void);
> Sink#text(String);
> Sink#verbatim_(void);
> {noformat}
> h4. output
>  !screenshot-3.png! 
> h3. source
> h4. input
> {noformat}
> Sink#verbatim(SinkEventAttributeSet.SOURCE);
> Sink#text(String);
> Sink#verbatim_(void);
> {noformat}
> h4. output
>  !screenshot-4.png! 

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