
Mykel Alvis commented on MANTTASKS-15:

I managed to work around this particular issue.

I WAS doing the following:

    <target name="deploy-release" depends="install" description="Deploy 
released jars to the remote m2 repo">
    <property name="repo.url" value="${remote.release.url}" />
        <antcall target="deploy-subordinate" >
            <param name="repo.url" value="${ remote.release.url}" />

    <target name="deploy-subordinate" description="Sub task to perfom deploys 
based on a property">
        <echo message="Deploying to ${ repo.url}" />
        <echo message="using ${repository.username} and 
${repository.privatekey}" />
        <artifact:deploy file="${target.dist}/${artifactOne}">
            <remoteRepository url="${ repo.url}">
                <authentication username="${repository.username}" 
password="${repository.password}" />               

The thing I was failing to recognize is the nature of antcall'd tasks.  
Declaring the artifact:provider in one task makes it accessible in another 
task, but not if I do an "antcall" to a subtask in an effort to consolidate 
certain behaviors.. Dunno why I thought it would work.  When I inheritRefs, the 
pom reference I have in the artifact:deploy (not shown) has a reference 

So you can't do an antcall to call a task to do a deploy without re-decalaring 
the provider.  I have a provider call setup as part of the "init" call that's a 
"depends" above, but the provider isn't available after the antcall.

It appears that wagon-ssh:1.0-alpha-7 is a valid scp provider, but 1.0-beta-2 
gives an error:

> scp:// urls not recognised, even when wagon-ssh is installed.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MANTTASKS-15
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTTASKS-15
>             Project: Maven 2.x Ant Tasks
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Steve Loughran
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: ant-v-logfile.txt, MANTTASKS-15.diff
> I have got the <install> task working to pull in the various deployment wagons
> <target name="m2-wagons" depends="m2-pom,ssh-init">
>   <m2:install-provider artifactId="wagon-ssh"
>                        version="${wagon-ssh.version}"/>
>   <m2:install-provider artifactId="wagon-ssh-external"
>                        version="${wagon-ssh-external.version}"/>
>   <m2:install-provider artifactId="wagon-file"
>                        version="${wagon-file.version}"/>
>   <m2:install-provider artifactId="wagon-ftp"
>                        version="${wagon-ftp.version}"/>
> </target>
> But when I run a deploy target and use the scp:// protocol , I get the 
> unknown protocol error.
> <target name="m2-ssh-deploy" depends="m2-pom,ssh-init,m2-wagons">
>   <property name="m2.upload.url"
>     value="scp://${ssh.host}/www/repository"/>
>   <m2:deploy file="${target.jar}">
>     <remoteRepository url="${m2.upload.url}">
>       <authentication username="${ssh.user}" 
>         privateKey="${ssh.keyfile}"/>
>     </remoteRepository>
>     <pom refid="m2.pom"/>
>   </m2:deploy>
> </target>
> This is only for scp:, the others, scpexe, file: and ftp: do work. Is the url 
> schema wrong? Is there any way to enum what protocols are currently supported?
> I would recommend that the error message "unsupported protocol" is 
> supplemented with a listing of what protocols are supported. That way its 
> easier to differentiate spelling error from uninstalled wagon.

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