
wei cai updated MRESOLVER-247:
    Summary: Avoid unnecessary dependency resolution by a Skip solution based 
on BFS  (was: Avoid unnecessary dependency resolution )

> Avoid unnecessary dependency resolution by a Skip solution based on BFS
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOLVER-247
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-247
>             Project: Maven Resolver
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Resolver
>    Affects Versions: 1.7.3
>            Reporter: wei cai
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: exclusion-matters.png, skip-duplicate.png, 
> skip-version-conflicts.png
> This Jira is related with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-240 
> and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-228
> There was discussions about the DFS or BFS algorithm for maven resolver in 
> MRESOLVER-228, Changing to BFS would make MRESOLVER-228 & MRESOLVER-7 much 
> easier to implement. Here is the plan for multiple changes requested recently:
>  * DFS > BFS - preparation for parallel download
>  * Skip - avoid unnecessary version resolution (Covered in this JIRA)
>  * Download descriptors in parallel (MRESOLVER-7)
> When comes to resolve the huge amount of dependencies of an enterprise level 
> project, the maven resolver is very slow to resolve the dependency 
> graph/tree. Take one of our app as example, it could take *10minutes+ and 16G 
> memory* to print out the result of {*}mvn dependency:tree{*}. 
> This is because there are many dependencies declared in the project, and some 
> of the dependencies would introduce *600+* transitive dependencies, and 
> exclusions are widely used to solve dependency conflicts. 
> By checking the 
> [code|https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/blob/master/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/collect/DefaultDependencyCollector.java#L500],
>  we know the exclusion is also part of the cache key. This means when the 
> exclusions up the tree differs, the cached resolution result for the same GAV 
> won't be picked up and need s to be recalculated. 
> !exclusion-matters.png!
> From above figure, we know:
>  * In 1st case, D will be resolved only once as there are no exclusions/same 
> exclusions up the tree.
>  * In 2nd case, the B and C have different exclusions and D needs to be 
> recalculated, if D is a heavy dependency which introduce many transitive 
> dependencies, all D and its children needs to be recalculated.  Recalculating 
> all of these nodes introduces 2 issues:
>  ** Slow in resolving dependencies.
>  ** Lots of DependencyNodes cached (all calculated/recalculated nodes would 
> be cached) and will consume huge memory.
> To improve the speed of maven resolver's dependency resolution,  I 
> implemented a skip approach.
> *CASE 1: Skip duplicate node*
> !skip-duplicate.png!
> From above figure, the 1st R is resolved at depth 3, and the 2nd R is 
> resolved again because the depth is at 2 which is lower, the 3rd R at depth 3 
> and the 4th R at depth 4 are simply skipped as R is already resolved at depth 
> 2. This is because the same node with deeper depth is most likely won't be 
> picked up by maven as maven employs a "nearest transitive dependency in the 
> tree depth and the first in resolution" strategy.
> The 3rd R and 4th R will have children set as zero and marked as skipped by 
> the R at depth 2 in 2nd tree path.
> *CASE 2: Skip version conflict*
> *!skip-version-conflicts.png!*
> After we enabled the resolver patch in maven, we are seeing 10% ~70% build 
> time reduced for different projects depend on how complex the dependencies 
> are, and the result of *mvn dependency:tree* and *mvn dependency:list* remain 
> the same.
> We've verified the resolver performance patch leveraging an automation 
> solution to certify 2000+ apps of our company by comparing the  *mvn 
> dependency:tree* and *mvn dependency:list* result with/without the 
> performance patch.
> Please help review the PR.

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