Tibor Digana created SUREFIRE-2005:

             Summary: Improved dump message "Boot Manifest-JAR contains 
absolute paths in classpath" with exceptio message
                 Key: SUREFIRE-2005
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-2005
             Project: Maven Surefire
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Maven Failsafe Plugin, Maven Surefire Plugin, process 
            Reporter: Tibor Digana
            Assignee: Tibor Digana
             Fix For: 3.0.0-M6

After supporting SUREFIRE-1888, we found out that the dump stream file contains 
only the message {{Boot Manifest-JAR contains absolute paths in classpath}} but 
it is missing the local mesage of caught exception {{IllegalArgumentException: 
'other' has different root}}.

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