
Carsten Rohde commented on MRESOURCES-281:

I just scanned my projects for further cases where this issue matters and I 
think there is another (more common, I think) case for this feature-request:

I've got a project where we use cp1252 as the global resource encoding since 
many of the resources are windows-targeted. There are however resources that, 
by convention, require a specific encoding such as xml (as indicated by the 
encoding declaration), json (where utf-8 is the de facto standard) or yaml 
(which requires utf-8, utf-16 or utf-32 afaik).

With the latter formats gaining in numbers, there is no real standard encoding 
for resources in this project anymore. Using copy-resources with custom 
resource-direcotries is not a very convenient solution as these directories 
don't show up as resources in your ide and artificially having separate modules 
sounds even worse to me.


What do you think: Does this make this issue any more likely to gain traction?

> allow different encodings for files inside the same resource-directory
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOURCES-281
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOURCES-281
>             Project: Maven Resources Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: filtering
>    Affects Versions: 3.2.0
>            Reporter: Carsten Rohde
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: encoding, feature, newbie
> Currently each resource-directory has a single encoding, with the recent 
> exception of properties (MRESOURCES-171).
> If you need to filter differently encoded files, this can become quite a 
> hazzle: The only way (at least that I'm aware of) is to have different 
> resouce-directories, one for each encoding.  Apart from bloating the pom, it 
> also forces you to have related files at different locations if they are 
> encoded differently.
> What I'm suggesting is to generalize what has been done for properties by 
> allowing to override the <encoding> for specific files/patterns.
> Ideally this would be part of the resource-declaration but being able to 
> configure the resources plugin accordingly would already help a lot:
> {code:java}
> <configuration>
>    <encodingOverrides>
>        <encodingOverride>
>           <encoding>UTF-16</encoding>
>           <includes>**/*.myfile</includes>
>        </encodingOverride>
>        <encodingOverride>
>            <encoding>iso-latin-1</encoding>
>            <includes>**/*.other</includes>
>        </encodingOverride>
>    </encodingOverrides>
> </configuration>
> What do you think?{code}

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