
Tilman Hausherr edited comment on MENFORCER-393 at 1/8/22, 4:31 PM:

Same problem in the Apache Tika project ( https://github.com/apache/tika/ ). I 
was trying to change version from 3.0.0-M3 to 3.0.0 and one of the subprojects 

Old output
--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-java-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-output-timestamp-property) 
@ tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (ban-bad-log4j-versions) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---


New output
--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-maven-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-java-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-output-timestamp-property) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---
Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.DependencyConvergence failed with 
Could not build dependency tree Could not collect dependencies: 
org.apache.tika:tika-parser-scientific-module:jar:2.2.2-SNAPSHOT ()

was (Author: tilman):
Same problem in the Apache Tika project. I was trying to change version from 
3.0.0-M3 to 3.0.0 and one of the subprojects fails.

Old output
--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-java-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-output-timestamp-property) 
@ tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (ban-bad-log4j-versions) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---


New output
--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-maven-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-java-version) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-output-timestamp-property) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---

--- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce-maven) @ 
tika-parser-scientific-module ---
Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.DependencyConvergence failed with 
Could not build dependency tree Could not collect dependencies: 
org.apache.tika:tika-parser-scientific-module:jar:2.2.2-SNAPSHOT ()

> Upgrading to 3.0.0 causes `Could not build dependency tree` with repositories 
> some unknown protocol
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MENFORCER-393
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MENFORCER-393
>             Project: Maven Enforcer Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Plugin
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0
>            Reporter: johnny willer gasperi goncalves
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: enforcer_output
> After upgrading to 3.0.0, it's not possible to validate the POM anymore, an 
> error like 
> {code:java}
> Could not build dependency tree Could not collect dependencies: 
> {jarname}{code}
> happens.
> I'm attaching the `mvn validate -X` dump (i have omitted some jars from the 
> output) 

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