Lida Zhao created MNG-7364:

             Summary: could log4j impair a program if it is a transitive 
"provided" dependency?
                 Key: MNG-7364
             Project: Maven
          Issue Type: Improvement
            Reporter: Lida Zhao

Log4j's problem lead me to a strange thought, I want to discuss with you this: 
will the transitive "provided" dependency impair my project? Lets take an 
example, I have a project's structure like this. I import "druid" which has a 
provided dependency "log4j-core":


to `my-app`, `log4j-core` is a {*}transitive "provided" dependency{*}.

but "provided" scope is not transitive according to the doc, so when we use 
`mvn dependency:tree`, we can only get


Since log4j core participates in the compilation of druid, part of 
`log4j-core`'s code could be inside. In the worst condition, could they also be 
vulnerable? If so, how could we know `log4j-core`'s is actually inside? 

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