
Michael Osipov edited comment on MNG-7215 at 8/16/21, 8:01 PM:

Apparently the change cause that all projects now have the basedir set while it 
used to be only the case for reactor projects. So the result of 
{{MavenProject#getBasedir()}} is now different for non-reactor projects. I 
don't know whether this is breaking some API contract of Maven. At least, no 
test was covering that and no Javadoc declares that, so one can assume it's not 
a reliable assumption to use for plugins.

If the goal is to know whether a project is in the reactor, one could use 
`session.getProjects().contains(project)` instead, which seems more reliable.

was (Author: mickael.istria):
Apparently the change cause that all projects now have the basedir set while it 
used to be only the case for reactor projects. So the result of 
{MavenProject#getBasedir()}} is now different for non-reactor projects. I don't 
know whether this is breaking some API contract of Maven. At least, no test was 
covering that and no Javadoc declares that, so one can assume it's not a 
reliable assumption to use for plugins.

If the goal is to know whether a project is in the reactor, one could use 
`session.getProjects().contains(project)` instead, which seems more reliable.

> maven site - parent descriptor without locale is not resolved
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7215
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7215
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.8.2
>            Reporter: Slawomir Jaranowski
>            Assignee: Michael Osipov
>            Priority: Critical
>             Fix For: 3.8.3
> Maven site parent descriptor is not resolved by maven 3.8.2.
> Without changing in project, build on maven 3.8.1, I have in logs:
> {code}
> [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en)
> [DEBUG] Computing decoration model of groupId:artifactId for locale en
> [DEBUG] Reading site descriptor from .../src/site/site.xml
> [DEBUG] Looking for site descriptor of level 1 parent project: 
> parentGroupId:artifactId...
> [DEBUG] No site descriptor found for parentGroupId:artifactId... for locale 
> en, trying without locale...
> [DEBUG] Reading parent level 1 site descriptor from .../parent-x.x.x-site.xml
> [INFO] Rendering content with 
> org.apache.maven.skins:maven-fluido-skin:jar:1.9 skin.
> {code}
> And with maven 3.8.2
> {code}
> [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en)
> [DEBUG] Computing decoration model of groupId:artifactId for locale en
> [DEBUG] Reading site descriptor from .../site/site.xml
> [DEBUG] Looking for site descriptor of level 1 parent project: 
> parentGroupId:artifactId
> [DEBUG] No parent level 1 site descriptor.
> [INFO] Rendering content with 
> org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin.
> {code}
> Only one difference I see in logs is that in maven 3.8.2 I don't have:
> [DEBUG] No site descriptor found for parentGroupId:artifactId for locale en, 
> trying without locale...
> The problem is introduced by commit:
> https://github.com/apache/maven/commit/5a8997312680a4b9c69a129801524691bc546c08
> Similar problem https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/eclipselink/issues/1242

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