Restore the ability to "package" non-Java resources ---------------------------------------------------
Key: ARCHETYPE-65 URL: Project: Maven Archetype Issue Type: Bug Components: Creator Affects Versions: 1.0-alpha-4 Reporter: Wendy Smoak Attachments: archetype-resource-package-interpolation.patch Some time ago, the Archetype plugin lost the ability to "package" non-Java resources. The change was committed in April '06, so it would have first appeared in 1.0-alpha-4.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Prior to this change, you could put non-Java files in the <sources> element, for example <source>src/main/resources/</source> and mvn archetype:create ... -DgroupId=com.example would result in src/main/resources/com/example/ Now, you get an error saying: "Template '' is not in directory src/main/java." One way to fix this is to roll back the changes from lines 682-705 in r390971: However if I'm reading the changes right, that will break the ability to have "sub packages". Maybe we need to leave <sources> alone, and have both <resources> and <packagedResources> ? There is an example project (based on the quickstart archetype) in the sandbox. It includes as described above. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: