
Wendy Smoak updated ARCHETYPE-62:

    Summary: Allow package.html files to be included in an archetype  (was: 
Allow Non-Java Resources in sources/testSources to be included in an archetype)

Changing the summary to be more specific, since only package.html is a problem. 

Other non-Java resources (such as overview.html) do get included in the 
archetype jar.

> Allow package.html files to be included in an archetype
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ARCHETYPE-62
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ARCHETYPE-62
>             Project: Maven Archetype
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 1.0-alpha-4
>            Reporter: Martin Ahrer
> A Java source folder may contain non Java resources such as JavaDoc 
> package.html etc.
>         <sources>
>               <source>src/main/java/App.java</source>
>               <source>src/main/java/package.html</source>
>       </sources>
>       <testSources>
>               <source>src/test/java/AppTest.java</source>
>               <source>src/main/java/package.html</source>
>       </testSources>
> Currently when specifying non Java resources they don't get distributed in 
> the packaged archetype jar.

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