PatPatPat123 created MCHECKSTYLE-404: ----------------------------------------
Summary: maven-checkstyle-plugin version 3.1.2 Old version of checkstyle detected. Consider updating to >= v8.30 Key: MCHECKSTYLE-404 URL: Project: Maven Checkstyle Plugin Issue Type: Bug Reporter: PatPatPat123 Hello Maven Checkstyle Plugin Team, Hope this post finds you well. I would like to report a small issue, hope this is not a trouble. Also, this is my first post here, so apologies if this is not respecting any format. Currently, I am using the "latest", at least, it is the latest in Maven ventral public repository of this plugin, which is at version <version>3.1.2</version> When running Maven, I am gearing this: Old version of checkstyle detected. Consider updating to >= v8.30 Would it be possible to simply fix on the plugin level, to use the good version of Checkstyle please? Thank you -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.3.4#803005)