
Robert Scholte moved MWRAPPER-12 to MNG-7141:

        Key: MNG-7141  (was: MWRAPPER-12)
    Project: Maven  (was: Maven Wrapper)

> different environment variables like JAVA_HOME depending on the project.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7141
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7141
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Terrien Jean-Yves
>            Priority: Major
> Hello,
> A suggestion :
> Add in script just after
> {code:sh}
>    if [-f "$ HOME/.mavenrc"]; then
>      . "$ HOME/.mavenrc"
>    fi
>   # <==== this to load local mavenrc
>    if [-f ".mvn/mavenrc"]; then
>      . ".mvn/mavenrc"
>    fi
> {code}
> This allows to have different environment variables like JAVA_HOME depending 
> on the project.
> Currently it is possible to choose the version of maven in the properties 
> file but not the version of java.
> In all projects, the maven command is run with the same version of java 
> because it depends on the user's environment and not the project.

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