Romain Manni-Bucau created MNG-7132:
org.eclipse.aether.util.repository.DefaultMirrorSelector#isLocal does not 
handle local host/ip
                 Key: MNG-7132
             Project: Maven
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Romain Manni-Bucau

DefaultMirrorSelector used in 
 does not implement isLocal properly - more exactly it only handles 2 
particular cases whereas local can be way more numerous:
 # ipv4 case: 127.x.y.z (test can be has 4 segments separated by a dot and 
starts with 127.)
 # ipv6 case: starts with 1 and ends with 0 (see
 # host case: not sure we want to handle it but except localhost hardcoded 
string we could parse /etc/hosts (or windows specific location) too to resolve 
the ip without going through InetAddress - see next point) and use the ip with 
1+2 rules.

this can be implemented as string parsing (faster) or reusing 
[|].InetAddress#isLoopbackAddress (which can fallback 
in some resolution which can be slow at startup but works better overall and is 


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