
Andreas Sewe commented on MNG-7114:

{quote}I wonder whether those projects could use MASSEMBLY to create a ZIP file 
with classifier schemas and attach them to the reactor?!
That sounds appealing, as it would leave the responsibility to publish schemas 
where it belongs: with the individual projects rather than a new, artificial 
{{maven-schemas}} project.

Alas, adding a JAR with classifier to a plugin's {{<dependencies>}} *also* puts 
the main artifact's dependencies on the plugin's classpath, at least with both 
Maven 3.6.3 and a 4.0.0 snapshot and tested with a {{javadoc}}-classified 
{{<dependency>}}. :(

Not sure whether this is actually the desired behaviour of Maven, but at least 
it is the _actual_ behaviour. And that's a real shame, as something like 
[https://github.com/apache/maven-site/tree/master/content/resources/xsd] could 
otherwise be populated with a few {{dependency:unpack}} executions.

> Publish XSDs as artifact to Central
> -----------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7114
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7114
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Andreas Sewe
>            Priority: Minor
> At the moment, a number of XML Schema files for descriptor-like file formats 
> like archetype or assembly descriptors are only available at 
> [https://maven.apache.org/xsd/].
> This makes them hard to consume, for example, by the {{xml:validate}} goal, 
> which is IMHO quite well suited for sanity-checking your descriptor files 
> before packaging and subsequently releasing them.
> Would it be possible to release the XSDs under {{org.apache.maven:maven-xsd}} 
> or a similar coordinate?

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