
Alexander Kriegisch updated SUREFIRE-1881:
This is a follow-up to SUREFIRE-1788 which was closed prematurely even though 
there still were open issues which were discussed there initially. Basically 
the situation is as follows:
* I use Java agents writing to stdOut and stdErr in my tests.
* I was annoyed that Surefire/Failsafe were writing lots of {{[WARNING] 
Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in forked JVM}} lines 
into {{*-jvmRun1.dumpstream}} files. [~tibordigana] then told me to use 
 in my POM in order to fix the issue.
* I tried this in version 3.0.0-M5, but unfortunately, it makes 
Surefire/Failsafe freeze if a Java agent prints something to stdOut or stdErr. 
This happens both in M5 and in M6-SNAPSHOT after both SUREFIRE-1788 and 
SUREFIRE-1809 have been merged in already.
* My [sample 
reproduces the issue as soon as you uncomment the option in the POM and run 
{{mvn clean verify}}.
* The second issue is: *Not* using this option leads to garbled log output when 
a Java agent writes to both stdOut and stdErr before/during tests. See comments 
in class 
 for examples for garbled log lines and also comments in 
 for further information.
* If the garbled output would also appear with this option activated, cannot be 
tested at present due tothe Surefire/Failsafe freeze. I will re-test that after 
the freeze has been fixed and before this issue can be closed.

This is a follow-up to SUREFIRE-1788 which was closed prematurely even though 
there still were open issues which were discussed there initially. Basically 
the situation is as follows:
* @tibor
Use [this GitHub 
in order to reproduce the problem.

> Java agent printing to native console makes build block when using 
> SurefireForkNodeFactory
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1881
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1881
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Maven Failsafe Plugin, Maven Surefire Plugin
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-M5
>            Reporter: Alexander Kriegisch
>            Priority: Major
> This is a follow-up to SUREFIRE-1788 which was closed prematurely even though 
> there still were open issues which were discussed there initially. Basically 
> the situation is as follows:
> * I use Java agents writing to stdOut and stdErr in my tests.
> * I was annoyed that Surefire/Failsafe were writing lots of {{[WARNING] 
> Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in forked JVM}} lines 
> into {{*-jvmRun1.dumpstream}} files. [~tibordigana] then told me to use 
> {{<forkNode 
> implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.SurefireForkNodeFactory"/>}}
>  in my POM in order to fix the issue.
> * I tried this in version 3.0.0-M5, but unfortunately, it makes 
> Surefire/Failsafe freeze if a Java agent prints something to stdOut or 
> stdErr. This happens both in M5 and in M6-SNAPSHOT after both SUREFIRE-1788 
> and SUREFIRE-1809 have been merged in already.
> * My [sample 
> project|https://github.com/kriegaex/Maven_Surefire_PrintToConsoleProblems] 
> reproduces the issue as soon as you uncomment the option in the POM and run 
> {{mvn clean verify}}.
> * The second issue is: *Not* using this option leads to garbled log output 
> when a Java agent writes to both stdOut and stdErr before/during tests. See 
> comments in class 
> [{{Agent.DummyTransformer}}|https://github.com/kriegaex/Maven_Surefire_PrintToConsoleProblems/blob/master/src/main/java/de/scrum_master/dummy/Agent.java]
>  for examples for garbled log lines and also comments in 
> [pom.xml|https://github.com/kriegaex/Maven_Surefire_PrintToConsoleProblems/blob/master/pom.xml#L36]
>  for further information.
> * If the garbled output would also appear with this option activated, cannot 
> be tested at present due tothe Surefire/Failsafe freeze. I will re-test that 
> after the freeze has been fixed and before this issue can be closed.

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