
Satiswaran Balakrishnan commented on WAGON-605:

!504.PNG! I didn't get any result.

> Connection Timeout error with Maven repo in Azure Pipelines
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: WAGON-605
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WAGON-605
>             Project: Maven Wagon
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Satiswaran Balakrishnan
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: 504.PNG
> When the pipelines are executed in Azure pipelines, we are facing a 
> connection timeout error. Can you please prioritize as soon as possible, as 
> it is impacting all the pipelines including the production builds.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) on 
> project pace-mulesoft-purchase-order-v1: Execution default-test of goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test failed: Plugin 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1 or one of its 
> dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be 
> resolved: org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common:jar:2.19.1, 
> org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-booter:jar:2.19.1, 
> org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.1, 
> org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.5.15: Could not transfer artifact 
> org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common:jar:2.19.1 from/to central 
> ([https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2):] Connection timed out (Read failed) 
> ->
> Error: 
> Transfer failed for 
> https://repository.mulesoft.org/releases/org/mule/tools/maven/mule-maven-plugin/3.2.5/mule-maven-plugin-3.2.5.pom
>  504 Gateway Time

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