
Dan Tran commented on SUREFIRE-117:

The code shows that when useSystemClassLoader is enable, the generated command 
use -jar argument instead of -classpath which is wrong

Start with this line to see more details

Commandline cli = forkConfiguration.createCommandLine( bootClasspath, 
useSystemClassLoader  );

> ability to add dependency to jvm's classpath rather in surefirebooter 
> classloader
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-117
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-117
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.0 (2.2 plugin)
>         Environment: xp
>            Reporter: Dan Tran
>         Assigned To: Kenney Westerhof
>             Fix For: 2.3
>         Attachments: MSUREFIRE-121-booter.patch, MSUREFIRE-121.plugin.patch, 
> MSUREFIRE-121.plugin.patch2, MSUREFIRE-121.plugin.patch3
> I have a usecase where i have a jar file got loaded by -Xbootclasspath, that 
> jar file then loads classes from another jar ( my dependency)
> expected in the classpath.
> The problem is that surefire plugin does not  add my dependencies at JVM 
> commanline  thru -classpath option, but after the JVM starts

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