How to configure maven-checkstyle-plugin with external ImportControl file in your checkstyle configuration ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MCHECKSTYLE-66 URL: Project: Maven 2.x Checkstyle Plugin Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 2.1 Environment: Maven 2.0.4 Windows 200 Pro (command line), Linux Mandrake Server 3.0 (Continuum 1.0.3) Reporter: Cyril MOREAU Priority: Blocker Fix For: 2.1 How to configure maven-checkstyle-plugin with external ImportControl file in your checkstyle configuration ? My checstyles configuration is available in "". This address contains this files : my_checstyleconfiguration.xml import-control.xml In the "my_checstyleconfiguration.xml", the importcontrol is define : <module name="ImportControl"> <metadata name="" value="Utilisation d'un package non autoris??"/> <property name="severity" value="error"/> <property name="file" value=""/> </module> But when I run maven, build failure because maven doesn't localize import-control.xml : " (syntaxe de nom de fichier, de répertoire ou de volume incorrect) -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: