Pavel Pustovoyt created SUREFIRE-1821:

             Summary: Broken junit report when parallel and 
rerunFailingTestsCount is used
                 Key: SUREFIRE-1821
             Project: Maven Surefire
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Maven Failsafe Plugin, Maven Surefire Plugin
    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-M5, 2.22.2, 2.20.1
            Reporter: Pavel Pustovoyt


When using *parallel* configuration with *rerunFailingTestsCount* bad xml 
report is generated for a failing test.

*How to reproduce:*

1. Configure forkCount, parallel and rerun count:
2. Create a failing test that outputs more than 1m characters:
public class AppTest {
    public void testBug() {
        for(int i = 0;  i < 100000; i++){
            System.out.println("Some output longer than 10 character");
        throw new NullPointerException();
3. Run the test and check the report - you will see unexpected end of xml file:
    <property name="" value="UnicodeBig"/>
    <property name="java.class.version" value="52.0"/>
  <testcase name="testBug" classname="" time="0.015">
    <system-out><![CDATA[  <-- EOF
*Possible cause:*

It seems that Junit 4.7 Runner considers each rerun as a separate test set, so 
sends _testSetCompleted_ event each time, but after the first event 
_DeferredFileOutputStream_ and associated with it temp file gets 
freed(deleted), however _testSetCompleted_ event for rerun still tries to write 
something there. If temp file isn't yet created (still in memory) then there 
will be no bug and it gets created only after 1m characters were written to the 
stream. I wasn't able to understand wether multiple _testSetCompleted_ events 
is a bug here or a "rerun" trying to write to _DeferredFileOutputStream_ of 
initial test run.


*Project to reproduce:*


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