
Gili commented on SUREFIRE-1811:

 # This is a subjective statement. Don't get me wrong. I personally advocate to 
use JPMS everywhere humanly possible but objectively-speaking JPMS is only 
relevant in the context of someone consuming your module. If no one is 
consuming your module then "it would be nice" to use JPMS but in the face of 
problems you are far better off simply not using it.
 # Covered by point 1.
 # Let's be concrete. What are the advantages of JPMS-enabled unit tests?
 # I don't question the need for white-box unit tests to access private APIs in 
the main module but as I mentioned to Christian, you can only discuss concrete 
testcases because otherwise this discussion will go on forever.

> Add resources to JPMS test module
> ---------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1811
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1811
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Maven Failsafe Plugin
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-M5
>            Reporter: Pavel_K
>            Priority: Major
> I am testing version 3.0.0-M5 with two module-info in one project - one main 
> and one for test. My test project is here 
> https://github.com/PashaTurok/hibernate-h2-test4 . The problem is with 
> resources. For example, I have  src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml 
> file that is not copied to test module. Because of this it is not possible to 
> find resource in test module and it is necessary to use something like this 
> https://github.com/PashaTurok/hibernate-h2-test4/blob/292e2e683ad72487cbf8d2e5a35dde0d9255001a/src/test/java/com/foo/hibernate/h2/test4/TestIT.java#L72
>  . 
> In target/test-classes/META-INF/jpms.args I see:
> {code:java}
> --patch-module
> my.project=/home/..../hibernate-h2-test4/src/main/java, 
> /home/.../hibernate-h2-test4/target/generated-sources/annotations
> {code}
> As I understand test module will NOT contain resources from the module under 
> test? I mean that test module will NOT contain 
> /home/..../hibernate-h2-test4/src/main/resources? 
> That's why I suggest to include src/main/resources in test module.

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