Apologies for posting this also elsewhere, but I think this problem is your 

I used the Gradle publish function to upload the latest release of my artifact 
(com.jpaulmorrison:drawfbp:2.19.4) to Maven, but the Maven search function only 
shows the previous one (v2.19.2 - there may also be a v2.19.3 there). What is 
strange is that, if I do the publish again for v2.19.4, it works fine until I 
Release the version from the Nexus Staging Repos, when I get messages saying:


    failureMessage  Artifact updating: Repository ='releases:Releases' does not 
allow updating    

    failureMessage  Artifact updating: Repository ='releases:Releases' does not 
allow updating artifact='/com/jpaulmorrison/drawfbp/maven-metadata.xml.sha256' 

which seems to suggest that I managed to add this version on an earlier 
attempt... but it doesn't show up in Maven search...

I am now using Gradle 6.2.2 and Win10 - I have been able to publish a number of 
artifacts over the years using Gradle 5, but Gradle 6 changed significantly. I 
think I have gotten it working, but I can't seem to be able to publish any 
later versions of one of my artifacts.

I did get a message from Gradle 'publish' saying 'maven-metadata.xml missing' - 
could this be the problem? It's the only error message I get from Gradle. But 
the Build was successful! I also don't see an .m2 folder for this artifact. If 
these points are significant, how do I fix them? I am trying to add v2.19.4 to 
Maven - why does Maven think there is a version there, but won't let me see 
it?! I also don't want have to keep bumping the version number to get Maven to 
accept my version!

PS The latest version of my artifact shows up fine on the Nexus Staging Repo, 
but Maven doesn't seem to like it!  Can you a) tell me what's wrong, and b) how 
to fix it? Thx

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