
Sylwester Lachiewicz reassigned MNGSITE-233:

    Assignee: Sylwester Lachiewicz  (was: Karl Heinz Marbaise)

> FAQ (Unoffical)
> ---------------
>                 Key: MNGSITE-233
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNGSITE-233
>             Project: Maven Project Web Site
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>            Reporter: Karl Heinz Marbaise
>            Assignee: Sylwester Lachiewicz
>            Priority: Major
> The link points to Wiki on codehaus which will shutdown soon...copying all 
> the content to here first to save it and rereading it and decide what can be 
> used and what can be thrown away. The link must be removed within the next 
> few days...
> {code}
> *NOTE:* _This page contains drafts of user contributed FAQ entries. The 
> content you see here might not be fully fool-proof or might not comply with 
> the best practices promoted by Maven. What is only guaranteed is that they 
> have worked once for some members. It is best to treat these items as "works 
> in progress" until they have been reviewed and promoted to the main Maven 
> documentation site._
> Please follow the format that is being used because it will help in our 
> automated extraction of material which can then be incorporated into the main 
> site.
> h1. Translations
> h2. Belorussian 
> [Belorussian Translation of version 57 of this 
> page|http://webhostingrating.com/libs/unanswered-questions-be]
> h1. Unanswered Questions
> This page serves as a collection of questions *with* answers. If you have a 
> frequently asked question that doesn't yet have an answer, please list that 
> question on [the other page|FAQs].
> h1. Answered Questions (Index)
> h3. *Reports & Site Docs*
> [How do I merge a list of configuration items in a parent POM with those in a 
> child POM?|#How do I merge a list of configuration items in a parent POM with 
> those in a child POM?]
> [Why do I not get an index.html page generated for my project website?|#Why 
> do I not get an index.html page generated for my project website?]
> [How do I include/exclude the other modules in the navigation menu in the 
> parent site?|#How do I include/exclude the other modules in the navigation 
> menu in the parent site?]
> [How do I create a report that does not require Doxia's Sink interface?|#How 
> do I create a report that does not require Doxia's Sink interface?]
> [How do I generate Maven plug-in sites, with pages that include an overview 
> of the goals and parameters for each plug-in?|#How do I generate Maven 
> plug-in sites, with pages that include an overview of the goals and 
> parameters for each plug-in?]
> [Is there a site.xml DTD?|#Is there a site.xml DTD?]
> [How do I integrate static (x)html into a Maven site?|#How do I integrate 
> static (x)html into a Maven site?]
> [Where do I configure report plug-ins, like javadoc?|#Where do I configure 
> report plug-ins, like javadoc?]
> [Is there a way to get Maven to report the number of compile errors 
> found?|#Is there a way to get Maven to report the number of compile errors 
> found?]
> [How do I convert my <reports> from Maven 1 to Maven 2?|#How do I convert my 
> <reports> from Maven 1 to Maven 2?]
> [#Handle special characters in site]
> [How do I add a description to the welcome page of the generated site when I 
> execute mvn site?|#How do I add a description to the welcome page of the 
> generated site when I execute mvn site?]
> [Which part in pom.xml the javadoc plugin should be configured?|#Which part 
> in pom.xml the javadoc plugin should be configured?]
> h3. Eclipse
> [How do I specify which output folders the Eclipse plugin puts into the 
> .classpath file?|#How do I specify which output folders the Eclipse plugin 
> puts into the .classpath file?]
> [Where can I get the Maven 2 plugin for Eclipse?|#Where can I get the Maven 2 
> plugin for Eclipse?]
> [I issued\- mvn \-Declipse.downloadSources=true eclipse eclipse goal. It 
> created .classpath and .project for both modules, and in my local repository 
> it downloaded sources Ho do I access them in eclipse?|#I issued- mvn 
> -Declipse.downloadSources=true eclipse eclipse goal. It created .classpath 
> and .project for both modules, and in my local repository it downloaded 
> sources Ho do I access them in eclipse?]
> [Is it possible that if I do mvn eclipse eclipse goal that my project would 
> get disconnected from the subversion repository?|#Is it possible that if I do 
> mvn eclipse eclipse goal that my project would get disconnected from the 
> subversion repository?]
> [Does it matter if the project's directory name is not the same as the 
> artifactId?|#Does it matter if the project's directory name is not the same 
> as the artifactId?]
> h3. Plugins
> [How do I resolve the " < plugin name > does not exist or no valid version " 
> error?|#no-valid-version]
> [How do I list available plugins?|#How do I list available plugins?]
> [How do I get a plug-in's dependencies from a Mojo?|#How do I get a plug-in's 
> dependencies from a Mojo?]
> [How do I locate a required plug-in?|#How do I locate a required plug-in?]
> [How do I determine what version of a plugin I am using?|#How do I determine 
> what version of a plugin I am using?]
> [How do I use SNAPSHOT versions of plug-ins?|#How do I use SNAPSHOT versions 
> of plug-ins?]
> [Is there a property file for plug-in configuration in Maven 2.0?|#Is there a 
> property file for plug-in configuration in Maven 2.0?]
> [I've just created a maven plugin. Is there a sample plugin integration test 
> I can use?|#I've just created a maven plugin. Is there a sample plugin 
> integration test I can use?]
> [The snapshot version of the plugin is not updated in the snapshot repo, What 
> should I do to update my copy of the plugin?|#The snapshot version of the 
> plugin is not updated in the snapshot repo, What should I do to update my 
> copy of the plugin?]
> [How to list all goals available for a certain plugin?|#How to list all goals 
> available for a certain plugin?]
> [What does the 'You cannot have two plugin executions with the same (or 
> missing) <id/> elements' message mean?|#What does the 'You cannot have two 
> plugin executions with the same (or missing) <id/> elements' message mean?]
> [#How do I execute the assembly plugin with different configurations]
> [Where is the plugin-registry.xml?|#Where is the plugin-registry.xml?]
> [How do I know which phase a plug-in is associated with?|#How do I know which 
> phase a plug-in is associated with?]
> h3. POM
> [#How do I install a file in my local repository along with a generic POM]
> [How do I install a file in my local repository along with my customized 
> POM?|#How do I install a file in my local repository along with my customized 
> POM?]
> [Does the v4.0.0 POM include a < versions/ > element?|#Does the v4.0.0 POM 
> include a < versions/ > element?]
> [How do I read the version from the pom.xml and then using Java display the 
> version on my application?|#How do I read the version from the pom.xml and 
> then using Java display the version on my application?]
> [How do I determine which POM contains missing transitive dependency?|#How do 
> I determine which POM contains missing transitive dependency?]
> [Does a POM inherit its resources?|#Does a POM inherit its resources?]
> [Is it possible to specify multiple(s) in a POM at a greater depth than 1 
> level?|#Is it possible to specify multiple(s) in a POM at a greater depth 
> than 1 level?]
> [Is there a way to read and examine the contents of a pom.xml file from 
> inside an application?|#Is there a way to read and examine the contents of a 
> pom.xml file from inside an application?]
> [Is there a way to use the current date in the POM?|#Is there a way to use 
> the current date in the POM?]
> [Where are the Maven XSD schemas?|#Where are the Maven XSD schemas?]
> [Where can I find a complete list of properties available in the 
> pom?|MavenPropertiesGuide]
> h3. Dependencies
> [How do I implement "maven.jar.override" of Maven 1 with Maven 2?|#How do I 
> implement maven.jar.override of Maven 1 with Maven 2]
> [Why there are no dependency properties in Maven 2?|#Why there are no 
> dependency properties in Maven 2?]
> [How to make a war artifact as a dependency?|#How to make a war artifact as a 
> dependency?]
> [Can I disable transitive dependencies?|#Can I disable transitive 
> dependencies?]
> [Is there a preferred way to communicate dependencies in documentation?|#Is 
> there a preferred way to communicate dependencies in documentation?]
> [Are there any recommendations on how to handle dependencies, which aren't 
> always required?|#Are there any recommendations on how to handle 
> dependencies, which aren't always required?]
> [How do I determine my project's transitive dependencies, and if needed, 
> exclude a particular  transitive dependency?|#How do I determine my project's 
> transitive dependencies, and if needed, exclude a particular  transitive 
> dependency?]
> [If two versions of the same dependency are at the same depth, how do you 
> know or predict which version will be used?|#If two versions of the same 
> dependency are at the same depth, how do you know or predict which version 
> will be used?]
> h3. Inheritance
> [How can I have a child project not inherit a goal (like install) from the 
> parent?|#How can I have a child project not inherit a goal (like install) 
> from the parent?]
> [What is Maven's order of inheritance?|#What is Maven's order of inheritance?]
> [How do I specify that all web modules will inherit the group's common files 
> from a parent web module?|#How do I specify that all web modules will inherit 
> the group's common files from a parent web module?]
> h3. Repository
> [How do I prevent verification warnings with custom repositories?|#How do I 
> prevent verification warnings with custom repositories?]
> [How do I access artifacts if Ibiblio is down?|#How do I access artifacts if 
> Ibiblio is down?]
> [How do I specify my remote repo in Maven 2.0?|#How do I specify my remote 
> repo in Maven 2.0?]
> [How do I install artifacts to a remote repository?|#How do I install 
> artifacts to a remote repository?]
> [#Repository precedence]
> [#List of available maven 2 mirrors.]
> [How do I change the default remote repository?|#How do I change the default 
> remote repository?]
> [How to remove the artifact in the local repository?|#How to remove the 
> artifact in the local repository?]
> [What is the purpose of remote repository (other than ibilbilo)?|#What is the 
> purpose of remote repository (other than ibilbilo)?]
> h3. Errors
> [#Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher when I try to execute Maven?]
> [What does the "ERROR Cannot override read-only parameter < parameter_name>" 
> message, when running mean?|#What does the "ERROR Cannot override read-only 
> parameter < parameter_name>" message, when running mean?]
> [What does the FATAL ERROR with the message \*'Class 
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not implement Log'\* when 
> using the maven-checkstyle-plugin mean?|#What does the FATAL ERROR with the 
> message *'Class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not 
> implement Log'* when using the maven-checkstyle-plugin mean?]
> [Unsupported Protocol Error when deploying a 3rd party jar. What should I 
> do?|#Unsupported Protocol Error when deploying a 3rd party jar. What should I 
> do?]
> [I have my web.xml in my customed directory layout for my webapp, but why am 
> I getting the error "Deployment descriptor <Path>\WEB-INF\web.xml does not 
> exist"?|#I have my web.xml in my customed directory layout for my webapp, but 
> why am I getting the error "Deployment descriptor <Path>\WEB-INF\web.xml does 
> not exist"?]
> [How can I stop this "WARNING While downloading artifactId-artifactId-version 
> This artifact has been relocated to groupId-artifactId-version"?|#How can I 
> stop this "WARNING While downloading artifactId-artifactId-version This 
> artifact has been relocated to groupId-artifactId-version"?]
> [Why do i get an 'error downloading artifact' message when building with 
> Maven 2 under Fedora Core 4 and Java 1.4?|#Why do i get an 'error downloading 
> artifact' message when building with Maven 2 under Fedora Core 4 and Java 
> 1.4?]
> h3. Supported Features
> [Does Maven 2.x support pre/postGoals?|#Does Maven 2.x support pre/postGoals?]
> [How does maven 2 implement reproducibility?|#How does maven 2 implement 
> reproducibility?]
> h3. Maven Comparisons
> [What is the difference between Maven and Ivy?|#What is the difference 
> between Maven and Ivy?]
> h3. Ant
> [How can I use Ant tasks in Maven 2?|#How can I use Ant tasks in Maven 2?]
> [How do I run an ant task twice, against two different phases?|#How do I run 
> an ant task twice, against two different phases?]
> [Can I define the antrun plug-in to be executed on demand?|#Can I define the 
> antrun plug-in to be executed on demand?]
> [How do I generate sources with the antrun plug-in?|#How do I generate 
> sources with the antrun plug-in?]
> [How do I setup the classpath of my antrun plugin to use the classpath from 
> maven?|#How do I setup the classpath of my antrun plugin to use the classpath 
> from maven?]
> h3. Mojo
> [How do I get the project's sources from a Mojo?|#How do I get the project's 
> sources from a Mojo?]
> [How do I properly populate variables, when extending a mojo from another 
> plugin?|#How do I properly populate variables, when extending a mojo from 
> another plugin?]
> [How do I determine the stale resources in a Mojo to avoid reprocessing 
> them?|#How do I determine the stale resources in a Mojo to avoid reprocessing 
> them?]
> [How do I create a command line parameter (i.e., \-Dname=value ) in my 
> mojo?|#How do I create a command line parameter (i.e., -Dname=value ) in my 
> mojo?]
> [What does aggregator mean in mojo?|#What does aggregator mean in mojo?]
> [What would it take for the MOJO one to get out of the sandbox?|#What would 
> it take for the MOJO one to get out of the sandbox?]
> [How do I indicate array types in a MOJO configuration?|#How do I indicate 
> array types in a MOJO configuration?]
> h3. Deploy
> [How do I deploy my binary during the deploy phase?|#How do I deploy my 
> binary during the deploy phase?]
> [How do I invoke the 'maven dist' function from Maven 1.0, in Maven 2.0?|#How 
> do I invoke the 'maven dist' function from Maven 1.0, in Maven 2.0?]
> [Is there a way to use the deploy phase to perform some tasks without maven 
> trying to install the artifact to a maven repository?|#Is there a way to use 
> the deploy phase to perform some tasks without maven trying to install the 
> artifact to a maven repository?]
> [Is maven 'deploy' goal and actually copying of a dependency or artifact jar 
> to remote repository same?|#Is maven 'deploy' goal and actually copying of a 
> dependency or artifact jar to remote repository same?]
> h3. Release
> [#When I run mvn release:prepare, I get a build failure saying "Unable to tag 
> SCM, File (...) already exists". However, the tag does not exist. What is 
> wrong?]
> h3. Profiles
> [Can a profile inherit the configuration of a "sibling" profile?|#Can a 
> profile inherit the configuration of a "sibling" profile?]
> h3. Testing
> [How do I prevent tests from running twice, after adding a configuration for 
> the surefire plugin?|#How do I prevent tests from running twice, after adding 
> a configuration for the surefire plugin?]
> [How do I skip unit tests when building a project?|#How do I skip unit tests 
> when building a project?]
> [Is there a setting for testing, where I can add a directory to the 
> classpath, which will allow the tests to access the files?|#Is there a 
> setting for testing, where I can add a directory to the classpath, which will 
> allow the tests to access the files?]
> [Why does Maven compile my test classes but don't run them?|#Why does Maven 
> compile my test classes but don't run them?]
> h3. Compile
> [How do I compile 1.3 java sources with a 1.4.x or 1.5.x JDK?|#How do I 
> compile 1.3 java sources with a 1.4.x or 1.5.x JDK?]
> [#Building modules only when they have changed]
> h3. Adding or Excluding
> [Can I add a java source to my war package?|#Can I add a java source to my 
> war package?]
> [How do I filter which classes should be put inside the packaged jar?|#How do 
> I filter which classes should be put inside the packaged jar?]
> [Is it possible to exclude a package from the generated jar file?|#Is it 
> possible to exclude a package from the generated jar file?]
> [How not to include all jar files from parent pom?|#How not to include all 
> jar files from parent pom?]
> [How do I filter resources in the war?|#How do I filter resources in the war?]
> [How do I prevent including JARs in WEB-INF/lib? I need a "compile only" 
> scope&#33;|#How do I prevent including JARs in WEB-INF/lib? I need a "compile 
> only" scope!]
> h3. Changing Locations
> [How can I change the default location of the generated jar when I command 
> "mvn package"?|#How can I change the default location of the generated jar 
> when I command "mvn package"?]
> [Is there a way to specify a different output directory without having to 
> edit the pom or configuration file each time I do a build?|#Is there a way to 
> specify a different output directory without having to edit the pom or 
> configuration file each time I do a build?]
> [How do I set the base directory for creating the packages created by 
> assembly?|#How do I set the base directory for creating the packages created 
> by assembly?]
> [Is it possible to create my own directory structure?|#Is it possible to 
> create my own directory structure?]
> h3. JDK
> [#I would like clarification on what version of the JDK is required for m2 -- 
> particularly with respect to creating Plugins.]
> [#i'm wondering what a "snapshot" actually is.]
> [How do I configure a project to use a specific version of a JDK?|#How do I 
> configure a project to use a specific version of a JDK?]
> h3. Other
> [Maven doesn't work, how do I get help?|#Maven doesn't work, how do I get 
> help?]
> [How do I get a list of archetypes?|#How do I get a list of archetypes?]
> [How do I add main class in a generated jar's manifest?|#How do I add main 
> class in a generated jar's manifest?]
> [How do I run a build/package/deploy process without waiting for reports or 
> unit tests, so that I can quickly deploy to an integration box?|#How do I run 
> a build/package/deploy process without waiting for reports or unit tests, so 
> that I can quickly deploy to an integration box?]
> [Where is the source code? I couldn't seem to find a link anywhere on the 
> Maven2 site.|#Where is the source code? I couldn't seem to find a link 
> anywhere on the Maven2 site.]
> [How do I configure the equivalent of maven.war.src of war plugin in Maven 
> 2.0?|#How do I configure the equivalent of maven.war.src of war plugin in 
> Maven 2.0?]
> [How do I add my generated sources to the compile path of Maven, when using 
> modello?|#How do I add my generated sources to the compile path of Maven, 
> when using modello?]
> [Where can I get offline documentation for Maven?|#Where can I get offline 
> documentation for Maven?]
> [What is the purpose of displaying read-only, plug-in fields in user 
> documentation, if they are not configurable in the project descriptor?|#What 
> is the purpose of displaying read-only, plug-in fields in user documentation, 
> if they are not configurable in the project descriptor?]
> [How can I disable the timestamp appended in my deployed artifact?|#How can I 
> disable the timestamp appended in my deployed artifact?]
> [How to run a java program from M2?|#How to run a java program from M2?]
> [Where to find the source code for org.apache.maven.model package?|#Where to 
> find the source code for org.apache.maven.model package?]
> [How can I reference windows or unix environment variables in my POM?|#How 
> can I reference windows or unix environment variables in my POM?]
> [Where to get sun.jdk-tools-jar-1.4.0 on MacOSX?|#Where to get 
> sun.jdk-tools-jar-1.4.0 on MacOSX?]
> [How can I make the war plugin produces an exploded war instead of .war 
> file?|#How can I make the war plugin produces an exploded war instead of .war 
> file?]
> [Is there any variable to determine what version of an artifact was deployed 
> after the deploy step runs?|#Is there any variable to determine what version 
> of an artifact was deployed after the deploy step runs?]
> [How do I get the top line of a table to be "headers" for that column in 
> APT?|#How do I get the top line of a table to be "headers" for that column in 
> APT?]
> [What is the suggested way to download a remote file?|#What is the suggested 
> way to download a remote file?]
> [How do I install the package generated by the assembly plugin to be 
> installed in the local repository?|#How do I install the package generated by 
> the assembly plugin to be installed in the local repository?]
> [Is it possible to use HashMap as configurable parameter in a plugin? How do 
> I configure that in pom.xml?|#Is it possible to use HashMap as configurable 
> parameter in a plugin? How do I configure that in pom.xml?]
> [Which plugins have StarTeam (SCM) support? How do they differ?|#Which 
> plugins have StarTeam (SCM) support? How do they differ?]
> [How should I point a path for maven 2 to use a certain version of JDK when I 
> have different versions of JDK installed on my PC and my JAVA_HOME already 
> set?|#How should I point a path for maven 2 to use a certain version of JDK 
> when I have different versions of JDK installed on my PC and my JAVA_HOME 
> already set?]
> [Why does release prepare goal requires the project to be released be a 
> snapshot? Is it possible to do a release prepare from a parent project? What 
> about from a sub-project?|#Why does release prepare goal requires the project 
> to be released be a snapshot? Is it possible to do a release prepare from a 
> parent project? What about from a sub-project?]
> [How can I create an archetype with resources mapped to the class files 
> directory?|#How can I create an archetype with resources mapped to the class 
> files directory?]
> [What does (f) and (s) debug output mean?|#What does (f) and (s) debug output 
> mean?]
> [How to resolve problems with jtaxxx.jar?|#How to resolve problems with 
> jtaxxx.jar?]
> [How to make Continuum work in service mode when an Error 1067 is 
> reported?|#How to make Continuum work in service mode when an Error 1067 is 
> reported?]
> [Using xdoclet, how come "<fileset dir="src/main"><include 
> name="/beans//*Bean.java"/></fileset>" does not work?|#Using xdoclet, how 
> come "<fileset dir="src/main"><include name="/beans//*Bean.java"/></fileset>" 
> does not work?]
> [I don't have a domain name and I don't want use my employer's domain name. 
> What should I name my plugin package?|#I don't have a domain name and I don't 
> want use my employer's domain name. What should I name my plugin package?]
> [pom.xml or settings.xml? What is the best practice configuration usage for 
> these files?|#pom.xml or settings.xml? What is the best practice 
> configuration usage for these files?]
> [What is reactorProjects? executedProject?|#What is reactorProjects? 
> executedProject?]
> [What is a Snapshot?|#What is a Snapshot?]
> [Whenever a file is modified in a maven project how is the SNAPSHOT jar 
> updated in the remote repository?|#Whenever a file is modified in a maven 
> project how is the SNAPSHOT jar updated in the remote repository?]
> [Does maven support automated build and test from non-Java 
> applications?|#Does maven support automated build and test from non-Java 
> applications?]
> [What would be the appropriate way to enable inheritance of classes in the 
> test hierarchy across modules during the test-compile phase of a multi-pom 
> project?|#What would be the appropriate way to enable inheritance of classes 
> in the test hierarchy across modules during the test-compile phase of a 
> multi-pom project?]
> [Is Julia Antonova/Tumlare out of the office?|#Is Julia Antonova/Tumlare out 
> of the office?]
> [How to encrypt a secure password that includes an Ampersand|#How to encrypt 
> a secure password that includes an Ampersand]
> h1. Answered Questions
> h3. How do I merge a list of configuration items in a parent POM with those 
> in a child POM?
> Since plugin configurations are handled as XML DOM instances by the core, 
> there is an ever-present struggle between when to merge child elements' 
> values with one another (when the child's <source> overrides the parent's, 
> for example), and when you want to append new child elements to the existing 
> list (as in the example above, or any time you have a list of items to 
> aggregate during inheritance).
> We've solved this problem using an attribute, 'combine.children'. You simply 
> specify this attribute, with the value of "append" at the parent element 
> where such aggregation should occur, and Maven will switch its merge behavior 
> for that element's children.
> NOTE: I fixed this behavior in Maven's trunk; previously, it had been putting 
> the parent POM's sub-elements AFTER those of the child. This is inconsistent 
> with other inheritance functions, so I've reversed the ordering to truly 
> append the child's elements.
> So, to recap:
> parent:
> \\
> {code:xml}<configuration>
>   <items>
>       <item>one</item>
>       <item>two</item>
>   </items>
> </configuration>
> {code}\\
> child:
> {code:xml}<configuration>
>   <items combine.children="append">
>     <item>three</item>
>   </items>
> </configuration>
> {code}\\
> result:
> {code:xml}<configuration>
>   <items>
>     <item>one</item>
>     <item>two</item>
>     <item>three</item>
>   </items>
> </configuration>
> {code}\\
> (If you're using an earlier version of Maven than trunk (revId 545315), the 
> order above will be three, one, two.)
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Why do I not get an index.html page generated for my project website?
> The usual cause of this is configuring maven-project-info-reports plugin and 
> leaving out the 'index' report.
> \\
> {noformat}      <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
>         <reportSets>
>            <reportSet>
>               <reports>
>                  <report>index</report>                <--------- here!
>                  <report>dependencies</report>
>                  <report>cim</report>
>                  <report>scm-list</report>
>                  <report>issue-tracking</report>
>               </reports>
>            </reportSet>
>         </reportSets>
>       </plugin>
> {noformat}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I resolve the " < plugin name > does not exist or no valid version 
> " error?{anchor:no-valid-version}
> This error indicates that Maven is either unable to access the required 
> plug-in from your local repository, or unable to access the official or 
> 'central' Maven2 plug-in repository.
> To resolve this error:
> # If you are behind a http proxy, please check the Maven2 [proxy settings 
> guide|http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-proxies.html].
> # If you are upgrading Maven from an older version, try running with \-U. 
> This will force an update check on all plug-ins.
> If the error persists, browse [archived 
> discussions|http://www.mail-archive.com/users@maven.apache.org/], post to the 
> Maven user list, or log a 
> [ticket|http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG]describing your problem, if you 
> think it is a bug. Tickets may also be issued for feature enhancement 
> requests, and other tasks.
> {panel:title=update}
> There is a known issue with Maven as of 2.0.4 which is related to metadata 
> files being corrupted during plugin version resolution. For more information, 
> and for a workaround, see [MNG-2408|http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2408].
> {panel}{_}Dependencies_
> h3. How do I implement "maven.jar.override" of Maven 1 with Maven 
> 2?{anchor:How do I implement maven.jar.override of Maven 1 with Maven 2}
> Assume you have an open source project on Source Forge which uses some 3rd 
> party libraries which are not available in any public Maven repository. 
> Still, you want to build your project with Maven 2 - how to deal with those 
> unavailable dependencies? Maven 1 allowed to override the path of files of 
> dependencies, with a relative path, for example to a .jar file included in 
> the projects' CVS structure. Maven 2 does not support that, so one way to 
> achieve the same thing is:
> * Create a multi-module project. The first module contains the local 
> 3rd-party jar files, at any location, with any name. As a simple example, 
> just one file, under the path "src/build/jars/acme-worker12.jar"
> * The purpose of the first sub-module is to install the 3rd party .jar file 
> into your local Maven 2 repository through the maven "install" plugin. This 
> plugin allows to install any given file under any "groupId", "artifactId" and 
> "version":
> {code}<build>
>       <plugins>
>               <plugin>
>                       <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                       <artifactId>maven-install-plugin</artifactId>
>                       <executions>
>                               <execution>
>                                       <id>copy-acme</id>
>                                       <phase>validate</phase>
>                                       <goals>
>                                               <goal>install-file</goal>
>                                       </goals>
>                                       <configuration>
> <file>${basedir}/src/build/jars/acme-worker-12.jar</file>
>                                               <groupId>acme</groupId>
>                                               <artifactId>worker</artifactId>
>                                               <version>1.2</version>
>                                               <packaging>jar</packaging>
>                                       </configuration>
>                               </execution>
>                       </executions>
>               </plugin>
>       </plugins>
> </build>
> {code}\* In the second module, where your actual project code is, create a 
> dependency based on the "groupId", "artifactId" and "version" that you used 
> to install the 3rd party libary.
> {code}<dependencies>
>       <dependency>
>               <groupId>acme</groupId>
>               <artifactId>worker</artifactId>
>               <version>1.2</version>
>       </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> {code}One word of caution, though; if you include - for whatever reason Junit 
> like that, it MUST be deployed under - and referred to as - the group id 
> "junit", or the build will break, due to some hardwired dependencies of the 
> current Surefire plugin.
> \\  _Errors, Dependencies, Plugins_\\
> h3. How do I install a file in my local repository along with a generic 
> POM?{anchor:How do I install a file in my local repository along with a 
> generic POM}
> This solution requires at least 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT or above version of Maven 2. 
> You may do this by typing this command (please take note that this is a 
> single line only).
> \\
> {code}mvn install:install-file
>       -DgroupId=<group-id>
>       -DartifactId=<artifact-id>
>       -Dversion=<version>
>       -Dfile=<path-to-file>
>       -Dpackaging=<packaging> (i.e. jar)
>       -DgeneratePom=true
> {code}\\
> This command installs the jar in your local repository with the generated 
> generic pom.
> {{Well, this doesn't work in Maven 2.0.2. It just gives the message "Cannot 
> execute mojo: install-file. It requires a project with an existing pom.xml, 
> but the build is not using one." \--krei...@imcode.com}}
> \\
> \\
> \\  {{This worked fine for me using Maven 2.0.4 without a pom.xml file 
> \--cdoremus}}
> \\  _Repositories_
> h3. How do I install a file in my local repository along with my customized 
> POM?{anchor:How do I install a file in my local repository along with my 
> customized POM?}
> The solution requires at least 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT or above version of Maven 2 and 
> add the \-DpomFile=<path-to-pom> parameter just like the sample below.
> \\
> {code}mvn install:install-file
>       -DgroupId=<group-id>
>       -DartifactId=<artifact-id>
>       -Dversion=<version>
>       -Dfile=<path-to-file>
>       -Dpackaging=<packaging> (i.e. jar)
>       -DpomFile=<path-to-pom>
> {code}\\
> This command will install the file in your local repository along with your 
> customed pom.
> _Repositories_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I include/exclude the other modules in the navigation menu in the 
> parent site?{anchor:How do I include/exclude the other modules in the 
> navigation menu in the parent site?}
> [http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-661], provides a simple patch which 
> provides parent and module links using the project URLs which as you
> correctly point out only work when the site is deployed.
> _Unknown_
> h3. How do I locate a required plug-in?{anchor:How do I locate a required 
> plug-in?}
> If you cannot find a certain plugin, you may want to take a look on the 
> following sites.
> # [http://mojo.codehaus.org]
> # [https://svn.codehaus.org/mojo/trunk/mojo]
> # [https://svn.codehaus.org/mojo/trunk/mojo/mojo-sandbox]
> _Plugins & Lifecycle_
> h3. Does Maven 2.x support pre/postGoals?{anchor:Does Maven 2.x support 
> pre/postGoals?}
> Maven 2.x no longer supports pre/postGoals, which were used in Maven 1.x to 
> inject custom behavior to the build process. This caused a problem, since 
> declaring your code to be a preGoal of some other goal meant that you 
> depended on that specific goal, rather than the work it did. It also caused 
> confusion when trying to inject other behavior into a build that already had 
> pre/postGoals attached: Where would the new behavior be injected?
> Pre\- and post-goals in Maven 1.x were usually used to develop the concept of 
> a workflow, or lifecycle, for the build, where *x* happened before *y*, which 
> had to happen before the sources could be compiled. In Maven 2, we've 
> incorporated this concept of a build lifecycle natively. The steps - or 
> phases - in this lifecycle correspond to the types of actions that might 
> occur in a build. Your plugin can declare which type of action it performs - 
> or which phase it should bind to - and that will guarantee it is executed 
> before the next action type. For example, if your plugin generates some 
> source code, you might want it to bind to the "generate-sources" lifecycle 
> phase, so it is guaranteed to run before the "compile" phase.
> For more information, see:
> * [Introduction to the Build 
> Lifecycle|http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html]
> _General_
> h3. What is the difference between Maven and Ivy?{anchor:What is the 
> difference between Maven and Ivy?}
> For a comparison of Maven's features vs Ivy's you can refer to our [feature 
> comparison|http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Feature+Comparisons]
> _General_
> h3. How do I get a plug-in's dependencies from a Mojo?{anchor:How do I get a 
> plug-in's dependencies from a Mojo?}
> \\
> {code}public class MyMojo
>     extends AbstractMojo
> {
>     /**
>      * @parameter expression="${plugin.artifacts}"
>      * @required
>      */
>     private List pluginArtifacts;
>     public void execute()
>         throws MojoExecutionException
>     {
>         ...
>         for ( Iterator i = pluginArtifacts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
>         {
>             Artifact pluginArtifact = (Artifact) i.next();
>         }
>         ...
>     }
> }
> {code}\\  _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I get the project's sources from a Mojo?{anchor:How do I get the 
> project's sources from a Mojo?}
> \\
> {code}public class MyMojo
>     extends AbstractMojo
> {
>     /**
>      * @parameter expression="${project.compileSourceRoots}"
>      * @required
>      */
>     private List sourceRoots;
>     public void execute()
>         throws MojoExecutionException
>     {
>         ...
>         for ( Iterator i = sourceRoots.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
>         {
>             String sourceRoot = (String) i.next();
>            // Do what you want with these directories
>         }
>     }
> }
> {code}\\  _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Does the v4.0.0 POM include a < versions/ > element?{anchor:Does the 
> v4.0.0 POM include a < versions/ > element?}
> The POM does not inlcude a < versions/ > element. The POM reflects the 
> current state of a project's build only, not a historical build log. The POM 
> is not designed to track historical information, as it would be difficult for 
> developers to always add this information manually, i.e., to always remember 
> to add it or to ensure that the correct information is added when multiple 
> branches are involved.
> However, if the SCM tag of the <scm> section of the POM is populated, the 
> repository records build versions, enabling developers to reconstruct the 
> information for each released build.
> _POM, General_
> h3. How do I create a report that does not require Doxia's Sink 
> interface?{anchor:How do I create a report that does not require Doxia's Sink 
> interface?}
> Make it a report and override the isExternalReport() method to return true.
> _Sites & Reporting_
> h3. How do I prevent verification warnings with custom 
> repositories?{anchor:How do I prevent verification warnings with custom 
> repositories?}
> Warnings from custom repositories (usually located within the organization's 
> network, or even on the same workstation) are triggered when Maven tries to 
> verify the integrity of the files in the repository. This verification is 
> done via the SHA1 or MD5 sum of the file. If these sum files do not exist, 
> then a warning appears.
> Support for downloading the security sum files is not yet included in the 
> Maven2 distribution. There are free command-line utilities on the Internet 
> that generate these sums. Below is an example of a bash script (use 
> [Cygwin|http://cygwin.com]if you are using a windows machine) that generates 
> sha1sum for all jar, xml and pom files contained in the directory where it is 
> executed:
> \\
> {code}#!/usr/bin/bash
> gensum(){
>    shaname=$1.sha1
>    sum=`sha1sum $1 | cut -f1 -d" "`
>    echo $sum > $shaname
> }
> processFile(){
>    while read oneline
>    do
>       gensum $oneline
>    done < "$1"
> }
> tmpFile=$TMP/shagen.list
> echo "Generating sha1 sums for XML files"
> find . -name "*.xml" > "$tmpFile"
> processFile "$tmpFile"
> echo "Generating sha1 sums for POM files"
> find . -name "*.pom" > "$tmpFile"
> processFile "$tmpFile"
> echo "Generating sha1 sums for JAR files"
> find . -name "*.jar" > "$tmpFile"
> processFile "$tmpFile"
> rm "$tmpFile"
> {code}\\
> The script above has been tested on [Cygwin|http://cygwin.com] and is 
> provided "as-is" and with no guarantee.
> _Errors, Repositories_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What does the "ERROR: Cannot override read-only parameter: < 
> parameter_name > " message, when running <plugin_name>: mean?{anchor:What 
> does the " ERROR Cannot override read-only parameter < parameter_name > " 
> message, when running mean?}
> This means that the parameter being overriden in the pom.xml is read-only. 
> Hence, it is not possible to override this parameter.
> _Errors, POM_
> h3. How do I generate Maven plug-in sites, with pages that include an 
> overview of the goals and parameters for each plug-in?{anchor:How do I 
> generate Maven plug-in sites, with pages that include an overview of the 
> goals and parameters for each plug-in?}
> Include maven-plugin-plugin as a report.
> _Plugin Requests, Sites & Reporting_
> h3. Can I define the antrun plugin to be executed on demand like "mvn 
> antrun:run"?{anchor:Can I define the antrun plug-in to be executed on demand?}
> The antrun plugin can be executed on demand only if:
> - the top level configuration of the plugin contains all the information
> - a variable is passed from the command line, eg \-Dtarget=foo antrun:run
> - the appropriate target in the script is executed based on the variable
> However, it is recommended that developers write plugins for their goals (Ant 
> support for
> plugins will be available soon, currently you must write them in java or 
> beanshell).
> _Plugins and Lifecycle, Ant-related_
> h3. How do I properly populate variables, when extending a mojo from another 
> plugin?{anchor:How do I properly populate variables, when extending a mojo 
> from another plugin?}
> When creating plugins, the field metadata is read from source files, so it is 
> not available when the original source is not available. While the metadata 
> is available in the plugin in {{META-INF/maven/plugin.xml}}, currently, there 
> is no way to incorporate it when building a new plugin.
> It is currently recommended that plug-ins be built using composition, instead 
> of inheritence.
> _Plugin Requests, Design, Patterns & Best Practices_
> h3. How do I access artifacts if Ibiblio is down?{anchor:How do I access 
> artifacts if Ibiblio is down?}
> To access artifacts if Ibiblio is down, use any of its mirror sites.
> [http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.html]
> _Repositories, General_
> h3. How do I get a list of archetypes?{anchor:How do I get a list of 
> archetypes?}
> To get a list of archetypes, refer to the following page 
> [http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/maven/archetype/trunk/maven-archetypes]
> _Unknown_
> h3. How do I specify my remote repo in Maven 2.0 (i.e., what is the 
> equivalent of 'maven.repo.remote' in Maven 1.x)?{anchor:How do I specify my 
> remote repo in Maven 2.0?}
> To specify a remote repo in Maven 2.0, add the <repositories> element to the 
> POM:
> \\
> {code:xml}<repositories>
>   <repository>
>     <id>my-repo2</id>
>     <name>your custom repo</name>
>     <url>http://jarsm2.dyndns.dk</url>
>   </repository>
> </repositories>
> {code}\\
> Or, refer to the following page 
> [http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html]
> _Repositories_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I specify which output folders the Eclipse plugin puts into the 
> .classpath file?{anchor:How do I specify which output folders the Eclipse 
> plugin puts into the .classpath file?}
> \\
> {code:xml}<build>
> ...
>   <pluginManagement>
>     <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>           <outputDirectory>target-eclipse</outputDirectory>
>         </configuration>
>       </plugin>
>     </plugins>
>   </pluginManagement>
> ...
> </build>
> {code}\\  _Plugins and Lifecycle, IDEs_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I invoke the "maven dist" function from Maven 1.0, in Maven 
> 2.0?{anchor:How do I invoke the 'maven dist' function from Maven 1.0, in 
> Maven 2.0?}
> mvn assembly:assembly
> See the [Assembly Plugin 
> documentation|http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/] for 
> more details.
> _General, Plugins and Lifecycle_
> h3. Can a profile inherit the configuration of a "sibling" profile?{anchor: 
> Can a profile inherit the configuration of a "sibling" profile?}
> No. Profiles merge when their ID's match - so you can inherit them from a 
> parent POM (but you can't inherit profiles from the same POM).
> _Inheritence and Interpolation, Plugins and Lifecycle, POM_
> h3. How do I run an ant task twice, against two different phases?{anchor:How 
> do I run an ant task twice, against two different phases?}
> You can specify multiple execution elements under the executions tag, giving 
> each a different id and binding them at different phases.
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>        <executions>
>          <execution>
>             * <id>one</id>*
>            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>            <configuration>
>              <tasks>
>                <echo 
> message="generate-sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"/>
>              </tasks>
>            </configuration>
>            <goals>
>              <goal>run</goal>
>            </goals>
>          </execution>
>          <execution>
>              *<id>two</id>*
>            <phase>package</phase>
>            <configuration>
>              <tasks>
>                 * <echo 
> message="package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"/>*
>              </tasks>
>            </configuration>
>            <goals>
>              <goal>run</goal>
>            </goals>
>          </execution>
>       </executions>
>      </plugin>
> {code}\\  _&nbsp;Ant-related_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I prevent tests from running twice, after adding a configuration 
> for the surefire plugin?{anchor:How do I prevent tests from running twice, 
> after adding a configuration for the surefire plugin?}
> Declare the configuration outside of the executions tag of the plugin.
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>     <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>     <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>     <version>2.0</version>
>     <configuration>
>         <systemProperties>
>             <property>
>                 <name>net.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile</name>
>                     <value>C:\cobertura.ser</value>
>             </property>
>         </systemProperties>
>     </configuration>
> </plugin>
> {code}\\  _Plugins and Lifecycle, Sites & Reporting_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I integrate static (x)html into my Maven site?{anchor:How do I 
> integrate static (x)html into a Maven site?}
> You can integrate your static pages in this several steps,
> * Put your static pages in the resources directory, 
> $\{basedir\}/src/site/resources.
> * Create your site.xml and put it in $\{basedir\}/src/site. An example below:
> \\
> {code:xml}<project name="Maven War Plugin">
>   <bannerLeft>
>     <name>Maven War Plugin</name>
>     <src>http://maven.apache.org/images/apache-maven-project.png</src>
>     <href>http://maven.apache.org/</href>
>   </bannerLeft>
>   <bannerRight>
>     <src>http://maven.apache.org/images/maven-small.gif</src>
>   </bannerRight>
>   <body>
>     <links>
>       <item name="Maven 2" xhref="http://maven.apache.org/maven2/"/>
>     </links>
>     <menu name="Overview">
>       <item name="Introduction" xhref="introduction.html"/>
>       <item name="How to Use" xhref="howto.html"/>
>     </menu>
>     ${reports}
>   </body>
> </project>
> {code}\\
> \\
> * Link the static pages by modifying the <menu> section, create items and map 
> it with the filename of the static pages.
> \\
> {code:xml}<menu name="Overview">
>   <item name="Introduction" xhref="introduction.html"/>
>   <item name="How to Use" xhref="howto.html"/>
>   <item name="<put-name-here>" xhref="<filename-of-the-static-page>"/>
> </menu>
> {code}\\
> &nbsp;_Sites & Reporting_\\
> h3. How do I specify that all web modules will inherit the group's common 
> files from a parent web module?{anchor:How do I specify that all web modules 
> will inherit the group's common files from a parent web module?}
> maven-war-plugin 2.0-beta-3 and later supports merging of wars. Just 
> reference the common WAR project from another WAR project as a dependency of 
> <type>war</type> and it will automatically be merged.
> See [http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR-8]
> _Inheritence and Interpolation_
> h3. How do I determine which POM contains missing transitive 
> dependency?{anchor:How do I determine which POM contains missing transitive 
> dependency?}
> run "mvn \-X"
> _POM, Dependencies_
> h3. Is there a property file for plug-in configuration in Maven 
> 2.0?{anchor:Is there a property file for plug-in configuration in Maven 2.0?}
> No. Maven 2.x no longer supports plug-in configuration via properties files. 
> Instead, in Maven 2.0 you can configure plug-ins directly from command line 
> using the \-D arguement, or from the plug-in's POM using the <configuration> 
> element.
> _General, POM, Plugins and Lifecycle, Command Line_
> h3. How do I determine the stale resources in a Mojo to avoid reprocessing 
> them?{anchor:How do I determine the stale resources in a Mojo to avoid 
> reprocessing them?}
> This can be done using the following piece of code:
> \\
> {code}// Imports needed
> import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.InclusionScanException;
> import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.StaleSourceScanner;
> import org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.util.scan.mapping.SuffixMapping;
> // At some point of your code
>     StaleSourceScanner scanner = new StaleSourceScanner( 0, 
> Collections.singleton( "**/*.xml" ), Collections.EMPTY_SET );
>     scanner.addSourceMapping( new SuffixMapping( ".xml", ".html" ) );
>     Set<File> staleFiles = (Set<File>) scanner.getIncludedSources( 
> this.sourceDirectory, this.targetDirectory );
> {code}\\
> The second parameter to the StaleSourceScanner is the set of includes, while 
> the third parameter is the set of excludes. You must add a source mapping to 
> the scanner (second line). In this case we're telling the scanner what is the 
> extension of the result file (.html) for each source file extension (.xml). 
> Finally we get the stale files as a Set<File> calling the getIncludedSources 
> method, passing as parameters the source and target directories (of type 
> File). The Maven API doesn't support generics, but you may cast it that way 
> if you're using them.
> In order to use this API you must include the following dependency in your 
> pom:
> {code:xml}<dependencies>
>   <dependency>
>     <groupId>org.codehaus.plexus</groupId>
>     <artifactId>plexus-compiler-api</artifactId>
>     <version>1.5.1</version>
>   </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> {code}\\  _POM, Plugin API_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What does the FATAL ERROR with the message *"Class 
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not implement Log"* when 
> using the maven-checkstyle-plugin mean?{anchor:What does the FATAL ERROR with 
> the message *'Class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not 
> implement Log'* when using the maven-checkstyle-plugin mean?}
> Checkstyle uses commons-logging, which has classloader problems when 
> initialized within a Maven plugin's container. This results in the above 
> message - if you run with '-e', you'll see something like the following:
> ---
> Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: 
> org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Class 
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger does not implement Log
> ---
> buried deep in the stacktrace.
> The only workaround we currently have for this problem is to include another 
> commons-logging Log implementation in the plugin itself. So, you can solve 
> the problem by adding the following to your plugin declaration in your POM:
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
>   ...
>   <build>
>     ...
>     <plugins>
>       ...
>       <plugin>
>         <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
>         <dependencies>
>           <dependency>
>             <groupId>log4j</groupId>
>             <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
>             <version>1.2.12</version>
>           </dependency>
>         </dependencies>
>       </plugin>
>     </plugins>
>   </build>
>   ...
>   <reporting>
>     ...
>     <plugins>
>       <!-- your checkstyle report is registered here, according to Maven 
> documentation -->
>     </plugins>
>   </reporting>
> </project>
> {code}\\
> While this may seem a counter-intuitive way of configuring a report, it's 
> important to remember that Maven plugins can have a mix of reports and normal 
> mojos. When a POM has to configure extra dependencies for a plugin, it should 
> do so in the normal plugins section.
> We will probably try to fix this problem before the next release of the 
> checkstyle plugin.
> \\
> \\
> \\  *UPDATE:* This problem has been fixed in the SVN trunk version of the 
> checkstyle plugin, which should be released very soon.
> \\  _Plugins and Lifecycle, Sites & Reporting, Errors_
> h3. Where do I configure report plug-ins, like javadoc?{anchor:Where do I 
> configure report plug-ins, like javadoc?}
> Generally, you should configure reporting in the <reporting> (vs. <build>) 
> section of the POM. Configuration there applies to both the site, and when 
> run on the command line, and adding the plugin there adds the report to the 
> generated site.
> Configuration in the build section is only used during the normal lifecycle 
> or the command line invocation (eg javadoc:javadoc).
> Configuration should go there if you do not want the report on the site, or 
> the configuration differs from what is on the site (eg, some plugins have a 
> fail build option).
> _Sites & Reporting, Plugins and Lifecycle, Command Line_
> h3. How do I deploy my binary during the deploy phase?{anchor:How do I deploy 
> my binary during the deploy phase?}
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>   <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>   <executions>
>     <execution>
>       <phase>install</phase>
>       <goals>
>         <goal>assembly</goal>
>       </goals>
>       <configuration>
>         <!-- put your config here -->
>       </configuration>
>     </execution>
>   </executions>
> </plugin>
> {code}\\
> Then run "mvn deploy".
> _Deployment_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I add main class in a generated jar's manifest?{anchor:How do I 
> add main class in a generated jar's manifest?}
> Configure the maven-jar-plugin and add your main class.
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>   <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
>   <configuration>
>     <archive>
>       <manifest>
>    <mainClass>com.mycompany.app.App</mainClass>
>       </manifest>
>     </archive>
>   </configuration>
> </plugin>
> {code}\\  _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I install artifacts to a remote repository?{anchor:How do I 
> install artifacts to a remote repository?}
> You need at least 2.1-SNAPSHOT version of maven-deploy-plugin to make this 
> work, current workaround to use this is to copy the wagon provider jar (ie. 
> wagon-ftp-1.0-alpha-3.jar) in your %M2_HOME%/lib and execute the command:
> \\
> {code}mvn deploy:deploy-file
>     -DgroupId=<groupId>
>     -DartifactId=<artifactId>
>     -Dversion=<version>
>     -Dpackaging=<packaging>
>     -Dfile=<path-to-file>
>     -DrepositoryId=<id-to-map-on-server>
>     -Durl=<url-of-remote-repo>
> {code}\\  _Repositories, Command Line_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Does a POM inherit its resources?{anchor:Does a POM inherit its 
> resources?}
> Yes, resources are inherited, but only if the child pom does not define any 
> resources. If it does, then the project just uses those resources defined in 
> its pom and the parents resources are overridden.
> _POM, Inheritence and Interpolation_
> h3. How do I use SNAPSHOT versions of plug-ins?{anchor:How do I use SNAPSHOT 
> versions of plug-ins?}
> [http://maven.apache.org/guides/development/guide-testing-development-plugins.html]
> _Unknown_
> h3. How do I run a build/package/deploy process without waiting for reports 
> or unit tests, in order to quickly deploy to an integration box?{anchor:How 
> do I run a build/package/deploy process without waiting for reports or unit 
> tests, so that I can quickly deploy to an integration box?}
> You could create a specific profile that skips the reporting and test phases.
> Also refer to [How do I skip unit tests when building a project?|How do I 
> skip unit tests when building a project?]
> _Unknown_
> h3. How do I configure the equivalent of maven.war.src of war plugin in Maven 
> 2.0?{anchor:How do I configure the equivalent of maven.war.src of war plugin 
> in Maven 2.0?}
> \\
> {code:xml}<build>
>   ...
>   <plugins>
>     <plugin>
>       <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>       <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
>       <configuration>
>          <warSourceDirectory><!-- put the path of the directory 
> --></warSourceDirectory>
>       </configuration>
>     </plugin>
>   </plugins>
>   ...
> </build>
> {code}\\
> See [http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/war-mojo.html] for 
> other configurable properties of the war plugin.
> _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I execute the assembly plugin with different 
> configurations?{anchor:How do I execute the assembly plugin with different 
> configurations}
> Add this to your pom,
> \\
> {code:xml}<build>
>   ...
>   <plugins>
>     <plugin>
>       <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>       <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>       <executions>
>         <execution>
>           <id>1</id>
>           <phase>install</phase>
>           <goals>
>             <goal>assembly</goal>
>           </goals>
>           <configuration>
>             <descriptor>src/main/descriptors/bin.xml</descriptor>
>             <finalName>${project.build.finalName}-bin</finalName>
>           </configuration>
>         </execution>
>         <execution>
>           <id>2</id>
>           <phase>install</phase>
>           <goals>
>             <goal>assembly</goal>
>           </goals>
>           <configuration>
>             <descriptor>src/main/descriptors/src.xml</descriptor>
>             <finalName>${project.build.finalName}-src</finalName>
>           </configuration>
>         </execution>
>       </executions>
>     </plugin>
>   </plugins>
>   ...
> </build>
> {code}\\
> and run mvn install, this will execute the assembly plugin twice with 
> different config.
> _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What is Maven's order of inheritance?{anchor:What is Maven's order of 
> inheritance?}
> # parent pom
> # project pom
> # settings
> # CLI parameters
> where the last overrides the previous.
> _General, Inheritence and Interpolation, Design, Patterns & Best Practices_
> h3. How do I add my generated sources to the compile path of Maven, when 
> using modello?{anchor:How do I add my generated sources to the compile path 
> of Maven, when using modello?}
> Modello generate the sources in the generate-sources phase and automatically 
> adds the source directory for compilation in maven. So you don't have to copy 
> the generated sources.
> You have to declare the modello-plugin in the build of your plugin for source 
> generation (in that way the sources are generated each time).
> _Plugins and Lifecycle_
> h3. Can I add a java source to my war package?{anchor:Can I add a java source 
> to my war package?}
> You can't, but you can use the assembly plugin to create a source 
> distribution and a binary distribution for your project
> Please refer to these sites for more info
> [http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-assemblies.html]
> [http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/howto.html]
> _Deployments, Plugins and Lifecycle_
> h3. Is there a site.xml DTD?{anchor:Is there a site.xml DTD?}
> There is no DTD but XSD.
> [http://maven.apache.org/maven-navigation-1.0.xsd]
> _Sites & Reporting_
> h3. What does the "You cannot have two plugin executions with the same (or 
> missing) <id/> elements" message mean?{anchor:What does the 'You cannot have 
> two plugin executions with the same (or missing) < id/ > elements' message 
> mean?}
> It means that you have executed a plugin multiple times with the same <id>. 
> Provide each <execution> with a unique <id> then it would be ok.
> _Errors, Plugins and Lifecycle_
> h3. Can I disable transitive dependencies?{anchor:Can I disable transitive 
> dependencies?}
> No you can't, but you may exclude the dependencies you dont want to include 
> in your project.
> Following is a sample on how to exclude transitive dependencies.
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
>   ...
>   <dependency>
>     <groupId><!-- group id --></groupId>
>     <artifactId><!-- artifact id --></artifactId>
>     <version><!-- version --></version>
>     <scope><!-- scope --></scope>
>     <exclusions>
>       <exclusion>
>         <groupId><!-- groupId-of-the-artifact --></groupId>
>         <artifactId><!-- artifactId-of-the-artifact --></artifactId>
>       </exclusion>
>     </exclusions>
>   </dependency>
> </project>
> {code}\\  _Dependencies, Design, Patterns & Best Practices_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Where can I get offline documentation for Maven?{anchor:Where can I get 
> offline documentation for Maven?}
> Check it out from [http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/site/trunk] and run 
> mvn site:site
> _General, Sites & Reporting_
> h3. How do I skip unit tests when building a project?{anchor:How do I skip 
> unit tests when building a project?}
> Run the mvn command with "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" argument.
> Also see [How do I run a build/package/deploy process without waiting for 
> reports or unit tests, so that I can quickly deploy to an integration box?]
> h3. How do I convert my <reports> from Maven 1 to Maven 2?{anchor:How do I 
> convert myfrom Maven 1 to Maven 2?}
> In m1, we declare reports in the pom like this:
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
>   ...
>   <reports>
>     <report>maven-checkstyle-plugin</report>
>     <report>maven-pmd-plugin</report>
>   </reports>
> </project>
> {code}\\
> In m2, the <reports> tag is replaced with <reporting>
> {code:xml}<project>
>   ...
>   <reporting>
>     <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>            <!-- put your config here -->
>         </configuration>
>       </plugin>
>       <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>            <!-- put your config here -->
>         </configuration>
>       </plugin>
>     </plugins>
>   <reporting>
> </project>
> {code}\\
> &nbsp;_Sites & Reporting, General_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I create a command line parameter (i.e., \-Dname=value ) in my 
> mojo?{anchor:How do I create a command line parameter (i.e., -Dname=value ) 
> in my mojo?}
> In your mojo, put "expression=$\{<exp>\}" in your parameter field
> \\
> {code:java}/**
>  * @parameter expression="${expression.name}"
>  */
> private String exp;
> {code}\\
> You may now able to pass parameter values to the command line.
> "mvn \-Dexpression.name=value install"
> \\
> \\
> \\  _Command Line_\\
> h3. What is the purpose of displaying read-only, plug-in fields in user 
> documentation, if they are not configurable in the project 
> descriptor?{anchor:What is the purpose of displaying read-only, plug-in 
> fields in user documentation, if they are not configurable in the project 
> descriptor?}
> Often, parameters are specified as read-only to indicate that its value 
> should be changed indirectly, rather than in the plugins <configuration/> 
> section. For instance, I may have a plugin that declares a parameter as such:
> \\
> {code}/**
>    * @parameter default-value="${project.build.directory}"
>    * @required
>    * @readonly
>    */
>   private File buildDir;
> {code}\\
> In this case, my plugin wants to output something to the project's build 
> directory. If this were configured directly on the plugin, it might not be 
> cleaned up when the user issued *'mvn clean'*, so instead I mark it as 
> *@readonly*. This tells the user that she should modify the structure 
> referenced by *default-value*(i.e. <project><build><directory/> in the POM) 
> instead, which will allow this plugin to be a good citizen in the build 
> process.
> _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. I've just created a maven plugin. Is there a sample plugin integration 
> test I can use?{anchor:I've just created a maven plugin. Is there a sample 
> plugin integration test I can use?}
> Each integration test is a separate project. For a plugin, you may want to 
> create a project that will use your plugin and probably put it inside 
> src/test/projects like maven-antrun-plugin, maven-eclipse-plugin, 
> maven-javadoc-plugin and several others. These plugins can be found here: 
> [https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/plugins/trunk]
> _Plugins and Lifecycle, Sites & Reporting, Integration tests_
> h3. The snapshot version of the plugin is not updated in the snapshot repo, 
> What should I do to update my copy of the plugin?{anchor:The snapshot version 
> of the plugin is not updated in the snapshot repo, What should I do to update 
> my copy of the plugin?}
> If the plugin in the snapshot repo 
> ([http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2]) is not yet updated. The only 
> way to update it is to check out the source from SVN and build it.
> _Unknown_
> h3. Is there a way to get Maven to report the number of compile errors found? 
> {anchor:Is there a way to get Maven to report the number of compile errors 
> found?}
> Currently, this type of summary information is not built into the compiler 
> plugin, but it would be possible to add. If this feature is important to you, 
> add your vote to [MNG-1854|http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1854].
> _Sites & Reporting_
> h3. In a multi-module project, is there any way for maven to build only those 
> modules that have changed from the previous build and leave the unchanged 
> modules alone (i.e. not build them)?{anchor:Building modules only when they 
> have changed}
> Currently, this is not possible. The main reason is that it's a non-trivial 
> to determine whether an entire project's build is stale (the project here 
> being one of the modules). It will be dependent on the phase being called, 
> and the packaging of the particular module. This type of feature would have 
> to be included in a design discussion on the [Maven 2.1 Discussion 
> Wiki|http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Maven+2.1+Design+Documents].
> _Design, Patterns & Best Practices_
> h3. Where can I get the Maven 2 plugin for Eclipse?{anchor:Where can I get 
> the Maven 2 plugin for Eclipse?}
> [http://maven.apache.org/eclipse-plugin.html]
> There are some flash demos to show the user how to use the plugin.
> _IDEs_
> h3. Handle special characters in site {anchor:Handle special characters in 
> site}
> A solution with eclipse and solaris
> In eclipse.ini :
> Adding \-Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1
> If using xmlbuddy with eclipse to edit xdoc files set the encoding
> Honor encoding
> Default to ISO-8859-1
> Configuration in pom
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>           <outputEncoding>UTF-8</outputEncoding>
>         </configuration>
>       </plugin>
> {code}\\
> On the solaris machine
> In $HOME/.profile
> {code}MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -Xms512m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1" (mx/ms not 
> mandatory for m2 but for m1).
> LANG=en_US.ISO8859-15
> {code}\\  _Sites & Reporting, IDEs_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I generate sources with the antrun plug-in?{anchor:How do I 
> generate sources with the antrun plug-in?}
> For instance to generate sources add the following to your plugins section
> NOTE: this may only work in the latest plugin version in SVN
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                 <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>                 <dependencies>
>                   <!-- add dependencies needed in your ant script -->
>                 </dependencies>
>                 <executions>
>                     <execution>
>                         <id>generate-sources</id>
>                         <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>                         <configuration>
>                             <tasks>
>                                 <!-- this will delegate to an ant build.xml, 
> you could embed here your ant tasks -->
>                                 <path id="classpath">
>                                     <path refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
>                                     <path refid="maven.plugin.classpath"/>
>                                 </path>
>                                 <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml" 
> dir="${basedir}" inheritRefs="true">
>                                     <target name="generate-sources"/>
>                                 </ant>
>                             </tasks>
>                         </configuration>
>                         <goals>
>                             <goal>run</goal>
>                         </goals>
>                     </execution>
>                 </executions>
>             </plugin>
> {code}\\  _Ant-related_&nbsp;
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Where is the plugin-registry.xml?{anchor:Where is the 
> plugin-registry.xml?}
> From the settings.xml, you may enable it by setting <usePluginRegistry/> to 
> true
> and the file will be in \~/.m2/plugin-registry.xml
> _General, Plugins and Lifecycle_
> h3. Is there a way to specify a different output directory without having to 
> edit the pom or configuration file each time I do a build?
> Yes. You can make use of the pom's <properties> element to accomplish this.
> To do so, simply add the following fragment to your pom:
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
> ...
>   <build>
>     <directory>${directory}</directory>
>     <outputDirectory>${directory}/classes</outputDirectory>
>     <testOutputDirectory>${directory}/test-classes</testOutputDirectory>
>   </build>
>   <properties>
>     <directory>target</directory>     <!-- will serve as the default -->
>   </properties>
> ...
> </project>
> {code}\\
> Now, to specify a different output directory at runtime simply use the 
> directory property as a mvn command line parameter;
> {code}mvn -Ddirectory=tmp package
> {code}\\
> This will send the build's output files to the $\{basedir}/tmp directory.
> _POM, Command Line_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I compile 1.3 java sources with a 1.4.x or 1.5.x JDK?{anchor:How 
> do I compile 1.3 java sources with a 1.4.x or 1.5.x JDK?}
> You need to specify the <compilerVersion> element to 1.3
> i.e.
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
>   ...
>   <build>
>     <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>           <verbose>true</verbose>
>           <fork>true</fork>
>           <executable><!-- path-to-javac --></executable>
>           <compilerVersion>1.3</compilerVersion>
>         </configuration>
>       </plugin>
>     </plugins>
>   </build>
>   ...
> </project>
> {code}\\  _Unknown_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I change the default remote repository?{anchor:How do I change the 
> default remote repository?}
> Define in your POM a repository with "central" as the repository id.
> \\
> {code:xml}<repositories>
>     <repository>
>       :
>       <id>central</id>
>       <name>any name</name>
>       <url>http://your.remote.repo.url.org</url>
>       :
>     </repository>
>   </repositories>
> {code}\\  _Repositories_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. I have my web.xml in my customed directory layout for my webapp, but why 
> am I getting the error "Deployment descriptor <Path>\WEB-INF\web.xml does not 
> exist"?{anchor:I have my web.xml in my customed directory layout for my 
> webapp, but why am I getting the error "Deployment descriptor\WEB-INF\web.xml 
> does not exist"?}
> You may specify the path of your web.xml in your webapp by configuring 
> maven-war-plugin.
> \\
> {code:xml}<build>
>    ...
>     <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>           <webXml><!-- path-to-your-webxml --></webXml>
>         </configuration>
>       </plugin>
>     </plugins>
> </build>
> {code}\\  _Errors, Deployment_&nbsp;
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Is it possible to specify multiple <module>(s) in a POM at a greater 
> depth than 1 level? {anchor:Is it possible to specify multiple(s) in a POM at 
> a greater depth than 1 level?}
> Yes. This can be done in two ways: 1. add the extra path in the top level 
> POM, or 2. add extra parent poms at different levels, if approriate.
> For example, you have the following structure:
> /A/pom.xml (multi-module POM)
> /A/B/C/pom.xml
> /A/B/C/D/pom.xml
> And you want the modules at level C and D built when the multi-module POM is 
> built.
> For the first solution:
> Add the following at the top level POM:
> \\
> {code:xml}<modules>
>   <module>A/B</module>
>   ...
> <modules>
> {code}\\
> For the second solution:
> Add the following at the top level POM:
> {code:xml}<modules>
>   <module>B</module>
> <modules>
> {code}\\
> And in directory A/B/, add an extra parent POM and add the following:
> {code:xml}<modules>
>   <module>C</module>
> <modules>
> {code}\\
> Both ways are effectively the same, but if you have that inheritance 
> structure, the second gives a more natural grouping (eg, you can cd
> into "B" and build all its subprojects only).
> If you do the first solution, the children poms should have the following 
> hint in the parent element:
> {code:xml}<parent>
>   ...
>   <artifactId>A</artifactId>
>   <relativePath>../../pom.xml</relativePath>
> </parent>
> {code}\\
> The repository is still used if ../../pom.xml is not found or the versions 
> don't match, but the hint makes it easier to use local modifications without 
> installing the parent.&nbsp;
> _POM_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How to list all goals available for a certain plugin?{anchor:How to list 
> all goals available for a certain plugin?}
> We can use the describe goal of maven-projecthelp-plugin to list the goals 
> available, see sample syntax below.
> \\
> {code}mvn projecthelp:describe 
> -Dplugin=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin -Dfull=true
> {code}\\
> This would display all the goals and descriptions of the parameters used by 
> maven-eclipse-plugin.
> \\
> To get a quick overview about available mojos you can use the 'help' mojo 
> which automatically gets generated in newer plugins.
> \\
> {code}mvn [pluginname]:help
> e.g. mvn eclipse:help
> {code}\\
> _Plugins and Lifecycle, IDEs_\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What does aggregator mean in mojo?{anchor:What does aggregator mean in 
> mojo?}
> When a Mojo has a @aggregator expression, it means that It can only build the 
> parent project of your multi-module-project, the one who has the packaging of 
> pom. It can also give you values for the expression $\{reactorProjects\} 
> where reactorProjects are the MavenProject references to the parent pom 
> modules.
> _Unknown_
> h3. Why there are no dependency properties in Maven 2?{anchor:Why there are 
> no dependency properties in Maven 2?}
> They were removed because they aren't reliable in a transitive environment. 
> It implies that the dependency knows something about the
> environment of the dependee, which is back to front. In most cases, granted, 
> the value for war bundle will be the same for a particular
> dependency - but that relies on the dependency specifying it.
> In the end, we give control to the actual POM doing the building, trying to 
> use sensible defaults that minimise what needs to be
> specified, and allowing the use of artifact filters in the configuration of 
> plugins.
> h3. How do I prevent including JARs in WEB-INF/lib? I need a "compile only" 
> scope\!{anchor:How do I prevent including JARs in WEB-INF/lib? I need a 
> "compile only" scope!}
> The scope you should use for this is provided. This indicates to Maven that 
> the dependency will be provided at run time by its container or the JDK, for 
> example.
> Dependencies with this scope will not be passed on transitively, nor will 
> they be bundled in an package such as a WAR, or included in the runtime 
> classpath.
> h3. How do I list available plugins?{anchor:How do I list available plugins?}
> The "Available Plugins" page lists them, and provides additional information 
> to browse the Maven 2 repository. See [http://maven.apache.org/plugins]
> h3. How do I determine what version of a plugin I am using?{anchor:How do I 
> determine what version of a plugin I am using?}
> You can use the Maven Help Plugin's describe goal. For example, to find out 
> the version of the install plugin:
> {noformat}mvn -Dplugin=install help:describe
> {noformat}Note that you must give the plugin prefix as the argument to 
> plugin, not it's artifact ID.
> h3. How can I use Ant tasks in Maven 2?{anchor:How can I use Ant tasks in 
> Maven 2?}
> There are currently 2 alternatives:
> * For use in a plugin written in Java, Beanshell or other Java-like scripting 
> language, you can construct the Ant tasks [using the instructions given in 
> the Ant documentation|http://ant.apache.org/manual/antexternal.html]
> * If you have very small amounts of Ant script specific to your project, you 
> can use the [AntRun 
> plugin|http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-antrun-plugin/index.html].
> h3. Is it possible to create my own directory structure?{anchor:Is it 
> possible to create my own directory structure?}
> Absolutely yes\!
> By configuring <sourceDirectory>, <resources> and other elements of the 
> <build> section.
> In addition, you may need to change the plugin configuration if you are not 
> using plugin defaults for their files/directories.
> h3. Where is the source code? I couldn't seem to find a link anywhere on the 
> Maven2 site.{anchor:Where is the source code? I couldn't seem to find a link 
> anywhere on the Maven2 site.}
> The source code can be found in subversion: 
> [http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk].
> For more information, see [Building Maven 
> 2.0|http://maven.apache.org/guides/development/guide-building-m2.html].
> h3. Why does Maven compile my test classes but don't run them?{anchor:Why 
> does Maven compile my test classes but don't run them?}
> Tests are run by the surefire plugin. The surefire plugin can be configured 
> to run certain test classes and you may have unintentionally done so by 
> specifying a value to $
> {test}. Check your settings.xml and pom.xml for a property named "test" which 
> would like this:
> {noformat}...
>   <properties>
>     <property>
>       <name>test</name>
>       <value>some-value</value>
>     </property>
>  </properties>
>   ...
> {noformat}or
> {noformat}  ...
>   <properties>
>     <test>some-value</test>
>  </properties>
>   ...
> {noformat}
> h3. Where are the Maven XSD schemas?{anchor:Where are the Maven XSD schemas?}
> The Maven XSD is located here and the Maven Settings XSD is located here.
> Your favorite IDE probably supports XSD schema's for pom.xml and settings.xml 
> editing. You need to specify the following:
> {noformat}<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
>   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>   xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
>                       http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd";>
>   ...
> </project>
> {noformat}
> {noformat}<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
>   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>   xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
>                       http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd";>
>   ...
> </settings>
> {noformat}
> h3. Maven doesn't work, how do I get help?{anchor:Maven doesn't work, how do 
> I get help?}
> We have compiled a list of available resources on the [getting help 
> page|http://maven.apache.org/users/getting-help.html]
> _Dependencies, Design, Patterns & Best Practices_
> h3. Where to find the source code for org.apache.maven.model 
> package?{anchor:Where to find the source code for org.apache.maven.model 
> package?}
> The source for the model package is generated by modello. From your 
> maven-model source, build it and you should able to see tha java files inside 
> /target/generated-sources directory.
> h3. List of available maven 2 mirrors.{anchor:List of available maven 2 
> mirrors.}
> Here is the list of available mirrors you can use, just use one of the 
> following mirror entries in your settings.xml
> \\
> {code:xml}<settings>
>   <mirrors>
>     <mirror>
>       <id>dotsrc.org</id>
>       <url>http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/maven2</url>
>       <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>     </mirror>
>     <mirror>
>       <id>ggi-project.org</id>
>       <url>http://ftp.ggi-project.org/pub/packages/maven2</url>
>       <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>     </mirror>
>     <mirror>
>       <id>sunsite.dk</id>
>       <url>http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/maven2</url>
>       <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>     </mirror>
>     <mirror>
>       <id>planetmirror.com</id>
>       <url>http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/maven2</url>
>       <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>     </mirror>
>     <mirror>
>       <id>lsu.edu</id>
>       <url>http://ibiblio.lsu.edu/main/pub/packages/maven2</url>
>       <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>     </mirror>
>     <mirror>
>       <id>ibiblio.net</id>
>       <url>http://www.ibiblio.net/pub/packages/maven2</url>
>       <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>     </mirror>
>   </mirrors>
> </settings>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How does maven 2 implement reproducibility?{anchor:How does maven 2 
> implement reproducibility?}
> - Add the exact versions of plugins into your pluginDepenencies (make use of 
> the release plugin)
> - Make use of ibiblio for your libraries. This should always be the case for 
> jars. (The group is working on stabilising metadata and techniques for 
> locking it down even if it changes. An internal repository mirror that 
> doesn't fetch updates (only new) is recommended for true reproducibility.)
> &nbsp;
> h3. Unsupported Protocol Error when deploying a 3rd party jar. What should I 
> do?{anchor:Unsupported Protocol Error when deploying a 3rd party jar. What 
> should I do?}
> When using deploy-deploy-file goal and encountered this error
> "Error deploying artifact: Unsupported Protocol: 'ftp': Cannot find wagon 
> which supports the requested protocol: ftp"
> You only have to place the appropriate wagon provider to your %M2_HOME%/lib.
> In this case the provider needed is ftp, so we have to place the wagon-ftp 
> jar to the lib of your m2 installation.
> If the error description is something like
> "Error deploying artifact: Unsupported Protocol: 'ftp': Cannot find wagon 
> which supports the requested protocol: ftp
> org/apache/commons/net/ftp/FTP"
> Place also the commons-net jar to %M2_HOME%/lib.
> h3. How can I have a child project not inherit a goal (like install) from the 
> parent?{anchor:How can I have a child project not inherit a goal (like 
> install) from the parent?}
> Use the _inherited_ property. Set it to *false* in the plugin configuration. 
> So for example, if you want your parent project to be installed but not your 
> child, configure the install plugin like so:
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>    <artifactId>maven-install-plugin</artifactId>
>    <configuration>
>       <inherited>false</inherited>
>    </configuration>
> </plugin>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How can I reference windows or unix environment variables in my 
> POM?{anchor:How can I reference windows or unix environment variables in my 
> POM?}
> Starting in maven *2.0.1*, you can reference windows and unix environment 
> variables inside your pom.xml or settings.xml using an expression of the form:
> \\
> {code}$\{env.VARNAME\}
> {code}\\
> So, if you wanted to reference your home directory environment variable, you 
> might use:
> {code}$\{env.HOME\}
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I know which phase a plug-in is associated with?{anchor:How do I 
> know which phase a plug-in is associated with?}
> Open the plugin's Mojo class source code and look for @phase. This tells 
> which phase the plugin is associated.
> h3. Where to get sun.jdk-tools-jar-1.4.0 on MacOSX?{anchor:Where to get 
> sun.jdk-tools-jar-1.4.0 on MacOSX?}
> There are no tools.jar on a mac. The classes are included in the normal java 
> runtime
> ( /System/Library/Frameworks/ JavaVM.framework/Classes/classes.jar.
> Refer to this link 
> [http://lists.apple.com/archives/java-dev/2002/Jun/msg00901.html] )
> You only have to modify the <systemPath> pointing to your classes.jar on 
> MacOSX.
> \\
> {code:xml}<dependency>
>             <groupId>sun.jdk</groupId>
>             <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
>             <version>1.5.0</version>
>             <systemPath>/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/ 
> 1.5/Classes/classes.jar</systemPath>
>             <scope>system</scope>
>         </dependency>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I include tools.jar in my dependencies?{anchor:How do I include 
> tools.jar in my dependencies?}
> The following code includes tools.jar on Sun JDKs (it is already included in 
> the runtime for Mac OS X and some free JDKs).
> {noformat}...
>   <profiles>
>     <profile>
>       <id>default-tools.jar</id>
>       <activation>
>         <property>
>           <name>java.vendor</name>
>           <value>Sun Microsystems Inc.</value>
>        </property>
>      </activation>
>       <dependencies>
>         <dependency>
>           <groupId>com.sun</groupId>
>           <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
>           <version>1.4.2</version>
>           <scope>system</scope>
>           <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath>
>        </dependency>
>      </dependencies>
>    </profile>
>  </profiles>
>   ...
> {noformat}
> h3. How to remove the artifact in the local repository?{anchor:How to remove 
> the artifact in the local repository?}
> As of now, There is no tool for it. You have to manually delete them in your 
> local repository. However,
> there is already some discussion about this, Please refer to this links for 
> more info.
> [http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-233]
> [http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-68]
> h3. How to make a war artifact as a dependency?{anchor:How to make a war 
> artifact as a dependency?}
> When specifying a war as dependency, make sure that you have set the <type> 
> to war.
> \\
> {code:xml}<dependency>
>         <groupId><!-- groupId of the war --></groupId>
>         <artifactId><!-- artifactId of the war --></artifactId>
>        <version><! -- version of the war --></version>
>          <type>war</type>
>         </dependency>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How can I change the default location of the generated jar when I command 
> "mvn package"?{anchor:How can I change the default location of the generated 
> jar when I command "mvn package"?}
> By default, the location of the generated jar is in 
> $\{project.build.directory\} or in your target directory.
> We can change this by configuring the outputDirectory of maven-jar-plugin.
> \\
> {code:xml}<plugin>
>             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>             <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
>             <configuration>
>                 <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}/<!-- directory 
> --></outputDirectory>
>             </configuration>
>         </plugin>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How can I disable the timestamp appended in my deployed 
> artifact?{anchor:How can I disable the timestamp appended in my deployed 
> artifact?}
> When your deployed artifact is appended by timestamps it means that the 
> artifact version is still in SNAPSHOT,
> meaning it is still in the state of development. There are some ways the 
> append process of the timestamp,
> 1. Change the version of your artifact.
> For example, From 1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.0
> 2. Use the maven-release-plugin to prepare and create the official RELEASE 
> version of your project artifact.
> Please see [http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-releasing.html] for 
> more reference.
> h3. How to run a java program from M2?{anchor:How to run a java program from 
> M2?}
> You may use the exec-maven-plugin for this.
> [http://mojo.codehaus.org/exec-maven-plugin/usage.html]
> h3. How can I make the war plugin produces an exploded war instead of .war 
> file?{anchor:How can I make the war plugin produces an exploded war instead 
> of .war file?}
> You may use war:exploded goal for this.
> h3. Is there any variable to determine what version of an artifact was 
> deployed after the deploy step runs?{anchor:Is there any variable to 
> determine what version of an artifact was deployed after the deploy step 
> runs?}
> Use $\{project.artifact.resolvedVersion\}.
> h3. How do I get the top line of a table to be "headers" for that column in 
> APT?{anchor:How do I get the top line of a table to be "headers" for that 
> column in APT?}
> With the snapshot you can do:
> \\
> {code}|| header 1 || header 2 || header 3 ||
> {code}\\
> Example:
> {code}*----------------+----------------*--------------------------+
> || header 1 ||   | || header 2 || | || header 2 ||
> *----------------+----------------*--------------------------+
> cell1            | cell1          |  cell3
> *----------------+----------------*--------------------------+
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What is the suggested way to download a remote file?{anchor:What is the 
> suggested way to download a remote file?}
> Wagon is really for repository interaction, though it could be used for this.
> To get the wagon:
> \\
> {code:java}/* @component roleHint="http" */
> Wagon wagon;
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I set the base directory for creating the packages created by 
> assembly?{anchor:How do I set the base directory for creating the packages 
> created by assembly?}
> The assembly plugin, by default, saves the packages to your 
> project.build.directory folder from your pom or
> \\
> {code}<project>
> ...
> <build>
>   <directory>path-here</directory
>   ...
> </build>
> ...
> </project
> {code}\\
> Also, you can have assembly plugin use a different directory by setting the 
> plugin parameter {{outputDirectory}} to your desired directory.
> More info about the assembly plugin can be found here: 
> [http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/introduction.html]\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I filter which classes should be put inside the packaged jar?
> All compiled classes are always put into the packaged jar. However, you can 
> configure the compiler plugin to exclude compiling some of the java sources 
> using the compiler parameter {{excludes}} as follows:
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
>  ...
>  <build>
>    ...
>    <plugins>
>      <plugin>
>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>        <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>        <configuration>
>          <excludes>
>            <exclude>**/NotNeeded*.java</exclude>
>          </excludes>
>        </configuration>
>      </plugin>
>    </plugins>
>    ...
>  </build>
> </project>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I install the package generated by the assembly plugin to be 
> installed in the local repository?{anchor:How do I install the package 
> generated by the assembly plugin to be installed in the local repository?}
> Use the assembly plugin goal {{assembly:attach}} to install the generated 
> package into the local repository. However, this feature is still in SVN. 
> Please see [Guide to Testing Development 
> Plugins|http://maven.apache.org/guides/development/guide-testing-development-plugins.html]
>  for more info on how to use it.
> h3. Is it possible to use HashMap as configurable parameter in a plugin? How 
> do I configure that in pom.xml?{anchor:Is it possible to use HashMap as 
> configurable parameter in a plugin? How do I configure that in pom.xml?}
> Yes. Its possible to use a HashMap field as a parameter in your plugin. To 
> use it, your pom configuration should look like this:
> \\
> {code:xml}<myMap>
>     <yourkey>yourvalue</yourkey>
>     .....
>  </myMap>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I setup the classpath of my antrun plugin to use the classpath 
> from maven?{anchor:How do I setup the classpath of my antrun plugin to use 
> the classpath from maven?}
> The maven classpaths are available as ant references when running your ant 
> script. The ant reference names and some examples can be found here: 
> [maven-antrun-plugin|http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-antrun-plugin/classpaths.html]
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. Is there a way to read and examine the contents of a pom.xml file from 
> inside an application?{anchor:Is there a way to read and examine the contents 
> of a pom.xml file from inside an application?}
> Yes. You can use the org/apache/maven/model/io/xpp3/MavenXpp3Reader class 
> from maven model to read a pom.
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. Which plugins have StarTeam (SCM) support? How do they differ? 
> {anchor:Which plugins have StarTeam (SCM) support? How do they differ?}
> maven-scm-plugin and maven-release-plugin support via maven-scm's API and 
> maven-scm-provider-starteam. Release plugin is used to cut a new release of 
> your project (label, build, assembly, deploy, etc.). SCM plugin, on the other 
> hand, is for scm tasks.
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. Is there a way to use the deploy phase to perform some tasks without 
> maven trying to install the artifact to a maven repository?{anchor:Is there a 
> way to use the deploy phase to perform some tasks without maven trying to 
> install the artifact to a maven repository?}
> If you run 'mvn deploy', the 'maven-deploy-plugin' kicks in. There's no flag 
> that tells it not to upload the file. So you'd have to make a new lifecycle 
> mapping/packaging for each <type> of artifact in your project. There's no way 
> to 'delete' mojo's from the default lifecycle. What you could do is specify 
> the remote repo as [file:///tmp]or something. Usually people want to 'upload' 
> a war to the tomcat webapps dir, also known as deploying. That kind of 
> deploying is not something m2 has a phase for.
> What you can do is create a profile in the pom (or super pom), and add a 
> task/mojo to the 'install' phase. For instance, you can have the antrun 
> plugin copy the artifact to the tomcat directory (its location specified in 
> settings.xml). The profile is named 'dev', so whenever you want to deploy a 
> war, you just type 'mvn install \-Pdev'. Don't bind to the deploy phase, but 
> to the install or package phase.
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. Repository precedence {anchor:Repository precedence}
> The repositories are searched through based in the order they are defined in 
> your pom. The inherited repositories are always searched last.
> Note: You don't have to define the central repo (i.e. ibiblio).
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. Is it possible to exclude a package from the generated jar file? 
> {anchor:Is it possible to exclude a package from the generated jar file?}
> You can configure maven-compiler-plugin to exclude your unwanted packages or 
> files to be compiled in the first place. But you will not be able to prevent 
> javac to compile those files if they are referenced by other packages within 
> the source tree. To prevent that, you will need to use antrun plugin ( or 
> write your own custom plugin), bind it to compile phase, and remove unwanted 
> classes in $\{project.build.directory\}/classes. If possible, just move those 
> pacakges/files to another source tree to become another project.
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. How should I point a path for maven 2 to use a certain version of JDK 
> when I have different versions of JDK installed on my PC and my JAVA_HOME 
> already set? {anchor:How should I point a path for maven 2 to use a certain 
> version of JDK when I have different versions of JDK installed on my PC and 
> my JAVA_HOME already set?}
> If yu don't want to change your system JAVA_HOME, set it in maven script 
> instead.
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. Why does release prepare goal requires the project to be released be a 
> snapshot? Is it possible to do a release prepare from a parent project? What 
> about from a sub-project?{anchor: Why does release prepare goal requires the 
> project to be released be a snapshot? Is it possible to do a release prepare 
> from a parent project? What about from a sub-project?}
> The release:prepare requires the project to be released be a snapshot because 
> it follows the maven development process where: - during development, 
> everyone works on snapshots
> - at release time, the snapshot got changed to release version, checked back 
> into SCM, labelled and then built.
> - the version is then incremented with snapshot and checked into SCM again.
> It is possible to do a release:prepare from a parent project, but both the 
> parent project and its sub-project must be in snapshot states.
> When performing release:prepare in a sub project, the parent cannot be in 
> snapshot state. The key here is that we want to be able to reproduce the 
> build with a label. Any snapshot state from parent or dependencies will 
> prevent that from happening.
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> h3. How can I create an archetype with resources mapped to the class files 
> directory? {anchor:How can I create an archetype with resources mapped to the 
> class files directory?}
> Specify the resources to be sources as shown below:
> \\
> {code:xml}<sources>
>  <source>src/main/resources/sampleXml.xml</source>
>  <source>src/main/resources/sampleProperties.properties</source>
> </sources>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I add a description to the welcome page of the generated site when 
> I execute mvn site? {anchor:How do I add a description to the welcome page of 
> the generated site when I execute mvn site?}
> Fille up the <description> in the pom.xml as shown below:
> \\
> {code:xml}<project>
> ...
> <description> put your description here</description>
> ....
> </project>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What does (f) and (s) debug output mean? {anchor:What does (f) and (s) 
> debug output mean?}
> (f) is for field injection while (s) is for setter injection.
> h3. Is there a preferred way to communicate dependencies in 
> documentation?{anchor:Is there a preferred way to communicate dependencies in 
> documentation?}
> Same format used in Maven error reporting:
> groupId:artifactId:version
> This should be easy to understand by Maven users.
> h3. Are there any recommendations on how to handle dependencies, which aren't 
> always required?{anchor:Are there any recommendations on how to handle 
> dependencies, which aren't always required?}
> Create a profile and include the dependency within it.
> Related document: 
> [http://maven.apache.org/maven-model/maven.html#class_profile]
> h3. How to resolve problems with jtaxxx.jar?{anchor:How to resolve problems 
> with jtaxxx.jar?}
> Refer to [http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-coping-with-sun-jars.html]
> One trick is to use apache gerinomo jars instead of installing everything 
> manually.
> h3. How not to include all jar files from parent pom?{anchor:How not to 
> include all jar files from parent pom?}
> Use the right scope. If you don't want them to be included, specify the scope 
> of your dependency as provided.
> h3. How to make Continuum work in service mode when an Error 1067 is 
> reported?{anchor:How to make Continuum work in service mode when an Error 
> 1067 is reported?}
> When using WinXP, Continuum works in command line but not in service mode and 
> reports an "Error 1067". This is due to the system path including spaces 
> (e.g. "c:Program Files"). To fix this remove the %PATH% references in 
> wrapper.conf.
> h3. Which part in pom.xml the javadoc plugin should be 
> configured?{anchor:Which part in pom.xml the javadoc plugin should be 
> configured?}
> It can be done in the plugins section of the pom or in the plugins section of 
> the report section in the pom.
> Generally, you should configure it in the reporting section. Configuration 
> there applies to both the site, and when run on the command line, and adding 
> the plugin there adds the report to the generated site.
> Configuration in the build section is only used during the normal lifecycle 
> or the command line invocation (e.g. javadoc:javadoc). Configuration should 
> go there if you do not want the report on the site, or the configuration 
> differs from what is on the site (e.g., some plugins have a fail build 
> option).
> h3. What would it take for the MOJO one to get out of the 
> sandbox?{anchor:What would it take for the MOJO one to get out of the 
> sandbox?}
> A full release, with active developers.
> h3. Using xdoclet, how come "<fileset dir="src/main"><include 
> name="\**/beans/*\*/*Bean.java"/></fileset>" does not work?{anchor:Using 
> xdoclet, how come "" does not work?}
> For an example, let's say you have a Java source at 
> src/main/java/com/junk/JunkBean.java. For it to compile correctly, it needs 
> to have a "package com.junk;" in it. When XDoclet walks the source starting 
> at "src/main", it find a source file that identifies itself as being in 
> package "com.junk" but it findsthe source in package "java.com.junk". Since 
> the two don't match, XDoclet assumes that there is a serious problem with the 
> source file and ignores it.
> h3. How do I indicate array types in a MOJO configuration?{anchor:How do I 
> indicate array types in a MOJO configuration?}
> \\
> {code:xml}<tags>
>   <tag>value1</tag>
>   <tag>value2</tag>
> </tags>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. I don't have a domain name and I don't want use my employer's domain 
> name. What should I name my plugin package?{anchor:I don't have a domain name 
> and I don't want use my employer's domain name. What should I name my plugin 
> package?}
> How will the plugin be licensed? Is it intended to just be a binary 
> distribution or will the source be available? Where will be the documentation 
> be? How will people find out about it?
> I think your choice is probably influenced by these questions. One option, of 
> course, is to propose it to mojo.codehaus.org if you want to and can share 
> the code.
> h3. I issued\- mvn \-Declipse.downloadSources=true eclipse eclipse goal. It 
> created .classpath and .project for both modules, and in my local repository 
> it downloaded sources Ho do I access them in eclipse?{anchor:I issued- mvn 
> -Declipse.downloadSources=true eclipse eclipse goal. It created .classpath 
> and .project for both modules, and in my local repository it downloaded 
> sources Ho do I access them in eclipse?}
> \\
> {code:xml}<build>
>         <pluginManagement>
>             <plugins>
>                 <plugin>
>                     <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                     <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId>
>                     <version>2.0</version>
>                     <configuration>
>                         <downloadSources>true</downloadSources>
>                     </configuration>
>                 </plugin>
>             </plugins>
>         </pluginManagement>
>     </build>
> {code}\\
> Make sure the generated .classpath actually contains sourcepath attributes, 
> like this:
> {code}<classpathentry kind="var"
>                 path="M2_REPO/javax/servlet/servlet-api/ 
> 2.4/servlet-api-2.4.jar"
>                 sourcepath="M2_REPO/javax/servlet/servlet- 
> api/2.4/servlet-api-2.4-sources.jar"/>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Is there a setting for testing, where I can add a directory to the 
> classpath, which will allow the tests to access the files?{anchor:Is there a 
> setting for testing, where I can add a directory to the classpath, which will 
> allow the tests to access the files?}
> \\
> {code:xml}<testResources>
>          <testResource>
>             <targetPath>org/apache/struts/resources</targetPath>
>             <directory>conf/java</directory>
>             <includes>
>                <include>**/*.xml</include>
>                <include>**/*.dtd</include>
>             </includes>
>          </testResource>
>          <testResource>
>             <directory>src/test</directory>
>             <includes>
>                <include>**/*.xml</include>
>             </includes>
>          </testResource>
>       </testResources>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How can I stop this "WARNING While downloading 
> artifactId-artifactId-version This artifact has been relocated to 
> groupId-artifactId-version"?{anchor:How can I stop this "[WARNING] While 
> downloading artifactId-artifactId-version This artifact has been relocated to 
> groupId-artifactId-version"?}
> It's probably because some other dependency has specified the dependency on 
> artifactId:artifactId. It will only go away when that declaration is fixed in 
> that POM.
> h3. I would like clarification on what version of the JDK is required for m2 
> - particularly with respect to creating Plugins.{anchor:I would like 
> clarification on what version of the JDK is required for m2 -- particularly 
> with respect to creating Plugins.}
> 1.4 is required to run m2 there're problems when using 1.5 features in 
> plugins. People tried and failed because qdox (used for some mojo stuff 
> doesn't support new 1.5 language)
> h3. i'm wondering what a "snapshot" actually is.{anchor:i'm wondering what a 
> "snapshot" actually is.}
> A snapshot is a development version. e.g, 2.0-SNAPSHOT is 
> thestill-in-development future 2.0.If you want to use a snapshot, just use 
> <version> , e.g. <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version> . But first you must ensure 
> that you have access to the repository containing this version.
> h3. Is it possible that if I do mvn eclipse eclipse goal that my project 
> would get disconnected from the subversion repository?{anchor:Is it possible 
> that if I do mvn eclipse eclipse goal that my project would get disconnected 
> from the subversion repository?}
> 1.4 is required to run m2 there're problems when using 1.5 features in 
> plugins. People tried and failed because qdox (used for some mojo stuff 
> doesn't support new 1.5 language)
> h3. Does it matter if the project's directory name is not the same as the 
> artifactId?{anchor:Does it matter if the project's directory name is not the 
> same as the artifactId?}
> It does not really matter. It'll work, some defaults might have to be 
> overridden (eg SCM inheritance, though that's hopefully going to change), and 
> the parent path if not.
> h3. pom.xml or settings.xml? What is the best practice configuration usage 
> for these files?{anchor:pom.xml or settings.xml? What is the best practice 
> configuration usage for these files?}
> The best practice guideline between settings.xml and pom.xml is that 
> configurations in settings.xml must be specific to the current user and that 
> pom.xml configurations are specific to the project.
> For example, <repositories> in pom.xml would tell all users of the project to 
> use the <repositories> specified in the pom.xml. However, some users may 
> prefer to use a mirror instead, so they'll put <mirrors> in their 
> settings.xml so they can choose a faster repository server.
> so there you go:
> settings.xml \-> user scope
> pom.xml \-> project scope
> h3. What is reactorProjects? executedProject?{anchor:What is reactorProjects? 
> executedProject?}
> $\{reactorProjects} are the projects that the current mvn command are going 
> to be built. This will include the parent project and all its children while 
> $\{executedProject} is the project where you typed your mvn command.
> h3. Why do i get an 'error downloading artifact' message when building with 
> Maven 2 under Fedora Core 4 and Java 1.4?{anchor:Why do i get an 'error 
> downloading artifact' message when building with Maven 2 under Fedora Core 4 
> and Java 1.4?}
> Some versions of Java 1.4 are incompatible with the IPv6 networking protocol, 
> leading to socket errors when Java attempts to establish network connections. 
> IPv6 is enabled by default in Fedora Core 4, and in recent kernel updates 
> (2.6.12) to Fedora Core 3. This causes maven to fail to download jars from 
> remote repositories. The symptoms are:
> {color:#ff0000}java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument or cannot assign 
> requested address{color}
> To solve this, add *_\-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true{_}* to your maven 
> invocation, i.e.
> {color:#ff0000}mvn install \-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true{color}
> More information can be found at 
> [http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Deploy/IPV6Warning?skin=print]
> h3. What is a Snapshot?{anchor:What is a Snapshot?}
> A snapshot is a development version. e.g, 2.0-SNAPSHOT is the
> still-in-development future 2.0.
> If you want to use a snapshot, juste use <version> , e.g. <version>
> 2.0-SNAPSHOT</version> . But first you must ensure that you have access to
> the repository containing this version. For example, for Maven snapshots as
> stated below, you could use :
> \\
> {code:xml}<repositories>
>   <repository>
>     <id>maven-snapshots</id>
>     <url>http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/</url>
>   </repository>
> </repositories>
> {code}\\
> or, for plugins :
> {code:xml}<pluginRepositories>
>   <pluginRepository>
>     <id>maven-snapshots</id>
>     <url> http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/</url>
>   </pluginRepository>
> </pluginRepositories>
> {code}\\
> Please refer to the following links
> [http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/index.html#How%20do%20I%20make%20my%20first%20Maven%20project?]
> [http://maven.apache.org/maven-model/maven.html#class_repository]\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I determine my project's transitive dependencies, and if needed, 
> exclude a particular  transitive dependency?{anchor:How do I determine my 
> project's transitive dependencies, and if needed, exclude a particular  
> transitive dependency?}
> To find out which of your dependencies is causing the problem, use \-X
> on the mvn command line.  If necessary, you can redirect the output
> to a file with '> filename.txt' .
> Then add an exclusion to that dependency in your pom.xml.  Here's a
> post with some examples of exclusions:
> [http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.jakarta.tapestry.devel/9103]
> h3. If two versions of the same dependency are at the same depth, how do you 
> know or predict which version will be used?
> The order in which dependencies are declared effectively becomes the 
> tie-breaker when two dependency versions are declared at the same depth...so 
> if:
> \\
> {code}A -> B, C
> B -> D (v2)
> C -> D (v3)
> and A declares the following:
> <dependencies>
>   <dependency>
>     [...]
>     <artifactId>B</artifactId>
>   </dependency>
>   <dependency>
>     [...]
>     <artifactId>C</artifactId>
>   </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> {code}\\
> Maven should choose D (v2) because B is declared first in the POM.
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How do I configure a project to use a specific version of a JDK?
> Use the following plugin:
> \\
> {code}<plugin>
>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>        <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>        <configuration>
>          <verbose>true</verbose>
>          <fork>true</fork>
>          <executable><!-- path-to-javac --></executable>
>          <compilerVersion>1.3</compilerVersion>
>        </configuration>
>   </plugin>
> {code}\\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. Is there a way to use the current date in the POM?
> Take a look at the buildnumber plugin. It can be used to generate a build 
> date each time I do a build, as follows:
> \\
> {code}<plugin>
>         <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-buildnumber-plugin</artifactId>
>         <version>0.9.4</version>
>         <configuration>
>           <format>{0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}</format>
>           <items>
>             <item>timestamp</item>
>           </items>
>           <doCheck>false</doCheck>
>           <doUpdate>false</doUpdate>
>         </configuration>
>         <executions>
>           <execution>
>             <phase>validate</phase>
>             <goals>
>               <goal>create</goal>
>             </goals>
>           </execution>
>         </executions>
>       </plugin>
> {code}\\
> The build date is available as $buildNumber in my POMs and resource files.
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. What is the purpose of remote repository (other than ibilbilo)?
> To store stuff that is not in ibiblio. An example of this is your own stuff.
> h3. Whenever a file is modified in a maven project how is the SNAPSHOT jar 
> updated in the remote repository?
> Using mvn deploy, after inserting proper <distributionManagement/> section 
> into your POM
> h3. Is maven 'deploy' goal and actually copying of a dependency or artifact 
> jar to remote repository same?
> Actually, simply copying the artifact to the repository is not the same as 
> using deploy. The deploy goal will update various metadata files, create the 
> md5 and sha1 checksum files, and can optionally create missing POM files etc 
> along with actually copying the artifact file.
> So there is a significant difference between the copying the file and using 
> deploy.
> \\
> h3. When I run mvn release:prepare, I get a build failure saying "Unable to 
> tag SCM, File (...) already exists". However, the tag does not exist. What is 
> wrong?
> The full failure will look something like this:
> '/stuff/tags/example/pom.xml'
> {code}\[INFO\] Tagging release with the label stuff-1.0.0...
> \[INFO\] Executing: svn \--non-interactive copy \--file 
> C:\DOCUME~1\G980143\LOCALS~1\Temp\mave
> n-scm-1259783654.commit . 
> http://www.example.com/subversion/repo/example/tags/stuff-1.0.0
> \[INFO\] Working directory: C:\projects\stuff\branches\1.0.x
> \[INFO\] 
> \-----------------------------------------------------------------------\-
> \[INFO\] 
> \-----------------------------------------------------------------------\-
> \[INFO\] Unable to tag SCM
> Provider message:
> The svn tag command failed.
> Command output:
> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: File 'subversion/repo/example/tags/stuff-1.0.0/pom.xml' already exists
> {code}This will only happen in Subversion 1.5.x, and is due to a "changed 
> behavior" in Subversion 1.5.0 and upwards. Maven and Subversion people have 
> at the time og writing not agreed upon who should fix it. A workaround is to 
> downgrade Subversion to version 1.4.4 and use that. Another is to manually 
> copy the trunk/release branch to the tags directory, commit the change and 
> then edit the release.properties file to reflect the fact that tagging has 
> been done.
> h3. How do I filter resources in the war?
> The best resource for filtering resources in the war can be found here:
> [http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/examples/adding-filtering-webresources.html]
> h3. Does maven support automated build and test from non-Java applications?
> Maven does support non-Java applications such as C but with a limited 
> capacity.
> h3. What would be the appropriate way to enable inheritance of classes in the 
> test hierarchy across modules during the test-compile phase of a multi-pom 
> project?
> For information on this topic please visit: 
> [http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-attached-tests.html]
> h3. How do I read the version from the pom.xml and then using Java display 
> the version on my application?
> If you want to read a pom file, you can use the MavenXpp3Reader#read(... ).
> But if you simply want to get the version of your currently running maven 
> project inside your pom ( which is usually the case ), you can simply do:
> \\
> {code}/**
> * @parameter expression="${project.version}"
> */
> private String version;
> {code}\\
> Also, if you have a maven project (similar to the contents of its pom except 
> that inheritance is already applied ) and want to get its version, you can 
> use MavenProject#getVersion().
> \\
> \\
> \\
> \\
> h3. How can I add two different source-directories to a project?
> You can do this by using the maven-buildhelper-plugin.&nbsp; It allows you to 
> add additional source directories.
> h3. How do I add properties to a pom?
> &nbsp;<properties>
> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<myproperty>propertyvalue</myproperty>
> &nbsp;</properties> Then $myproperty=propertyvalue
> h3. How do replace <attainGoal> from m1 in m2?
> I want to build a plugin with multiple goal, some goal might be aliases and 
> call other goals. How do i do that in m2?&nbsp;
> h3. Maven Open Source\! How do I download the source code?
> I've seen the link to the source code: 
> [http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/components/trunk/]
> but what is the easy way to download the source code. I can't find all the 
> answers I need to understand in the documeentation (need more\!) so it will 
> be usefull to get the source code locally to be able to do search etc...
> I've just found the answer svn anonymous access: 
> [http://maven.apache.org/source-repository.html&nbsp];
> h3. Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher when I try to execute Maven?
> This sometimes happens when $M2_HOME is not the same as your $PATH.  That is, 
> when 'which mvn' does not match $M2_HOME/bin/mvn.
> h3. Is Julia Antonova/Tumlare out of the office?
> Julia deserves her own page.  Please see [MAVENUSER:Is Julia Antonova Tumlare 
> out of the office?]
> h3. How to encrypt a secure password that includes an Ampersand
> If you want to {code}mvn --encrypt-password{code} a password with an 
> ampersand you will get an error, e.g. {code}mvn --encrypt-password 
> test&Password{code}
> On the one hand the ampersand has to be encoded as entity with &amp;. On the 
> other hand the ampersand has to be escaped for the command line.
> Result would be {code}mvn --encrypt-password test\&amp;Password{code}
> Also a dollar sign $ has to be escaped for the command line.
> {code}

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