
Herve Boutemy commented on MSHADE-342:

bq.  needs to "know" about a parent project that the IT project itself has no 
relation with

notice that by convention, these setup jobs are named "setup*", then it should 
be easier to guess

bq.  Why can't we just fix that and make sure the setup project is copied to 
the target/ directory?
a setup job can be complex, it's rarely as simple as the current "setup-parent" 

as a consequence, I don't know if running every setup job when launching an 
isolated IT is really a good idea... but this discussion is for MINVOKER

FInal point to me is that such a basic parent pom does not require all that IT 
setup job complexity: if you want a simple solution for the simple current 

> Many integration tests fail when run in isolation
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSHADE-342
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHADE-342
>             Project: Maven Shade Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.2.2
>            Reporter: Peter De Maeyer
>            Priority: Minor
> Maven invoker plugin supports running ITs in isolation, but many ITs fail 
> when run in isolation.
> One example (there are many others):
> {code:bash}
> mvn -Prun-its clean verify -Dinvoker.test=MSHADE-258_module_relocation
> {code}
> They fail because of a missing {{target/it/setup-parent/pom.xml}}.
> The failure is logged in {{target/it/setup-parent/build.log}}.
> The reason is that there is a missing parent dependency, which is apparently 
> required for _any_ IT in this project.
> When you run all the ITs together, it works by accident because the missing 
> directory is created by some other test in the beginning of the IT test run, 
> and then all subsequent tests work as well.
> h3. Potential solution
> A fix is to identify the broken ITs by running all of them in isolation and 
> add the following to all of the broken ones:
> {code:xml}
>     <parent>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.its</groupId>
>         <artifactId>shade-parent</artifactId>
>         <version>1.0</version>
>         <relativePath>../setup-parent</relativePath>
>     </parent>
> {code}
> It should be documented somewhere (maybe it is but I overlooked it?) that, 
> when writing an IT, this _must_ be the parent.
> The acceptance criteria for the fix should be:
> # {{mvn -Run-its clean verify -Dinvoker.test=<any-IT>}} must run the IT in 
> isolation.
> # Optional, but nice if it works: after running the IT (or all ITs) once, it 
> must be possible to debug the Maven project by doing {{cd target/it/<any-IT>; 
> mvnDebug install}}.
> (+) It satisfies both acceptance criteria.
> (-) Every individual IT's {{pom.xml}} needs to be updated with a parent 
> dependency it has no business with.
> (-) It excludes writing an IT for a root project (that has no parent).
> Maybe we can find a solution that doesn't involve updating all IT projects.
> I'll need to investigate a bit more, first I'll need to figure out where the 
> {{setup-parent}} project comes from.

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