
Elliotte Rusty Harold updated MCHANGES-353:
    Labels: GoodForNewContributors  (was: )

> The RestJiraDownloader ignores the filter property.
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCHANGES-353
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MCHANGES-353
>             Project: Maven Changes Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.11
>            Reporter: Lucas Hahn
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: GoodForNewContributors
> In RestJiraDownloader the JQL query is created as such:
> {code}
> String jqlQuery = new JqlQueryBuilder( log ).urlEncode( false ).project( 
> jiraProject ).fixVersion(getFixFor() ).fixVersionIds( resolvedFixVersionIds 
> ).statusIds( resolvedStatusIds ).priorityIds( resolvedPriorityIds 
> ).resolutionIds( resolvedResolutionIds ).components( resolvedComponentIds 
> ).typeIds( resolvedTypeIds ).sortColumnNames( sortColumnNames ).build();
> {code}
> As you can see, the filter method isn't called (unlike the 
> ClassicJiraDownloader). This makes the user unable to specify specific JQL.
> I feel like the best solution is if the filter attribute is valued then it 
> creates a completely separate JQL query so it doesn't use any defaults.
> Either way, it seems like one should be able to use the filter attribute in 
> some way.

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