
Elliotte Rusty Harold commented on MASSEMBLY-681:

This does sound like  mojo bug. Where should that go?

> plugin ignores empty finalName and uses default value
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-681
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MASSEMBLY-681
>             Project: Maven Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Wish
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>            Reporter: Paul Millar
>            Assignee: Karl Heinz Marbaise
>            Priority: Minor
>             Fix For: backlog
> When used in the 'dir' format, I would argue that an empty finalName is 
> reasonable.
> For example, I would expect the following configuration, with the 'dir' 
> format, to output the assembled files in ${foo.baseDirectory}
>     <configuration>
>         <descriptors>
>           <descriptor>src/main/assembly/foo.xml</descriptor>
>         </descriptors>
>         <outputDirectory>${foo.baseDirectory}</outputDirectory>
>         <finalName/>
>     </configuration>
> The actual behaviour is to silently ignore the configured empty finalName and 
> use the default finalName value, which is append this to the outputDirectory.
> Arguably there are two bugs here:
>     finalName is silently ignored (if this is invalid, it should report an 
> error)
>     the empty finalName is not honoured.
> Specify '.' as the finalName (<finalName>.</finalName>) seems to work as a 
> work-around, at least for unix-like systems.

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